Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

Ember found her way to her room [5] easily. It didn't seem like anyone else was going to be living there. Ember was just unpacking her things when she heard the bell ring. So the classes started today... Ember's first class was... Math. [? We are doing them together, right?] Ember would finish her unpacking later, she decided, and go to class first. It wasn't like she needed time to get ready or anything. So she got the things she needed for her first class and headed out.
Jason waked to his first class which was math. He sat down in the class. He looked around and sighed. He got his notebook out and started to doodle. Jasmine walked to her class and sat down. She looked at everyone in the class. She was nervous, she didn't like being with people she didn't know, it made her feel uncomfortable.
Ember walked into math class and found a seat. The teacher was still not here. She rested her chin on her palm and looked around herself. There was a guy who was normally doodling and a girl who looked quite nervous. But Ember was not nervous at all. She'd gone through this a hundred times.
Jasmine looked at the girl then her brother Jason. Jason looked up from his notebook, he saw Emberamd waved at her "He I'm Jason and that's my sister Jasmine" he said and pointed at Jasmine. Jasmine smile softly at her and waved.
Ember grinned back at the both siblings. "Hey there. Nice to meet you, I'm Ember." They seemed like nice people, Ember thought. Nice enough to be friends with.
Ruby walked into math class late, taking an empty seat in the back. She ignored the people starting and put music on, headphones over her ears.

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Jasmine takes notes as the teacher talks. She really wasn't nervous she as just scared. Jason looked at the teacher bored and slouched in his chair. He was really good at math but he didn't want anyone to know because he that they would make fun of him. So he kept it a secrete.
Ember just listened to the teacher, jotting some notes once in a while. She never really tried to do anything, but somehow it just turned out very well. Which was good, of course.
((Do you mind making a guy character? we don't really have any))

The bell rang for the next class. Jasmine stood up and grabbed her stuff. The teacher handed out the homework and stuff everyone needed to work on. Jason grabbed the homework and walked to his next class
[Me? Yeah, sure. Will take some time, though.]

Ember was glad when the bell rang. But not very happy when she got the homework. She never liked homework. She made her way to her next class.
Ruby sat there doodling the whole time. She didn't pay attention or anything. When the bell rang Ruby was about to leave when the teacher gave her homework. She grabbed it, looked at it then back to the teacher. While staring at the teacher, Ruby ripped the paper down the middle and threw it away, walking out and going to the next class.

Jason go to his next class and sat down. He started to doodle again. He saw other students walk in but didn't really care. Jasmine sat down at her next class in the front like always. She like going to school she always has.
Ember found a seat near the window and sat down. She's always liked window seats. 
Ivan entered the class. He'd rather be doing something else, and it showed on his face. He sat down on another desk next to the window and stared outside.
Ruby walked into the next class, sitting in the back again and putting her feet up on the desk. She took out her phone and played a game.
Ivan noticed a girl on her phone, with her feet up. Uh, wow. A smirk found it's way to his face. It was amusing, how some people came to school, just to drag on. Like, why bother coming to school then? He shook his head.
Jasmine looked at Ivan. She looked back at the teacher. She liked back at him confused and the at the front of the room.
Ruby got bored so she put her phone away. She played with her hair when the teacher went over to her and asked why she wasn't writing notes down. Ruby looked up and asked, "Wheres the rule that says I have to?" in a sarcastic voice. When the teacher asked her to go into the hallway for a couple minutes Ruby smiled and said, "I'd love to."
Ivan noticed another girl looking at him. She was probably wondering what was so funny. His body trembled by holding all the laughter in. God, what was wrong with him? And now the other girl was getting sent to the hallway. Don't you dare laugh, Ivan. Some part of his mind told him. 
It's not even that funny. Mind said again. Just then the teacher came up to him. "Ivan... would you like to explain what you believe is very funny?" Oh, how very teacher-ly of the teacher.

Ivan stopped with the quiet laughing and wiped tears from his eyes. "Sorry, hun, I just remembered a hilarious joke." He replied. He knew how to make up an excuse.

"Hmph." The teacher just walked back to the front of the classroom.
Ruby sat in the hallway, reading the quotes that were painted on the walls. She smiled as she read a nice one, but then heard the teachers voice from inside the room and cursed to herself. It was the first day and she was already rude, but she didn't care anyway.
Jasmine looked at the teacher then her notes. She wondered why he was laughing. Was he laughing at that girl she wondered. She shrugged and fixed some of her notes. She looked around and sighed.
The teacher called her back in, only if she wrote notes down. Ruby sighed and said she would, so she could go back in. She went back inside the classroom and sat down, remembering she didn't have any paper. She looked over and saw a girl from earlier, with curly brown hair. "Psst. Hey, can I have a piece of paper?" She asked nicely, so she'd get one, hopefully.
She nodded and handed her a couple of pieces "Here" she said in a whisper. She looked at her and notice she didn't have a pencil "Here you go too" she said and handed her a pencil.
Ruby smiled a little. "Thanks so much." She turned to the teacher and quickly wrote down everything on the board from earlier. She then listened to the teacher, but her thoughts caught up to her and she zoned out, staring at the floor.

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