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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique OOC

I would be in your timezone if i would go back where i moved from...... but we had to move *pout*
Lol Consequences Consequences hasn't replied yet... I left for 4 hours and hoped a response would be there :( I mean it's fine (Because she makes up for it by being active all night) But like I am still kinda sad (Because dumb me got my hopes up xD)


My girl is back and I'm so happy because I've been needing her to ya'know make it known she isn't freakin' dead on the side of a dirt road or somethin xD
Also. Is she decent at sparring? Jayce needs people to keep him from dying of boredom, and so far Lance is the only other guy who can actually fight
Darron and Danny are both trained assassins

So I'd say well above average at fighting.

The only reason they are in the position they are in is because of certain circumstances (That will be revealed in a short bit here) They were a bit more easily taken down.
O jesus Christ you guys lol Professor red Professor red yeah we may need you to tone down that godmodding a bit, it's against site rules and would hurt the RP. We kinda had a whole thing planned for that demon and I think Danny's got a plan for Hayden so if you wanna bring it down a notch or two that would be awesome
He just teleports and can take a certain amount of damage before he actually gets hurt. He’s just never been hurt enough to find out so he doesn’t know. And the teleport ability can me used 5 times then Has 30 minute recharge
Ok so he's not actually capable, he's just puffing his chest lol good to know. I'm still iffy on the teleportation ability but I'll let it slide if the other gm's are cool with it^^
SmallSailboat SmallSailboat I think it's fair, as long as he has down sides to his powers as well as weaknesses I'd say he'll be fine. As long as he can take damage and not kill people with a flick of a finger.
I know lol its just that initial "immortality/immunity/teleport with only a ring as a limiter that he can take off and use whenever" was concerning
Ya teleportation is openough. And then your immune and immortal. I am not typically one to say anything, because I like my characters a bit op but there comes a point in time where it like "hold up your character is pretty much a literal god. " Plus it makes it less fun for all of us, because once something big happens your character pretty much ends up doing everything.
Ya a ring DO you know how easy it is to take off a ring? Like Jayce is only even decent in a fight of he had his sword. (Because it increases the amount of electricity he can consume, as well as his total)

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