Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

Max hummed along to the rest of the movie but she really wanted to play and sing along to her guitar. "I'll be outside if anyone needs me." She looked at the two girls there before getting up and getting her guitar and going outside like she said, not wanting to wake anyone who was asleep up.
"Okay, later." Ruby said. When the movie ended, Ruby turned off everything and went to her dorm, changing into pajamas and falling asleep quickly.
Piper woke up quietly, as to not wake up Max, and went to the bathroom to shower. About thirty minuets later she would come back into their dorm room and begin to pick out an outfit for the first day of 'school'. She would lay out the outfit on the bed and then go to sit at the desk, placing her mirror there, to do her make up. She'd straighten her blonde and pink hair until it was perfectly styled then get dressed and walk out of her dorm room and to the living area. She would have Math next so she was trying to figure out where to go. (outfit(
Jasmine yawned as she woke up. She saw ginger was still asleep so she tiptoed out of the room and into the bathroom. She was kinda shocked that nobody was awake or so she thought. She washed her hair and went back to her room. Once she got to her room she did her make up and got her hair gel and moose out and styled her hair. Then she picked out her out fit and changed. She went to the living room and saw Piper.

Piper would turn seeing that someone else was there behind her. Wasn't that the girl that had been yelling at her brother? A crocked smile would find its way onto Piper's face as she gave a small wave in a greeting. "Hey, you an early riser too?" she'd ask taking a seat on the couch that other girls had been singing at the night before. Pipers would slip her feet out of her black heels and pull her legs up next to her on the sofa.
Jasmine looked at her "Y-yeah" she said shyly. She sat in a chair beside the couch. She knew that was the girl who heard her yelling at her brother. She looked at her "Sorry about yesterday."
"Oh girl please, I don't have a sibling, but I'm sure if I did, I would be yelling at them all the time" she'd wave her hand as if brushing something out of the way in front of her "So I'm Piper" The girl would hold her hand out to examine her nails and lick her purple painted lips.
"I'm Jasmine" she said with a soft smile. She heard the breakfast bell "Oh that's the breakfast bell if you didn't know" she said as it went off. Jason feel out his bed and on to the floor because of the breakfast "Ugh I hate that stupidest bell" he mumbled as he stood up of the ground.
"Nice to meet you" Piper would slip her shoes back on and go to walk into the main dinning room "I guess its time to eat" she'd smile and wait for Jasmine, if she was coming, to walk with her. As she entered the dining area she'd see the table set with platters of all kinds of food. Piper would sit on the right side of the table and grab a plate. Her tiny hands would move to stack a apple, some berries, and a banana on her plate. She'd sit down and plop a blueberry into her mouth as she poured herself a glass of water. "hmm Oh! oatmeal" she'd giggle but she'd wait, she always had a big craving for breakfast food but never enough room to eat everything.
Jasmine followed behind her and sat down beside her. She put two pancakes on her plate. She put some blueberries on it. She pored her self a glass of orange juice. Jason changed and walked to the dinning room. "good morning ladies" he said in a tired voice.
"Good mornin'" Piper would smile as she began to peel her banana evenly. She'd look between the siblings to see if they would begin fighting again or not.
Jason sat down across from them and smiled. He started to fix himself some foods "Will you please give me my phone back" Jasmine said "I don't have it" he replied and started to eat
Piper would giggle as she took a small bite from the banana and then placed the peel on the side of her plate. "It's not very nice to keep a girl's phone from her" She'd add after a moment and then look to Jasmine with a small smile before continuing to eat her yellow fruit.
Max got out of bed and went into the bathroom, seeing that Piper already left. She took a shower and dried of her hair before straightening it and adding some small, loose curls to a few strands. She applies her make-up gently and looks through her items for a comfortable, yet stylish outfit. When she was satisfied she walked down to the dinning room and got a plate of some fruit and water before sitting down. "Good morning." She said lightly as she bit into a strawberry. (outfit)
"Max, morning, I tried to be quiet so I didn't wake you up" Her green eyes moved from the quiet siblings to her roomie. Her bright pink highlights seemed to pop against the purple accessories she was wearing. Her phone would vibrate in her bag so she'd pull it out to check the text. >when can you get out of that place, let's party~brad< Piper tapped her foot on the wooden floor and sighed. She hated being exiled from the free world. Another text >Love you dear~mom< Piper deleted it without finishing the text and a loud "UGH" would come off her lips. Her eyes would widen and she'd give a small smile "sorry, they uh-discontinued my favorite nail polish brand...." she'd look back down at her fruit and begin to eat her apple.
Max smiled over at Piper. "You didn't wake me up." She continued to eat in the silence that followed and looked over at Piper when she made a loud 'ugh' noise and said that it was fine when she apologized.
Sliding her phone back into her bag she'd finish her apple then stand to take her plate into the kitchen and return to the room, picking up her glass of water, topping it off, then walking from the room of quiet people. She'd make her way outside and grab a small blanket that was folded on a table. She'd spread it onto the green lawn and lie on her back looking up at the sky with a sigh and set her water down next to her l.
Ginger made her way to where the other girls and guys were. She saw a cute guy who looked like he was related to Jasmine and looked like he was Ginger's age. She automatically got shy and walked out of site.

Joshua had been awake for hours and he just now got out of his room and made it to the where everyone else was. "Morning ladies! Morning gentlemen! I'm Joshua Willis!"
Jasmine finished her "I'm Jasmine." she said and stand up and walk to Jason's room. I knock on the door "Hello is Jason's roommate in here?" She said just to be safe.
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