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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique OOC

OH right I remember him taking her for a ride. Brain just died wow. ALso SmallSailboat SmallSailboat Danny is in the bed next to Lance's so if you'd like to interact at all feel free to do so cause I'm bored xD
Also Jayce's best move allows him to become electricity and therefore move at the speed of light. Which is slower than teleportation because teleportation is instant. And on top of that Jayce can pretty much only use it once as a finishing move, before he himself is knocked out.
Also... Jayce would win against Danny gg ez. Although if Danny was in a pure water state then it would be a stalemate. Jayce is to adept with a sword... His best ability just wouldn't be effective. As long as he stays in his solid state and uses his sword for defense. (Because you can't really attack water) it would be an on going stalemate
Like maybe her appearance, or maybe how she set up her room, I dunno lol you don't have to change it if you don't want to, it was just my personal opinion
Anyone alive? I haven't gotten a single notification in the past 40 minutes... Which is highly unusual because ppl are typically most active at this time
I went to read a book because I posted recently and went to let everyone else reply first lol doesn't even say the others are viewing this thread, weird
You can see her motorcycle in the garage if you'd like your character to take note of it (Danny is actually trying to escape the nurse's rn despite being injured just to check on her bike) A pic is in Daniela's CS if you'd like a pic btw

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