Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

Ruby sat in the back of the taxi cab that was taking her to Maxwell Mansion. She had her beats over her ears, listening to music. The taxi stopped and Ruby looked out the window, her jaw dropping at the sight of the huge building. She paid the driver and took her bags, walking into the building. She found the headmaster's office and walked in, taking off her headphones. "Uh excuse me?" She asked, seeing the lady at the desk going through files.
"Fantastic!" Piper would reach out and grab Max's hand in a friendly way to pull her towards the door. "MAxwell Mansion here we come" she'd giggle and after closing the door behind them she'd pull Max into a slow jog through the house. "Everyone must still be in their rooms, where do you wanna go first?" Piper was just as new to this place as anyone else was, perhaps she would run into a cute guy or something.
Joshua wanted to go out and get some fresh air. When he walked out of the room he saw to girls jogging around the mansion hallways. "Hi girls!" Josh said loudly.
"Um my Dad rushed me out of the house to come here, not giving me information or anything. You got the information I need?" Ruby asked. She really didn't want to be here.
Mrs.Maxwell was astounded by the way this girl acted so she said in return," Maybe. I just need your first and last name."
Jasmine hummed to herself as she unpacked. When she doing something she gets lost in it and so she was focusing on unpacking and organizing her stuff.
"Ruby Shaw." said Ruby. Hopefully she got a dorm by herself. She didn't want to have to deal with people while sleeping.
((Okay If you didn't check the First page of sign ups here are the guy rooms because this isn't right. Jake is in room one with Jason and Joshua is in room two))
Ginger sat on an empty bed and wrote.

Mrs. Maxwell looked through her new student files and found SHAW, RUBY at the very top. "Ahha! Someone was expecting you Ms. - " Mrs. Maxwell lowered her glasses and then said ," Shaw! Here you go. Your schedule and you are in room number ... 2"
Max was a little startled but just shook her head and cracked a smile. "I don't know." She looked over when she heard someone yell and saw a guy. "Um, hi." Max replied back to the random guy.
"Someone was expecting me? Who?" Ruby asked. She didn't wish someone was. She was hoping she could sleep and act like nothing was happening.
"Cool." He replied back. He put his arms behind his head and got up and walked over to the door and turned on the fan, it was quite hot.
"Well I'm seeing here that your father called not to long ago and told me that you had left without your papers. So that's who!" Mrs. Maxwell came off a little rude without meaning to as she usually did.

Joshua walked back into his room and said," Hey guys I just remembered! I'm in the wrong room! Bye!" He grabbed his things and walked into room number two.
"Hi Joshua, I'm Piper" She thought the boy was adorable and wanted to just squeeze him. She'd look at Max with a smile and release her hand "Well it looks like we found the guy's area" she would clap her hands together as she spun in a slow circle and looked around. Hearing Josh pop in and out of a room Piper would try to look through the opened door.
Max laughed at Piper as she slowly spun in a circle. "Hey Piper, besides the main courses, what other classes are you taking?" Max asked as she also looked around and saw multiple doors and hallways.
"Okay, well thanks." Ruby said, grabbing the papers and walking out and towards the girl's dorms. She found room 2 and walked inside. She put her bags down on the bed closest to the window and sighed in relief that she was by herself. Ruby laid down and put her music back on, headphones over ears. She read over her schedule then shut her eyes, relaxing.
Jason finished unpacking and layer down. He looked at the ceiling. He was super bored. Then he heard the door open and looked at it. It was Jasmine "Give it to me Jason!" She said he chuckled "I don't know what your talking about" he smirked "Jason I'm not joking!" She says. He just laid there and laughed.
"I am actually taking Soccer and Cheerleading for p.e's and then creative writing and dance for fun" A smile would come across her face as she turned back to look at Max "what about you?" Just then she'd hear a girl shrieking something from one of the guy's rooms, her brow would raise and her face would have an irritated look on it.
Jason "I don't even know what you think I have" he says with a grin and look at her "Your such a lier!! Jason give it to me" she walked to him and punched him "Aw that hurt so bad" I smirk "Jason I promise..." She stop and notice someone else in the room.
Max smiled and listed what she had. "I am taking music, more specifically choir even though I play guitar, art, creative writing, and drama." She smiled at the thought of playing her guitar in the dorm room, maybe even Piper would have some requests for her. Max looked over at Piper when she heard a girls voice in another guys room. "Most likely siblings." She thinks to herself.
"Nice we'll have one class together" Piper would smile and then look towards the room with the siblings arguing. She'd take a step forward to see the girl staring towards them and Piper would wave with a fake smile on her face before turning back to Max and biting her lip "So the first drama of the house and we have get to see it" Piper once again looked towards Jasmine.

((Piper and Max are like in the hallway hehe not in side the room, But Piper is def watching... she's nosey))

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