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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique

Vivienne said shaking her head as she knew her daughter was a bit hyper on sweets. "the pain will go away fully in three days..." she replied worried Michelle was hurting from the healing of her wound of the past day. her face became more worried as she turns to see her daughter's blood stain bandages "we need to change them out before we start on our walk to nanas house" Vivienne replied digging through her bag. The car soon stopped "sis I'm going to help Michelle change out her bandages, you can start getting things down and we will be out in a bit" Vivienne replied as she pulled out all the things needed to change out Michelle's bandages. Kathleen nodded and got out of the car with Jim to take out their luggage from the trunk. Texangamer Texangamer
Jayce looked up at the woman from his sitting position, setting his right hand behind his back, and using it as leverage to push himself up off the grass. He offered the woman his hand. "I am Jayce Black, from the U.S. and as you guessed I am a new student. Is there anything important I should know?"
Marina smiled moving the orb to hold it user one arm as she out stretched her free arm "nice to meet ya Jayce... im Marina.."She replied shaking his hand "anything you should now...umm" she bit her lip as she thought "there are a good number of nice people here, though quite a few bullies....." She trailed off before shaking her head and her smile returned "I would say avoid the headmaster...scary and ...just don't mess with her....dorms are that building over there" she pointed out towards the dorms (I don't remember if it has a specific location in the rp X3). "Just go through the outside because taking the halls inside will have you running around in circles when your looking for them your first time....food is great....and um...I think that might be all?" She replied trying to remember if she left anything out.
Jayce nodded. "Any garage space under the dorms?" He inquired. He looked over to his car. "Also I need someone who can drive, and well. Actually 2 people who can drive. I need to pick my other cars up and bring them down here." He looked at her " I will take your advice on the Headmistress, and I am looking forward to the food here."
Lance nodded, satisfied that she had stopped before she got hurt. He still felt a little bad he had worn her out, but this moment had given him hope in her. He blushed furiously, not having known before that she could read minds. He looked away from her, unable to face her as he weaved. "That would be nice... Thank you. Can you stand?" He turned his attention to Isabella. "I... I think we should get back to the nurses office now. If we tell her that one of my legs is better then she'll take the chair back and give me crutches so you guys don't have to push me around anymore." He whipped his head around when Asaya tapped his chair, and flushed at bit, embarrassed he had actually forgotten Asaya was there. He was too caught up in conversation with the girls and his thoughts about Akira. He wondered if Akira and Asaya would be good friends, he wanted to introduce them when Akira came back and informed him of such before writing to Asaya. "I'm sorry, it was so pretty I thought it was one of those masks you weren't supposed to actually wear... It's back in the nurse's office, you can show me how to put it on when we get back." It sounded like a lie, but Lance had meant it. There weren't strings on it or anything, he wasn't sure how he was supposed to put it on.

Texangamer Texangamer Tree_lord Tree_lord
Asaya sounded disappointed as he responded to Lance, letting out a small sigh. "Ah, i see! My masks tend to stick. it is fine to just set them up to your face, friend!" He set his bag down, grabbing another mask out. Asaya seemed to not have even noticed that Lance had mentioned wanting to go inside, and pulled a mask from his bag. "Here, friend! I have another for you to try!" He did have a slight flush, that was barely visible from the side if one were to look closely enough. He loved when other's complimented his work.
Marina thought for a bit "I think there is a garage space,...but I don't think I know many students with cars...so not sure who can drive I never asked.." she replied looking over to his car then back over to Jayce. "you could ask around to see who can drive" she was not going to tell him she knew how to drive, driving strangers car just made her nervous and did he just say he had more than one car? that was very strange to her. TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays
Michelle Leane Woods

Elle just looked at her mom in the car as she looked around as she knew it was gonna hurt as she sighed" okay mama" she says as she looked up at her mother as she winced in pain she couldn't wait to see her Nana" I'm fine I'm tough I'm strong" she said as she just saw her mother first aid kit and the bandages she just sighed" mama who's the man Jim I don't remember him when I was little" she said just looking around the car as she was still a bit hyper but in pain she just was watching her mom help her" how far is Nana house" she asked looking up at her AquaMarie AquaMarie
"Aight will do. If you don't want to drive you don't have to. If you want to however, I have a car that I would trust anyone with any driving experience over 3 hours drive. But anyways thanks for letting me know." He shook her hand one last time before looking at her and saying "Welp, thanks for the introduction, but I really have to find some people to help me move my cars from the apartment I was renting to here." And with that, he left her alone seeing a group of what looked like 3 students sitting out on the lawn. Odds were hopefully in his favor. When he arrived by them he looked at them and took a slight breath before beginning to speak. "Do any of you know how to drive? I need 2 people to help me get my other cars here."
Maki Suzuki

Maki just looked at him as she just sighed" I'm fine" she say standing up as she lost a bit of balance other than that she was fine she just smiled as she played with her sweater as she looked down" why didn't you come visit me when I was in coma didn't any of my friends cared i was lonely in the hospital top of that my aunt and uncle don't even remember me" anyways let's take you inside " my friend" she say as she went and pushed him inside she wasn't emotional as she looked at new guy asking about the car as she shook her head she just bite her lip looking around she didn't like new people she missed Danny and her music she just sighed she hoped she didn't get bullied like when she first started the school SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
The guilt set in his chest slightly, "I'm sorry. I would have if I had known. No one told me where you went, I had assumed you had moved schools after the... incident." He worried for her slightly, and hoped that she would get some rest once they got back to the nurse's office. Lance nodded to Asaya and was about to put the mask on when the man approached. Lance couldn't drive. He had just turned 17, and the legal driving age in France is 18. Lance normally walked or at the very most, took a train wherever he needed to go. "Sorry," he wrote to the other in the air, "even if my leg wasn't broken, I think all of us are under the age of 18, so we can't legally drive. Are you a new student?" He sensed something off about this man. He couldn't place what it was, but his presence made Lance tense and anxious. Something was wrong, but Lance shoved the feeling out. He didn't know anything about this man, there was no reason to judge him so quickly. He looked to Asaya before he went to put the mask on, and for the first few seconds, nothing happened. He noticed Marina was nearby and weaved arrows near her, directing her towards them. "Hello Marina, it's good to see you! How have you been?"

TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays Texangamer Texangamer Tree_lord Tree_lord AquaMarie AquaMarie
(forgot to add the description of this mask. I'll edit and add it here) The mask that Asaya had pulled out for lance was much more decorative this time, it had flowers engraved on the cheeks and a small horn coming from the top and curling back above the head. It was painted blue, and the flowers were yellow. It looked as though it was made long ago, the paint chipping off slightly and a few scratches near one of the eyes. The mask felt odd to Lance, as it felt it would fall off any moment. sure enough, though, it stayed on without fail. Asaya seemed happy that Lance was wearing the mask, and turned to the man who approached them. "I know how to drive, friend! Although, I am unsure if I am allowed to here! Or if my feet will reach!" Asaya was oddly slightly more quiet when mentioning his own height, as though he truly wished to avoid the subject, but felt he needed to anyway. At about this time, Lance heard quiet whispers as though someone was speaking secrets to another just out of range for him to hear.
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Jayce recognized that look in her eyes. That look of pure fear towards other human beings. She was the type of person he had defended so may times. The one who seemed to constantly be picked on. He looked down at her. "I don't bite ya know..." He looked at Lance "Oh that's fine. Yes I am new here. I guess I will just have someone tow them." He had turned 18 over the summer, and this was his last year of school. "My friends really weren't kidding when they said France was weird"
Maki Suzuki

Maki just looked at them as she just looked away" it's fine i understand" she say to her friend after that she was quite the whole time she didn't trust the guy as she was messing with her friends as she looked at him she didn't like meeting new people she just sighed he was a upper classman she just looked at lance than to the mask guy she just felt a sharp pain in her head hearing everyone thoughts all together she just acted like it was nothing she just just sighed looking at the guy" you don't know France like i do this is my home" she say to him looking at him" i lived here my whole life don't say stuff like that" she say holding onto Lance as she was scared of him SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
"its alright dear dont be sorry.." she said finishing working on changing her banfages "im sorry it hurts sweetie....but it will get better it takes a while with these types of wounds...but it will hurt less as everyday gose by.." she reinsured her as she finished up rewraping new bandages. "I know yout tough dear but it's alright to ask for help" she said helping Michelle up on to her feet. "He is an old friend of ours " she replied with a smile "And Anna's house is about 10 minute walk from here, but it's not a very difficult walk" she stated. Vivienne along with the others gather things and started to walk through the forest. It wasn't that bad of a walk just have the slight uphill as they reach closer to the sisters Mother's house. Upon reaching they could see very old and very large tree coming out from what seemed to be a house at the bottom. Texangamer Texangamer
The teen looked at her "Hey the country is beautiful. The driving age is dumb. But I stand by my statement. To me this country is weird. By that's what makes it interesting. If life was just the same old thing every day it would get boring. It's outside of my normal, it's weird, and that's a good thing." He looked at the girl, he had the best intentions, but decided that being pushy wasn't the best idea. He looked at Lance, offering the other teen his hand. "I'm Jayce by the way, nice to meet you."
Michelle Leanne Woods

Elle just smiled looking at her mother" okay mama" she say as she got help onto her feet as she smiled looking at her mother as she walked to her Nana's house as she looked amazed" whoa" she say as she looked up at the house" that's so cool" she say to her aunt and mother she was excited seing her nana she just looked around for her she heard her stomach growling again but knew not eat candy she just giggled" the house looks so coool mama" she say as she smiled the hike wasn't hard at all" the walking wasn't too hard" she say AquaMarie AquaMarie
Lance was very confused, and thought maybe he needed to readjust his focus. He normally focused his hearing within a mile of himself, but could hear up to 3 if he tuned himself in. Perhaps his anxiety had his hearing up. He turned to Mika when she grabbed his arm, and noticed that she was feeling something similar, so he took her hand and squeezed it to comfort her. Lance went to pull the mask off and stand up, surprised by the initial resistance the mask gave him, but ultimately got it off. He noticed the voices stopped. Had the mask done that? He made a mental note to ask Asaya about it later. He took it off and went to stand not only because he felt it was rude to introduce himself while hiding his face and sitting, but also because he could feel the uneasiness in his friends, and didn't want to appear weak. He kicked himself internally for getting injured. People counted on him being strong, it was really all he had going for him as far as Lance knew. He stood tall, now towering over the other teen at 7 feet. He tried to offer a kind smile, but it came out awkward, showing just how uncomfortable he was in this situation. If this man was a danger to them, it would most likely fall to Lance to protect them. He looked Jayce over, checking to see how much of a fight he'd be in for. A glint caught his eye behind the man's collar, but Lance couldn't tell what it was. He did know that hiding something under your shirt was very suspicious. This was the first time Lance had been glad Akira wasn't here. He didn't want this man anywhere near his boyfriend. His intuition screamed at him to get himself and the others away, but Lance knew better. The best way to run away was never to run, it was to walk. He reached down, bearing his weight on his newly healed leg, and shook it with one hand while weaving his words on the air between them with his other. "I'm Lance. Lance Qestir. It's nice to meet you too."

Texangamer Texangamer Tree_lord Tree_lord TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays
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Marina gently waved as the boy walked off to the group of students outside on the lawn. She was going to turn away and walk off when arrows weaved around her and pointed back to the group of people. Marina gently waved to them as she walked over a small smile on her face. "Hi" she softly said aproching the group "Hi Lance...I been good...hope you been good too" she replied to his question, though just stood their quitely hugging the glass orb in her arms.

((Sorry took for ever at work))
To maki, Asaya's bag was getting louder and louder in her head, voices coming form seemingly nowhere filling her mind, practically screaming for her attention. Asaya looked straight at her, seemingly aware of the attention she is getting from them. Strangely enough, the voice from the mask on his face suddenly booms much louder than all the others, and screams one singular word into the air. "SILENCE!" it screamed, in a way that only Mika can hear. Asaya stared straight at her throughout this, his full attention on her now. The voices all quieted after the louder one had spoken.
Mika Suzuki

Mika just was hearing voices from the mask man bag as she was confused as she heard voices it was becoming louder and louder she couldn't take it was it a demon or spirit she didn't know all she knew her head was hurting so much she just saw the masked man looking at her she heard a loud sound she was in pain she heard the loud mask saying silence she just passed out on the floor her head hurt a lot as she was groaning she hated her powers sometimes she just moaned SmallSailboat SmallSailboat Tree_lord Tree_lord
Lance gave a more genuine smile to Marina, happy she was here. "I've been alright, just healing up some injuries I got at work." He immediately went to try to catch Mika as she fell but in that moment he had forgotten his other leg was still broken and let out a hoarse yelp as he accidentally put his weight on it. He climbed back up in the chair and looked to Marina, his eyes begging her to pick Mika up. "Let's go back to the nurse's office now. Marina, could you pick her up please? I'd do it myself but my other leg isn't quite there yet... I can hold that ball you got there in my lap if you can get her." He felt ashamed and disgusted with himself in his weakened state, severely pained by his inability to help her. He knew it. He knew she had taken on too much. He should've known better than to let her heal him, he shouldn't have been so impatient. So prideful. Lance and Akira both, he knew, would rather have had him take longer to recover than to put their friend at risk like this. Why had he let her heal him? That was a dumb decision. Why couldn't Lance be less dumb?

Texangamer Texangamer AquaMarie AquaMarie
The teen grinned happily as he shook the others hand. "It truly is a pleasure to meet you folks." The teen had grown up in a small town, where everyone knew each other, and walking up to a new person was the normal thing to do. It was if these people were apprehensive, and saw the bad in humanity. It was probably best for them, a safe way to live life. Expect the unexpected. These people had probably grown up in the city, and had been taught stranger = danger at a young age. He decided that a simple apology would be the most effective way to handle the situation. "I apologize if I startled y'all. I was taught at a young age that the best at to introduce yourself is to walk up to the person and I so." He laughed slightly as if he had told a funny joke, and grinned, it was a slightly goofy grin, but it was a sincere as a grin got these days. When Mija fell, he jumped to her aid, but before touching her, he looked up at Lance as if he was asking for approval. Even though the two didn't appear to be dating, they were friends, and because they were, it seemed that it made sure to look to Lance before helping out. Afterall, the two seemed uncomfortable around him
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Asaya moved rather stiffly as he reached into his bag, pulling another mask out. this one was wooden and faceless, seemingly a blank slate meant to be carved into a new mask. he stood and stared at it for a moment, and then looked towards Mika, who was on the floor. He took a small step towards her, turning the mask so the outside was facing himself. He was holding the mask with both hands now, and simply standing near Mika, silently. He let out a small, quiet sound. SmallSailboat SmallSailboat TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays Texangamer Texangamer

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