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I chuckle and head towards the table, setting my plate down. I grab my water from the fridge I had placed only moments ago and head back to the table. Sitting down, I take the warm pastry in my hand and take a bite. "Delicious," I say after swallowing.
Faking an offended expression I say, "And you expected any less?" Winking I plop down to take a bite of my own pastry.
I chuckle taking another bite, enjoying every bite of the savory cina-fiesta in my mouth. I smile then take a drink of my water.
Setting the baked good down on the plate, I take a drink of my coffee to find it chilled-- Not that I minded, Iced coffee was plenty good as hot. I smile a bit as I begin to slip into the state of daydreaming, though its only light as I don't wish to offend if a conversation were to be struck up.
I finish the pastry, then walk to the kitchen. I place the plate in the sink after rinsing it. "I'm going to head to my room and sort some of my bills out. If you need me I'll be in there," I say, something crossing my mind. "Oh! Thanks for breakfast, it was great." I add before walking myself to my bedroom.
"See ya around." I smile waving before continuing to sip my coffee and work at my food, After hearing the door close I bite my lip as I slip into daydream land, a land of memories and music that never could quite reach the ear. Mumbling a song from the past, I pull my legs up on the chair I occupy, feelign an eerie calm spread through my limbs as I relax. "And we say: "We're in love with all of it" And we say: "We're in love with everything."And we say: "What can we say?"" Such an unknown song.. But still.
I sit down and slouch in my chair, my head resting against the back of it. I groan then pull out the envelope I keep the payments in. Though it's thick, it'll be gone all too soon. "450, for rent. Check. 200, for utilities. Check. Then 50, for fees on my books. Check. That leaves...Oh holy shit, 200? Did I calculate wrong?" I talk to myself in a way to loud tone. Starting at my voice, I quiet down. "No, calculations are all there. Correct. Done. Why..?" I go through everything. Everything's payed, not a day late. I shrug and put everything in envelopes.
Glancing at the clock I grimace, "Ugh." Pulling myself to my feet I walk towards the shower, "Joy oh joy the time is coming."
I walk to the living room, envelopes in hand. I slide my shoes on and my jacket to go drop the envelopes in the mail. As I do so, I look outside and see the snow melting. I shrug and head back inside.
Standing in the shower I frown at the wall as I contemplate the loan I had taken upon myself. Had I not been so proud as to-- Shaking my head I flip the shower to full heat. Somewhat regretting my decision moments later as I let out a squeal at the murderous water cascaded on my skin, reddening it at the touch.
I stretch as I walk in, then look at my phone. Missed call? What... I had begun thinking to myself. I call the number back. "Oh hey Kelly, what's up?" I ask knowing what this meant. "Wait, Lydia and Justin quit?.. Double shift?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Uh, give me 15 minutes and I'll head there." I walk to my bedroom, dreading this. "See you soon." I shut my door and change, mumbling and talking to myself. I look around for my cafe hat. I rub my hands over my face.
Stepping out of the bathroom now dressed I frown slightly seeing you looking for something, "Get called in or something?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
I look up, and sigh. "Yeah, Lydia and Justin decided to quit. One day off this week was all I asked, but Kelly couldn't call Sarah o-or..god knows who." I rub my neck. "I'm uh, looking for my cafe hat.. Have you... Seen it." I mutter a bit, long past growing upset with Kelly. Maybe another time Oli, maybe another time. I think to myself.
Smiling half halfheartedly I nod, "I think I saw it on the front table," I say gesturing towards the table next to the front door. "That sucks, I hope you didn't have irreplaceable plans.." Heading over to the hall I grab my shoes, while filling the cats and dog bowel before I shut my door. "I really hate it when that happens, one day is all you want-- to chill or even you know.. life." Laughing a bit I sit on the couch to pull on my boots.
I nod, picking it up. "I guess the plans can wait." I smile halfheartedly. I sigh, looking at my watch. "I guess I'll see you after work?" I ask, not expecting much of a response as I slide my jacket on. I grab my wallet and keys, then head towards the door.
"Ah-- Wait up-- I'll walk with you." I call as I struggle to slip on the other boot over my obnoxiously bright socks. "Almost-" I groan as I manage to slip it on, "Got it." I yell triumphantly as I stand heading for my coat, "Somehow I don't think that was any simpler than actually untying and retying them.."
I chuckle and smile as I watch you, "Well alright." I say, taking a deep breath. I wait by the door, waiting for you. I lean against the door way as I wait for your approach.
Shrugging on my fuzzy jacket I smile, extending my arm in a gesture of 'you first' towards the door. "Ladies first" I joke.
I click my tongue, and say in the gayest voice, "Darling, I'm no lady.. I'm a fierce queen," I chuckle then open open the door, going to my usual tone, "after you. I insist." I smile warmly.
Sticking my tongue out for a moment, I push past you into the freezing air, "Ah--.... Such a.. hell froze over day." Winking I tap down the walk pausing at the halls end to wait for you to lock the door. "Anytime sweetheart." I call.
I chuckle and shake my head, as I turn the handle as it refuses to move. I nod then turn to catch up with you "I'm on my way, calm down," I call after you. Once caught up, I smile and shudder as a bast of cold sends chills down my spine.
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"Did ya' lock it?" I ask, eyes squinting in a 'I'm watching you wasouski' way. Pulling my jacket tighter around myself I glance up at the sky, then down to the ground. "Was there snow in the forecast?"
I grin "Yeah, it's locked," I shrug "I don't think so..But you know how the weather is here." I stretch then zip my jacket, trying to get as much protection from the cold as possible. "Though, judging by the past few days, it could happen." I say, recalling the last few nights of the winter wrath.
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I nod in agreement. I stop outside the cafe at that I'm employed. "Well, I guess I'll see you after work Al." I say, looking at you.

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