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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique

Michelle Leanne Woods

Elle just looked at her mom and her aunt as she just nodded as she smiled as she was happy she was back she always come back during spring break or summer she just yawned looking at her mom as she was excited to go back to the cottage she grew up in with all the homeschooling learning how to use her powers she just looked at the air as she closed her eyes it felt nice" so pretty" she say as she open she knew she has a long way to walk" can i take off the shoes yet mama" she say pouting a little she was happy she wasn't grounded anymore she looked confused" than why was i grounded only for one day mama" she say tilting her head confused happy she back in her hometown AquaMarie AquaMarie
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Isa just looked at him as she stood up and got the door as she went back to sit down as she looked at her promise ring as she bite her lip" usually it's about marriage but i don't want to get married plus i'm only 15 but he promised me not to leave ever again i was friends with Darron as kids" she say as she smiled" i moved away thats when the abuse started...." she say as she looked away from him she just wanted to tell someone that someone was Lance she hasn't told Darron or Danny yet what happend to her she just bite her lip tears coming down her face her uncle just got out of jail she needed the protection she was afraid tha he'll come for her" hey i was thinking maybe we can have a fighting club to defend ourself like me that can't fight" she say smiling SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
Lance nodded in understanding, and felt his heart sink back down when that word was brought up. Lance heard the word 'abuse' all throughout his court trials with his parents, and was tired of hearing it. He didn't want to think about that time in his life, and avoided with every ounce of his strength. He held her hand though, trying to comfort her in silence as she told her story. He hated the idea of fighting, and even more so the idea of teaching someone else to use violence, but he understood it was necessary in her case. He was willing to teach her, once he got better, the techniques he learned as a kid for fighting someone bigger than him, as when he had left his parents' he desperately wanted to be able to fight people off but was too malnourished to have the strength for traditional fighting styles. He could do Tai Chi then, which was capable of being modified for fighting purposes. Then he thought about Mika, and Michelle, and everyone else who could have been getting bullied right at that moment. Determination grew on his face, and he nodded vigorously to her. "I'll teach you when I get better, but I'm not teaching you boxing. A lot of fighting styles teach you to use your own strength, but the one I want to teach you is one that lets you use your opponent's strength against them. Bullies and... people like your uncle, they target people smaller than them. Those they believe are weaker than them. If those are the people you'd be defending yourself against, you'd need to learn how to fight against someone bigger and stronger than you. Though I don't know about starting a whole club..." Lance hated being the center of attention. He couldn't stand in front of an entire group of people and tell them how to fight! Lance genuinely thought he'd die of embarrassment. It made him nauseous just to imagine it. He shook his head out of the movie playing in his head of all the things that could go wrong. He noticed Asaya at the door and weaved to him, smiling. "Hello, Asaya. It's good to see you." He directed his next words at the both of them. "Would you two mind helping me into that wheelchair? I'd like to get some fresh air, we can continue talking outside."

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Asaya walked inside, and nodded at Lance after reading the request. "Sure, friend!" he took a look around, trying to spot if there was a wheelchair in view. if one were to look closely enough, they would notice that there was the mark of dried tears on what little was visible of the bottom of his face. After searching for a wheelchair for a moment and failing to find one, Asaya approached Lance's bed, prepared to assist in lifting him. "Are you well today?" Asaya asked, his voice not quite as sturdy as he wished it to be, suffering from slight exhaustion.

Mika just looked at the school as she sighed she was a bit insecure about she got her hearing she was in a coma for few months none of her friends came to visit her she just sighed as she walked in the school as she walked in the nurse office she misssed a lotshe couldn't remember much of what happend to her she remembers being in the car than a drunk driver than after that she don't remember much she got adopted her aunt and uncle don't remember her at all she saw Lance as she smiled" lance" she say as she signed it was weird to have a voice that was understandble now SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
Vivienne & Kathleen
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"well I just decided to end the grounding early that all" Vivienne responded as the left the train and entered the first town. "we should wait once we get to the edge of the forest ...lets just wait here for a bit...Kat went off to get us a ride to the forest from a friend of hers" Vivienne replied, Soon the women return with a smile "found him, Jim prommised us to take us all the way to the edge of the forest....we don't have to walk through the three towns and we will get home tonight instead of tomorrow afternoon," Kat replied happily.
A few minute later an car that seemed to be from the 1930's pulled up to them. A very large man got out of the car and walked over to the two women and Michelle. He happily smiled a toothy grin and took off his hat "ello laddies beautiful as always" he spoke in a deep but soft voice. "nice to see you again James thank you again for diving us" Vivienne responded with a smile. He gave her a nod before kneeling down to Michelle's level "why hello wee one, you have grown quite big" he said holding out his large hand for a shake. Texangamer Texangamer
((think he is like some humanoid beast))
Isabella Kenna Powell

Isa just helped him to the chair with the mask guy she just smiled as she nodded" okay" she say as she was looking around she just smiled" yeah fresh air will do us some good plus i got my skateboard" she say happily she just wanted to chill with Lance she just put her hair behind her ear" hi friend" she say to the guy as she looked happy she loved her new hair" thanks i jusst want to defend myself with my uncle if he ever comes to get me i'm a fighter i never gave up hope i fought" she say SmallSailboat SmallSailboat

Michelle Leanne Woods

ELle just looked at the big man as she smiled" heyo" she say as she smiled glad she wasn't grounded she just put her ear plug in to listen to her music she didn't want to ignore them completly so she put one in" i'm not that big i'm still a bit short i don't mind being short" she say she don't remember him but she just wanted to be kind to the guy" ya have a super old car but it looks so cool" she say as she giggled' yay we don't have to walk' she thought' she just shake his hand trying to be kind' i wonder if we will go back to maxwood i wanna be with my friends' she thought AquaMarie AquaMarie
"I'm good, Asaya, thank you for asking. How are you today? Make any new masks?" He nodded in understanding to Isabella, glad they had the same reasons for wanting her to learn to fight. Lance thanked them both before his breath got caught in his throat. How long had it been since he'd seen Mika? It was strange that it wasn't until he thought about protecting her that she appeared in front of him again. Slowly, he weaved to her. "Hey. Long time no see," was all he managed to get out, thoroughly floored by her appearance. He stared for a few moments before starting introductions. "Mika, these are my friends Asaya and Isabelle. Guys, this is Mika. She's a friend I met when I first got here but I haven't seen her in a while. We're going for a walk outside, Mika. Would you like to go with us?"
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Mika Suzuki

Maki just looked at them as she just nodded" i'm sorry i was in a coma i think it was 3 months i don't know i think Danny is mad at me for being gone for so long it wasn't my fault i was visiting my aunt and uncle for the weekend i left a note for her" she sighed" yeah i'll come Lance" she say looking at the others" nice to meet you" she say happily" so how you been beside being hurt" she asked as she smiled" i can heal you if you want" she say

Isabella Kenna Powell

Isa just saw a girl with a implant on her head she just smiled" oh it's nice to meet you" she say as she looked at lance as she helped him to get outside she just looked happy" so you know her Lance" she asked as she smiled as she looked at the mask boy she just smiled looking down at lance in the wheelchair she just walked them outside as she had her skateboard with her as she wanted to ride on it SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
Asaya shook his head "No new masks, friend! The one i was working on broke!" he exclaimed, attempting to hide his sadness at it. He looked curiously at the new person who entered the room, and followed the others out of the room. "How are you all doing this morning?" He asked, looking between them all. The growing number of people was making him uneasy.
Lance enjoyed the fresh air outside as his chair rolled along. His arms were at half strength so he couldn't push himself, he had to have Isabella push him while he pushed the wheels so his weight wouldn't be completely on her. Besides, the nurse said it would stunt his recovery if he didn't try to use his arms whenever he felt he could. Lance shook his head at her. "I think Danny will understand, especially since you left her a note. I've been fine. Akira and I are dating now, I don't know if you met him or remember him... he's away with his family right now, but I'm hoping he's going to come back soon. I miss him a lot." He flinched a bit when she mentioned healing him. "I'll be fine. Last time I asked you to heal, it put you in a lot of pain and you just got back..." He worried for her health, unsure if she was even fully recovered or not. He certainly couldn't let her heal him like this. He looked to Isabella to answer her question. "Yeah, some jerks decided to be mean to her so I went to help and we became friends, I also met Danny that day but we didn't really talk until later." Then he directed his words towards Asaya. "That's unfortunate, but it does give you the chance to work on a new one, right?" He could tell Asaya was bothered by his failed mask, and Lance wanted to cheer him up, although he was having a hard time keeping up with all of the different conversations. He checked his phone and smiled at a text from Akira, but by time he answered his phone and put it away it just made him miss him more.

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Mika Suzuki
Mika just nodded" yeah I gotten stronger a bit and that's good I meet him he wanted to do a song with me" she say as she looked happy" yeah I hope she don't get mad with me I really hope it wasn't my fault anyways how's classes oh man classes I'm so behind fudge me" she say concerned

She just pushed him outside it was so nice she likes being outside she just got on her skateboard as she just smiled happily she just looked around as she was just around her friends" I hate bullies they are mean and awful" she say as she looked at them​
Asaya went quiet, not responsing to what Lance said. This was far too many people and too much information for him at once, so he chose to simply listen. He seemed to not even notice that the words were directed at him as they appeared, and almost tripped over a rock.
Lance was hesitantly contemplating it, then chuckled a bit at her exclamation. "Maybe when Akira gets back we can study together to get you two caught up. He's really smart, he should be able to help." He paused for a moment before making his decision. "You can heal one leg, but I want you to stop as soon as it hurts or you get tired, okay?" He wanted to trust her, believe she now knew her limits, but was hesitant to put her in that painful state she was in last time. Truthfully he wanted to be out of that chair and on his own feet again, he didn't want Akira to come back to him in a chair. He wanted to recover quickly, hopefully before Akira got back. He nodded in agreement with Isabella, but wasn't sure what to say beyond that. He decided to change the subject instead. "So, you and Darron, huh?" He smiled at his phone again. Lance had taken a picture of the drawing he made earlier and sent it to him, and Akira thought it was good. It made his tail swish happily, getting dangerously close to getting caught under one of the wheels.

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The large hair man chuckle as the small wood did not recognize him, last he saw her was when she was about very tiny. "thank you, hehe it is an old car but I enjoy the style of back then" he replied with a chuckle "any who...shew we get going ladies? we got quite the drive" he added as both Wood sisters nodded and the large man started to place the luggage in the trunk of the car.
Once everyone was in the car they started to drive off the adults talking amongst each other about what has been happening and such while Michelle looked out the window listing to her music. The would pass a lot of lovely scenery on their way Texangamer Texangamer
Michelle just looked out the window as she smiled looking out the window as she smiled' so pretty' she thought as her ear twitching as her face turned bright red she just took of her head phones hearing a embarrassing stories she just looked away not wanting it to bother her she became tired she lay on her mom it been a long day and it was kinda cold at night she was hungry too she just hears her stomach growling as sne giggled she open her bag seeing candy she wasn't supposed to but she was hungry Everytime she eat candy she gets super hyperactive she was becoming hyper she just snicker as her mother was busy talking to the strange guy she doesn't know AquaMarie AquaMarie
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Mika just looked at him as she nodded" can't you help too Lance" she say as she looked at him as she smiled" okay" she say as she was healing one of his leg she just looked a bit sad thinking of her aunt and uncle not remembering her she had to act tough she wasn't going to be weak not anymore she just sighed a bit healed her leg she knew her limits she just healed one leg SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
Lance scratched the side of his face and smiled awkwardly, blushing. "I'm not really that smart, haha. I can try my best though." He gritted his teeth as his leg was reconstructed, but sighed in relief when it healed. "How do you feel? Not too tired or anything?" He looked to Mika in concern before texting Akira back. He felt a tingle on his lips, wishing he could kiss him again.

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Asaya watched with great interest as Lance's injury was healed, and a small sound escaped his mouth as he considered asking for Mika's assistance with a problem of his own. he stayed quiet, though, and tried to find a way to steer the conversation towards his own interests, as it seems to have quieted down now. He tapped the wheelchair sightly with his hand, and looked towards Lance. "Have you tried the mask?" Asaya asked of him, cheerfully.
Clyde pulled up into school in today's car. It was his 1984 Audi Quattro S1. He grabbed his sword and sheath from the back of the coupe, and put it on his back, under his shirt. While he missed his old garage full of cars, he liked the setup he had now. European edge at it's finest. He put his backpack on over his sword and shirt, just to cover his weapon a bit more. He shut the door to his car softly, tossing the keys up in the air before catching them and putting them in his pocket with a grin. It was a relatively nice day out here in France. He walked up the lawn, and sat next to the bushes that lined the front of the building. He figured he would let the others approach him, for that seemed to make much more sense.
Marina towards the entrance doors of the school, through the window she could see a car pulling into the entrance and out hoped what she thought to be a student. He might be a new transfure student to start once Springbrake was over. The brunette opened the door and walked down the steps she was holding an orb about the size of a volleyball in her arms. "Hi...new student?" She asked with a smile figured she would ask. besides she wasn't doing much and decided she could help out, the school was kind of empty due to a lot of students having left for spring break. TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays

Vivienne, Kathleen
"Michelle don't eat that many sweets you know how you get...besides you have other snacks in your bag.." her mother warned as she moved her attention from her sister and the man that was driving towards her daughter. The sky grew darker as they continue to travel through towns. "We are almost there Michelle and we can have some dinner before we travel into the forest" Kat added from the front passages seat before going back to her conversation. Texangamer Texangamer
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Michelle Leanne Woods

Elle just looked at her mom as she smiled looking at the candy than saw chips" okay mama" she say as she didn't know what the grown ups were talking about " yes ma'am auntie" she say as she just was bored she already missed her friends she put her bag down as she looked at the man than to her aunt and her mom she was sleepy as she just rubbed her eyes" how much longer do we have until we get to the cottage" she asked as she just yawned her stomach growling and she was sleepy she couldn't wait to see her Nana she just was a bit hyper" wait what you mean how i get i don't get hyper" she say to her mom she just yawned laying her head on the window as she felt a sharp pain on her stomach she just closed her eyes she didn't want to say she was in pain she was still a bit sore due to the attack yesterday but they can tell the look on her face and dropping her phone" okay auntie" she say as she felt a bit better she just rubbed her stomach as she was wearing a jean overalls AquaMarie AquaMarie
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Lance scratched the side of his face and smiled awkwardly, blushing. "I'm not really that smart, haha. I can try my best though." He gritted his teeth as his leg was reconstructed, but sighed in relief when it healed. "How do you feel? Not too tired or anything?" He looked to Mika in concern before texting Akira back. He felt a tingle on his lips, wishing he could kiss him again.

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Maki Suzuki

Maki just looked at him as she just fell on the floor" ug healing is tiring a bit but I'm fine" she say as she sat up" i'll heal your other leg when i don't feel as tired besides you gotta be better when your boyfriend comes back" she says happily" annnnnd i stil can read your mind you wanna kiss him" she say not meaning to read his mind she just couldn't help it" sorry I didn't mean to" she told him she just looked at her friends she just giggled' where is Danny maybe she hates me because I left why didn't they came to visit me when I was in the coma maybe they don't care anymore' she thought she just had her hand on her other arm squeezing her arm with nails making her bleed a bit SmallSailboat SmallSailboat
Vivienne, Kathleen & Jim
"just about 30 minutes from now lass.." Jim responded as the car drove into the woods, the road was a bit bumpy "well actually 20 it will take us about 10 munites to hike up a bit...mother doesn't have a car road up to her cottage..." Kathleen responded as she looked back from the front seat to were Vivienne and Michelle sat in the back. Vivienne just smiled even if her daughter says that she doesn't get hyper, she knew that Michelle indeed did if she has to much sugar. Vivienne's ears slightly twitched as she heard a bump, turning over to her daughter. "everything alright sweetpea?" Vivienne asked as she gently rubbed her back
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Michelle Leanne Woods

Elle just looked at her mom as she nodded" i'm okay" she say she was already hyper from all the candy she had she just looked away she still was healing from the attack her leg was fine but her stomach was still painful" my stomach kinda hurts but i'm okay" she say looking at the forest as she smiled happy about seeing her Nana she looked at her mother bitting her lip her bandages was a bit bloody she needed it changed she knew her stab would wasn't healed 100! percent abd it HURTS she whispered in her mom ears" my stomach really hurts I think I'm bleeding" she say looking down as she saw her bandages had blood on it AquaMarie AquaMarie
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