Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

She smiled at her and looked at the teachers. She kept writing notes. Jason sat there playing with his pencil he was super bored. He didn't like being in class he liked doing the test and all but he rather be playing foot ball.

((Hey do mind making another character?))
As the class ended, Ruby went to her dorm room for a break. (Her free period.) When she entered her dorm she saw her sister, unpacking her things. "Pearl? What the f*ck are you doing here?" She asked, giving her sister a dirty look. She never really liked her sister, who was kind of a kiss up. They always hated each other, never once said 'I love you.' 
(i forgot to post her part! xD )

Pearl turned around at the voice. She gave Ruby a death stare and replied. "Nice to see you too. Did you really think Dad got you a scholarship only?" Sarcastically, she closed her drawer and said, "See ya later." Walking out the door.
Jasmine went to her room to sketch. She started to sketch, she had nothing else to do. Jason walked around the house bored. This was his free period and so he had an hour. He walked outside and sat down.
Ruby walked out of the room, mad. She figured she could go outside and relax, with her music of course. When she went outside and sat down with her music already on, she didn't notice Jason.

Pearl walked around, finding a girl sketching in one room. "Hello, I'm Pearl." She said to the girl, who had really pretty brown hair.
Jasmine looked at her "Um I'm Jasmine" she said. She looked back at it and started sketching again. Jason smiled at the girl "Hey I'm Jason" he said to Ruby with a boyish grin.
Ruby opened her eyes and looked over. "Hey, I'm Ruby." She replied, smiling. It was the first time she smiled for real since she got there. Ruby took out her phone and answered a text from a friend, who was away for a while.

Pearl looked at her. "Uh, I just got here, and I'm not sure where everything is. My sister won't help me either. Could you help me?" She asked.
A yellow taxi pulled up outside a rather large house. Chandler stared up at the building with slightly wide eyes. "Whoa..." he muttered. His gaze drifted downward and he spotted two people, a boy and a girl, standing just outside the house. He couldn't tell if they were talking to each other because the girl was looking down at her phone. Then again, she could've just been pausing momentarily to check the time. A throaty clear of the throat brought Chandler's attention back to the inside of the cab. The driver was holding out a hand, an annoyed look on his face. "C'mon, kid. I don't have all day. My shift ends in twenty minutes." the man said rather rudely. With a huff and a mumbled 'Rude', Chandler dug his wallet out of his back pocket and paid the man before opening the door and stepping out with his duffel bag over his shoulder.

He took a deep breath as he watched the taxi drive away. It was a moment before he lifted his arm and lifted the middle finger towards the fleeing vehicle. "Jerk!" he shouted after it, once the yellow car had turned the corner. Get sick, miss one day of school, and what does he get? An incredibly rude driver. Thanks Dad, he thought as he turned and started walking towards the two people.
Ruby jumped when the random kid yelled. She wasn't expecting it, but she quickly calmed down. When Ruby looked up her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. The kid was cute, but looked older. "Hey, uh I'm Ruby." She said with a closed smile.
Jason looked at the guy "Hey man" he said. "Sure what do you need help with?" She asked and looked at her. She put up her art supplies and then looked back at her, she waited for her reply and scratched her wrist.
Chandler looked at the two others outside the house and blinked. "Hi!" he said cheerfully, as if he hadn't just been rather angry at a certain potbellied cab driver. He smiled down at the girl and nodded to the guy. "Name's Chandler." He had the appearance of a very excited child as he turned to stare up at the house. "So, this is where I'll be going to 'school' for now?" he asked as he looked back down, slight curiosity in his hazel gaze.
Ruby smiled. "Yep." She looked at Chandler. He seemed cool.

Pearl looked at her. "I need help finding my classes. She giggled.
"So what's it like here?" Chandler asked as he dropped his duffel bag onto the floor. "How many students besides us are there, and are they nice?" It was probably a dumb question for an eighteen year old senior to ask, but that was how Chandler was. He was always quick to find out who was worth making friends with.
"There's kinda a lot, I'm not sure. I know that you would probably like everyone. I'm surprised you're talking to me though, I'm pretty much a b**ch. But uh my sisters here too, and yeah. It's pretty nice around here, I'm not too crazy about it. The whole being here thing." Ruby suddenly stopped talking when she noticed how fast and awkward she was being.
Jason chukeled a bit "I think there's twenty students this year and who I have meet they've been nice." He said "Oh I'm Jason by the way" he added on. He looked at him he seems cool he thought to himself. Jasmine smiled "What are all your classes?" She asked "What grade are you in?"
Alexis opens steps out of her dad's black BMW. Her dad tries to give her a hug, but Alexis turns away. With a hurt and disappointed look, her dad hands the many suitcases to her. She struggles to pick them all up, but manages. When she sees the school she remembers all the boarding schools that she had been to. Alexis had never really liked living in a dorm, but this seemed like a chance for her to start over. She flips her two two shoulder bags over and carries a gym bag. In addition, she also carries two suitcases. Her father kisses her on the forehead, but she looks at him reluctantly. He understands the message. "I love you..." He says. Alexis answers, "Sure you do." She looks at her tutorial paper. "Now where was my room again? I think it was room 4, I think..." She walks up the steps and opens the doors to a new start.
Jason saw Alexis "Yo blonde chick need any help with your bags?" He yelled at her with a smile across his face. "We do but our extra classes are different" she said "But our main core classes are the same" she added on
Jasmine nodded "Yeah sure" she smiled "Do you need any help unpacking?" She asked with a smile. She always liked helping people even if hey were jerks to her. She likes to make sure they don't feel like no one cares or anything like that.
Jason stood up and walked to her "Not really but this isn't my first year here so I'm use to it here. And yes I really can help" he smirked.

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