Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

I walk in the front doors with my best friend. He gives me a hug before we part ways to opposite sides of the mansion. I flop onto my bed and roll onto my back 
I pull out my camera and press the record button.

"Hey guys... I just arrived at the Maxwell Mansion." I look around. "Um, its about lunch time and I just arrived. I haven't met absolutely anyone yet..." I look down. "Except one jock who knocked me over and laughed. ANYWAYS! I SHALL NOT BE FRIENDLESS!... i hope... well see you later my lovelies!" I decide i will upload it after lunch
Hunter finishes eating and puts away his plate. Afterwards he walks through the hallways and takes out his room key. He opens the door and finds no one inside. He gets his bag and opens it up. He is wearing a leather jacket and a white tank top withy upped jeans. He had some other clothe but most I it was similar to what he is wearing. After organizing everything into his cabinets, walks out locking the door behind him. Hunter casually walks down the stairs and steps onto the grass outside looking for someone to talk to. Preferably a girl...
Jason looked at Lex and then his food. Once he finished his food he sat their waiting for her to. Jasmine finished her food. She stood up and went to her room. She unlocked her room and went inside, she picked up her art supplies and went outside. She sat down and began to sketch again.
Ember walked around, bored out of her mind. God, that happened again. That "expect too much and get nothing thing." So much time had passed and Ember still hadn't made a single friend. She looked down.

Ivan didn't feel like eating anything. He went outside, found a place to sit down, and just looked up at the clouds.
Jasmine saw Ivan and he was in a cool position, so she started sketching him looking at the clouds. She got lost in what she was doing. She loved drawing she wasn't bad at either. She had been in an art camp all summer so she has really good drawing techniques.
Ivan randomly started singing a song, in a low voice, barely audible. "My heart is sinking... as I'm lifting... up above the clouds away from you..." He knew all the songs he listened to by heart. And he only listened to good music. You'd have to admit he has good taste in music.
Jasmine smiled and kept sketching. She liked the setting of the clouds and trees behind and just a guy paying their looking at the clouds.
Ivan started playing with the grass. That's when he saw the girl with the wavy hair looking at him. He stopped singing. Wait... Was she sketching him?
"Uh, no, it's okay." Ivan replied. He crawled up to her. "Are you sketching me?" He tried to look at the paper.
"Um...yeah" she replied and showed him the drawing "It's just how you were sitting and stuff" she said and looked at him.
Ivan looked at the drawing. "Oh... you're quite talented." He commented and lied down beside her. "What's your name? I saw you before."
"thanks and I'm Jasmine, what's your name?" She said and looked at him and laid by him. She looked at the clouds and was seeing all the shape in the clouds.
"Ivan." He said simply, glancing at Jasmine and then looking up at the blue sky. All the clouds looked like thick cream.
She looked at him "So where you from?" She asked kindly. She looked back at the sky, she made more figures an shapes out of the clouds.
"You mean what school? I used to study at Black Rose academy." Ivan replied. "It was a cool place."
[Edited. I posted the same thing again.]

"Well..." Ivan started explaining. "My parents didn't think it was a suitable place for me. And then, suddenly one day they were all like: 'You're going here and that is final'. And no, you'r e not being annoying." 
[Oh, by the way. Logging out now.]
(Alright. I see that lunch has passed. Should we skip that? o . o) 
(Alright. I see that lunch has passed. Should we skip that? o . o) 
(My laptop is being spazzy. xD )

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