Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

Ruby got really bored. She stopped her music and put her Beats around her neck, walking out of the dorm. The cold air hitting her legs at the parts where her pants ripped, Ruby walked around. She didn't talk to anyone, she just took in her surroundings. She walked into the living room and found a big TV with a DVD rack. She found her favorite movie, Pitch Perfect, and put it on, sitting on the couch to watch it.
Jasmine looked down embarrassed and walked out of his room with her head down low. She walked to her room and layer down once she was in their. Jason looked at Piper and grinned.
"Your sister, she's opinionated I like her" Piper would flash a flirty smile and turn on her heel to see where Max had gone or what she was doing. Pink hair and all Piper would begin walking to where she heard sound coming from a living area "Hmmm... more places to explore" she would say quietly.
Jason he chuckled a bit and sat up. He took Jasmines phone out of his pocket. She never had a password so he went through her things. He loved looking at her pictures but he never told her that. He looked at the photos on her phone that she saved from her camera. He looked at them for about ten minutes and then walked to the living room.
Max nodded her head at Piper before hearing a movie being played and recognized it once the intro came on. "Let's see who's there." She walked into the living room and found a girl sitting on the couch. Max goes over and silently sits on the armrest of the couch. Max started singing along quietly to the song that was now on.
Ruby's eyes got wide as she looked over. "Oh, uh hi. I didn't notice you sitting there." She said, kinda freaked out.
Jason leaned up against the back wall right by the hallway. He watched the movie and listened to the girls talk.
Max looked at the other girl and chuckled softly. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to startle you. Oh, I'm Maxine but please call me Max."
Piper would nod and follow behind Max, she'd plop herself into a large armchair with her head against one arm and her legs dangling over the other arm. She'd look up at the movie and then pull her phone out as the girls spoke to one another. Green eyes would watch Ruby carefully and then look to Max "Good movie choice" she'd state plainly as she began playing a puzzle game on her phone.
"Uh, Ruby." She said, turning her head back to the movie. As the auditions came on she sang along to the song 'Since You Been Gone.' admiring Jesse. 
Ruby jumped again at the other voice. "Thanks.." She said as she goes back to singing.
Max nodded her head at Ruby and continued to sing along softly to the audition song after looking over at Piper.
Piper continued to get wrapped into the game on her phone as the two girls sang along, which secretly annoyed her, but of course she liked Max and she wouldn't ever tell her that. As Piper died she'd look up and smile at Max with a small wave then tuck her phone back into the pocket on her dress. She begin to bob her head along with the music and sway her right foot in timely circles. Her arms would move around a small pillow as she attempted to get comfortable.
As that song was almost over Ruby picked up the cup that was on the table randomly. "Can you guys do this part?" She asked smiling, as the girl walked onto the stage in the movie.
"Yes." She nodded "Your really pretty and do you think sometime I can take pictures of you?" She asked "Wait that sounded weird, I'm photographer and do you think you can model for me sometime?"
((goodnight guys, I am sleepy ^_^ ))

Piper would stand and brush the sides of her dress off to rid it of wrinkles "Honestly this isn't my thing... I think I'm going to head to bed, big day tomorrow and all" She'd wave "I'm Piper, by the way, it was nice to meet you" That being said she waved once more to Max and then walk down the hallway passing Jason's room. "Goodnight handsome" she'd wink at him as she leaned against his doorway for a brief moment and then was gone. She'd open the door and quickly unpack her clothes into the drawers and closet assigned to her. Pulling out some bright pink leggings and a long black jersey she'd crawl into bed and snuggle against her pillow. Moments would pass and then Piper would be out like a rock.
((Okay goodnight!))

Ruby shrugged and sang along to the girl doing the cup song, also doing the beat. She got bored and just put the cup aside, laying down on the couch. She sighed, not knowing the other kid was still in the hallway. Ruby laid there and watched the movie.
Max nodded as she positioned her hands on her leg since she didn't have a cup. "Yeah." She said as the girl on the movie sat down. 
"Night." Max called out to Piper after the next scene popped up.

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