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Fandom Mature Star Wars RP.

MY character names are my weakness. If you want you could try being vague, and giving us a good example in role-play, I would think. I'm a shower, not a typing it out and stuffer.
[QUOTE="HK 50 09]So! Stuck on personality. Pretty much , I suck at making personalities. Terribly. So , is it ok if it's somewhat vague?

I don't mind just as long as he isn't too silly :)
Name: Dedan Karatus

Age: 22

Appearance: Tall and pale, with 2 sharp fangs in the front of his mouth, giving an almost vampiric appearance. Dedan has long, black hair, extending down well past his shoulders. More often than not he is seen wearing a heavily modified set of dark red Phase II Clone Trooper Armor, with a black Kama around the waist and a black pauldron covering one of his shoulders. His set of armor is heavily modified. Let's start with the helmet. It has been modded to have an easily accessed zooming function, allowing for long range viewing of any specifc target, as long as they are in his direct field of vision. He also has an AI spread throughout the helmet, directly feeding him active battle tactics and alerting him about it. (I.E. He is combatting enemies infront of him, and he'd be warned of advancing enemies behind him). As an aesthetic detail, he also has three black stripes running down the front of the helmet, a star at the base of the back of the helmet. There also appears to be a water filter on the sides of the helmet, allowing for extended time in water. The armor is also heavily modified, being laced with Phrik, allowing for a lesser amount of damage being taken from Lightsabers and other weapons like them. It also has a grappling hook installed in the left wrist of the armor, allowing for quick parkouring around areas. There is also a laser cutter, used for hacking terminals and cutting thin metal, on the underside of the left wrist. There also appears to be a black handprint on the abdomen of the red armor, as well as multiple stripes along the shoulders and arms of the armor. When not in the armor, however, he can be seen wearing an orange Correlian flight jacket, a black shirt, and baggy black pants clinging to his waist. He also occaisionally drapes a white cloak over himself if he ever needs to not be identified.

Personality: When Dedan called it being "Realistic", others seen it as being Pessimistic. Needless to say, throughout his early life, and even to the present, he had a very real outlook on the situation and was rather blunt about it. He was also very sarcastic, especially towards people or things he has a strong dislike for, however, he is a loyalist to his friends and would gladly give everything to protect them. He also has a tendency to have random mood swings, while not too severe, he would just randomly change opinions about something. He also had a rather odd sense of humor, always finding a way to find a humourus outlook on almost any situation.

Bio: Born in the slums of Courascant, Dedan was the son of a tramp, who almost immediately abandoned him in a random alley. He was then found by a jedi by the name of Na'min, who took him into the temple after discovering that he was force sensitive. Throughout his life up until 19 BBY he had always gotten into arguements over the Jedi code, often getting flustered and annoyed due to the rather black and white nature of it. It didn't help that his Master, the afore mentioned Na'min, was a strictly by the book Jedi. At the age of 17, only a year before he would take the Knighthood Exam, in 22 BBY, he found out that Na'min was slaughtered on Geonosis. Despite having often disagreed with his master he was still a close friend to him, and considered him a father. His death forced Dedan into a deep depression, where he took part in some more questionable practices. These practices got him in even deeper with the Order. Needless to say, after continuing these practices and activities, he was kicked out of the Order. In 18 BBY. He eventually find a ship and set a course for one of the few planets where he could do whatever he wished without any actual influence from the Republic, or in the next two years, the Empire. Raxus Prime. The Junk Planet. It was here that he made a shelter out of the mounds and mounds of metal and other materials. He traded with the scavengers who often passed through the planet for any necessities he required. Despite having >some< experience with blaster weapons, he was still quite weak with them. Since these were rather desperate times, he would most likely need a weapon. A blaster. He learned from these scavengers how to wield a blaster properly. From the mounds of scrap metal and junk, he managed to scrounge out a DE-10 Blaster Pistol, which he refurbished and actively wielded. He also took a favoring for stealth combat which quickly became one of the only combat styles he used. He traded with Trandoshian Merchants for a brand new SoroSuub X-45 Sniper Rifle and a long vibrosword, which he wields with one hand despite its weight. He then began modifying the Sniper Rifle. He patched in multiple components, most notably the targetting package from a security droid, to increase its accuracy and efficiency. Over the course of his years on Raxus Prime he quickly became a technological mastermind. His first self proclaimed "Masterpiece" was the Phase II Clone Armor, which he re-painted, refurbished, and modified. However, in early 17 BBY, Imperial starships started orbitting Raxus, and it quickly became a TIE Fighter factory. He quickly went off-world with these scavengers he had been holed up with, and they set off across the galaxy. It was around these few months that Dedan witnessed the real cruelty that the Empire had to offer. Then, (Insert plot event that kicks off the RP) happened....

Skills: Adept at using the Force, can easily do basic moves such as push, pull, etc. He also can use the Force to amplify he speed, strength, and stamina by about twofold..

He is quick and decisive when it comes to melee combat. While not very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, he often quickly adapts to situations and prefers to use instant kill take downs rather than to risk giving his opponent an extra move. His preferred weapon is a long vibrosword, and a small vibroknife.

He is also very good at blaster combat, being adept at active ranged combat with his modded DE-10 Blaster Pistol, however his talents really shine with his X-45 Sniper Rifle, where he will skillfully pick off enemies from absurd distances.

He is also a genius when it comes to technology, being able to quickly rewire most forms of technology to whatever purpose he sees fit, once even re-wiring four Super Battle Droids and having them mow down their allies.

Weaknesses: A very generic pilot. He has no standout skills. He'd most likely lose in a dogfight against anybody with advanced military training.

Gets fatigued rather easily, and focuses on stealth. Would most likely lose a prolonged fight.

His rather ghoulish appearance is a social turn-off, causing people to deem him untrustworthy.

Has a rather frail body, without having it Force assisted, his strength is most likely weaker than the average.

Standard Weapon: DE-10 Blaster Pistol, Modified Clone Armor (Abilities listed in Appearance)

Special Weapon: Long Vibrosword: A vibrosword with a slightly longer blade than normal. The blade appears to have a message scrawled on it, which even Dedan has yet to decode. X-45 Sniper Rifle: An expensive assassin's rifle, which has been modified to have +30% accuracy due to a security droid's targetting package.

Extra:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0f9bd5c1_DE10Blaster.gif.89a5a09ef904dd8b3d006608b7c704f6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0f9bd5c1_DE10Blaster.gif.89a5a09ef904dd8b3d006608b7c704f6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0f9bf6d5_X45Sniper.png.bcebdd3431f333bbc6152fd6ad9bf870.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0f9bf6d5_X45Sniper.png.bcebdd3431f333bbc6152fd6ad9bf870.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name : OHF-4489 is his proper name , but also has nicknames among the crew. He also calls himself the Black Terror.

Age : around ~6 years , as he was said to be created shortly before the first battle of geonosis.

Appearance :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.b46898e798dbb9352a8451186249679f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.b46898e798dbb9352a8451186249679f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Note - the cape is actually a dark green and the 'eyes' are the shade of red the magna guard chest plate's secondary eye is.)

Personality : rather dry and straightforward , OHF-4489 or the black terror as he calls himself is a droid of many personalities , but he is mostly quick in remarks that can be funny but usually aren't meant to be. However he is rather sadistic in combat and to enemies. One thing he consistently displays is that he thinks himself as a superior to any other droids by virtue of his 'multi encompassing design'. He is a very vengeful droid , and unlike most anyone or anything , he acts on his vengeance as soon as he can. As well he makes plans , and when those plans go even slight different he gets very upset although he's good at not saying it right away. Beyond that he has yet to display.

Bio : the droid called OHF-4489 was created on the recolonized ruins of taris by a fugitive called raxxon hetherbagen in the year 21 BBY. Created as a sentry droid for the fugitives compound , he was made up of many parts belonging to combat droids. He guarded the compound during most of the clone wars , even fighting and killing Jedi padawans in often brutal , damage dealing battles. This led to him repairing himself , which is why many more uncommon parts adorn him , such as the magna guard chest plate on his chest , which he took after personally killing one of the CIS's general grevious' personal guards that was sent after his master.

However , when the first galactic empire was created in 19 BBY , a squad of clone assassins was sent to kill the man her served , and unfortunately OHF was repairing himself in the scrap yard and was unable to help. After this he hunted down and killed each of the men responsible , adding the clone assassins arm vibroblades to his construction , along with adding a DC-15A rifle to his arsenal. Soon after he became 'private security' , a loose term applying to anything from assassin to a gate guard. In 18 BBY he even worked for Jabba the Hutt , before he was 'let go' in favor of boba fett and an old BX commando droid , with which he developed a heated fued. He destroyed the commando droid and added it's stealth package to himself which led to , Around a month after this event , becoming a smuggler. Finding himself good at evasive piloting techniques. This lasted for a while until his ship , the black terror 2000 (which he custom built) was repossessed by the empire. Among the items on it were his arm vibroblades and the DC-15 rifle , of which both he has never found any others since. This led to his hatred of the empire , something he harbors still. Around 17 BBY he was asked to become private security for a crew that seemed to support his anti-imperial attitude , and he accepted on one condition - should he ever meet a TK-1989 , he should be the one to kill the one who took his precious ship.

Skills : EXPERT SKILS : sniper , turret operator , droid construction weapon maker , blaster rifle operation , ship builder. Also , extremely intelligent and a good planner.

Good skills : computer slicer , assassin , blaster pistol shot , pilot , meelee combat , grenades. He's also a strong droid by virtue of his arms he got from a mix of B2 SBD and an ancient HK protocol droid.

Mediocre : most everything he can do to a degree.

His major weakness is dealing with loss in non violent ways , but there's also many physical weaknesses. He's not slow by any means , but he's not a fast droid. His joints are the weakest among his construction. Being peiced together , he is in a constant state of maintenance , and has to be repaired almost every standard month.

Standard weapons :

A DC-15 pistol

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.4c2494273d4199600004d94ae4b76407.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.4c2494273d4199600004d94ae4b76407.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This carbine :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.b3e0ef6e0a1673948f940341548aed14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.b3e0ef6e0a1673948f940341548aed14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

this sniper rifle :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.bdb5a5e7db0b2992a289e54d4daf3d29.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.bdb5a5e7db0b2992a289e54d4daf3d29.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And this vibroknife :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.decc022a70b9bf5a120525a7f16b7ee3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.decc022a70b9bf5a120525a7f16b7ee3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special weapons :

The lightsaber of a Jedi padawan he killed :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.1f4e5ffe7ba3c8dfc8a7256fd90e119a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36113" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.1f4e5ffe7ba3c8dfc8a7256fd90e119a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra : he killed either 3 or 4 Jedi padawans. He only kept the one lightsaber Becuase in his words , 'the combination of purple and black reminds me of myself - an unusual but amazing combination'



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Pretty good, but the slowness thing doesn't seem to fit in with how he seems to fight. Maybe having him have similar joints to the PROXY droid, which can bend just as easily, if not more easily, than a human?
Natevess said:
Pretty good, but the slowness thing doesn't seem to fit in with how he seems to fight. Maybe having him have similar joints to the PROXY droid, which can bend just as easily, if not more easily, than a human?
I do see where you get that but it wouldn't make sense using HK and IG-100 arms to have them be super duper movable. They bend as much as a humans , but not much more.
Natevess said:
Any opinions on my character? I think I did a bit of a poor job at balancing.
agreed. To be honest I don't think he even needs to be a jedi. Why not lose the lightsaber and major force powers and say he left the order before order 66. His armor and skills are still very good.


Coren Verso





He is about six feet tall, and he is in good shape. He isn't bulky in a bodybuilders sense but he is lean and muscular. He can often be seen with a content smirk on his face.


Coren is a man who is driven by one thing, personal success. He is defined by his ambition and all else comes in a distant second. He defines his success in dollar amounts and if there is profit in something, he will risk life and limb to achieve his goal of financial success. That being said, he isn't without a conscience. He has no qualms doing a long list of morally obtuse things, but a point exists where he will walk away from money if he feels that the job is too dark, and instead of taking the job he will leave the task to more Machiavellian bounty hunters and guns for hire.

Coren can seem rough around the edges and un-refined, although he might not project the fact that he is educated and intelligent, he is. He is knowledgeable on historical matters along with political history and current political dynamics and he holds a fierce stance against the restrictive laws of the empire, viewing their laws as archaic and in direct contention with the ideals of free trade and commerce.

He can come off as a person who doesn't take life seriously enough, a trait that can annoy others who are more serious when it comes to pressing matters. Many times, if it doesn't directly impact his life or his finances, he can seem quite apathetic in regards to the plight of the common person, a direct result of his selfish perception of the galaxy. He enjoys the life of excitement that he has chosen and he wouldn't live any other way if given the choice, and although he doesn't mind fighting as a mercenary, he prefers to be hired as a procurer and a bounty hunter rather than a gun for hire. His reputation as a procurer of rare or lost items is well renowned and he has innate knowledge of many ancient societies and abandoned worlds as he has spent much of his time on such worlds, navigating through the ruins, looking for ancient pieces of technology or weaponry.

As a bounty hunter, he feels that he can do some modicum of good, but generally speaking this is an excuse to make money off of the pain of others. Many times he is hired by criminals to track down other criminals and in the cases where he is hired by legally authorized entities, he is tracking down political activists or rebels, certainly not a morally right objective considering the governance of the empire.

He enjoys simple things, he doesn't like to go out and party, do drugs and he rarely drinks, he believes that such things dull the senses and should only be consumed in rare times. Instead he works on building his network and has little to no spare time as he finishes his jobs in a timely manner before immediately accepting another one, taking no time of in between for rest and relaxation. Many times he is simply too busy to be bothered by such a trivial thing as a social life, and as a result of his borderline sociopathic determination to become rich and remain in an exiting profession, he often neglects the potential for partnership with romantic interests.

He is cynical, sarcastic, and doesn't know how to hold his tongue in certain situations, even if it would serve him best, but when needed he can be tactful and respectful, often using a business first approach to most interactions, even personal ones. He detests those who believe they are superior and holds a slight disdain for force users, not out of jealousy but out of a realization that the Jedi are a slightly elitist organization, an organization that horded knowledge and power during previous eras while proclaiming themselves the guardians of the republic. Furthermore he believes that they are hypocrites, for they proclaimed peace while fighting on the front lines, even holding the ranks of general and admiral during conflicts in the past. Even though his distrust and dislike of what had been the Jedi order is slightly misplaced, from his perspective it is actually justifiable. Although his distrust of the is more of a caveat than anything else, he distrusts them a little bit, and harbors some feeling of dislike for them, but he doesn't hate them, and he doesn't fear them.


Born on a small planet within a colony on the outer rim, he grew up out of place, and constantly yearning for something more in his life, and by the age of eighteen he took his chance to escape the life of monotony that he watched his family and friends live. He joined the navy as soon as he was eligible and served with distinction as a fighter and bomber pilot, seeing combat in several stages of war. He fought against various rebel forces, culling uprisings before they began in earnest, and lived the life of adventure that he had dreamed of as a kid as he traveled across the galaxy, piloting the finest vessels that the navy had to offer him, but something was missing.

The lack of control got to him after a while, the orders, the incompetent leadership, and the routine of it all, like clockwork, day in and day out. The monotony he had tried to escape now pervaded his life within the navy, the feeling of wonder he had felt as he flew through the vacuum of space had left him, and the pride he had once felt as a member of the fleet now seemed flat. He had realized that he wasn't fighting for the "good guys" he wasn't a bringer of peace, he wasn't a bringer of justice, his commanders were anything but benevolent. He wasn't fighting the good fight, instead he was fighting for mad tyrants, and oppressors, and so, as soon as he could leave the navy legally, he did.

As an unemployed pilot, seeking a life of excitement and freedom, along with financial security, he eventually settled on smuggling to get by. If one thing could be said about the strict bans on certain items that had been created by the empire, it was that they provided a very lucrative industry for those with the proper skill set. For the first couple of years, he flew for table scraps, his ship was a small one, barely large enough to be called a freighter and his reputation was non existent, , but he got a lucky break. One of his clients approached him, seeking a procurer to go to a planet outside of the outer rim, one that was uncharted on most maps, a planet that had been abandoned by a race of advanced humanoids almost twenty thousand years previous.

The item that that his employer sought was an ancient light saber, one that had been possessed by a legendary warrior king, a sword that had been used to slay hundreds upon the battlefield, and according to the employer, it remained in a stasis chamber on the planet. After an inquiry regarding how the employer knew so much, he was told that if he accepted the job, he would not be the first to be sent. Another procurer had been sent and he had died after verifying the existence of the sword, a result of the dangerous indigenous life forms that lived on the planet.

Coren was, at first, hesitant, but after seeing the pay if successful he quickly took the job, and after a two week trip across the galaxy he arrived at the planet and while on the planet he found his current armor, an ancient type of armor that was quite advanced even for the modern day, an armor made from Cortosis, a light saber resistant alloy that actually deactivates light sabers for a few minutes if they come in contact with the alloy.

Link to Cortosis ---> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Cortosis-weave

After returning from the planet almost two months after accepting the job, with the ancient saber and his new armor in tow, he recieved a large sum of money from his employer, using his earnings he purchased a much larger, faster and better equipped vessel. Over the next half decade he made a name for himself and made a hell of a lot of money, but he is once again lacking in purpose, and he seeks a new one. Perhaps his new purpose will be that of the rebellion.


He is a good marksman, a decent hand to hand fighter and a very clever tactician, he is capable of improvising on the fly as well and can be very unpredictable during fights. He is an excellent pilot capable of flying most types of craft and he is familiar with naval codes and terms. He is good at making on the go repairs on ships and can perform more long lasting and quality repairs in dry docks. He is intelligent, not the smartest but definitely above average by a good bit. Due to the fact that he owns Cortosis armor he can hold his own against most Jedi. He has no defense to force attacks but a lightsaber is essentially useless against him unless he is out of his armor. His armor is equipped with a jet pack, concussive dampeners, a two layer exo skeleton and a mobile HUD. He also has backup boosters on the outside of his shins and a pair of hand blasters, one on each hip.

Standard Weapons

Verpine Shatter Gun ---> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Verpine_shatter_gun (It's a brief read, one small paragraph)


DL-44 Heavy blaster (Han Solo's gun of choice, this gun is extremely powerful for it's size and can penetrate most personnel armor)


Special Weapon

Cortosis Weave Vibroblade, capable of deactivating lightsabers as well as being able to carve through most types of armor



Micro rocket pods on both wrists of armor

Two blaster pistols, one on each hip

Jetpack & Jet boosters on each shin

Grappling hook on right wrist

Four grenades on starting load out

1. One Glop Grenade (Non lethal capture) ---> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/G-20_Glop_grenade

2. Two fragmentation Grenades ---> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fragmentation_grenade

3. One flash bang ---> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Flash-bang_grenade

(The following is not commonly used by my character

but he does own them and stores them on his ship)

Disruption sniper rifle ---> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Disruptor_rifle


Stokhi Spray Stick (non lethal capture device) ---> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Stokhli_spray_stick


My character's armor


My character's ship


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Orion said:
I was wondering if we could have more than one character?
if the character sheet is good sure, though you will have to be a very active poster to have more than one I will say.

@HunterJJ Great character sheet!

we're pretty much at the limit for how many people I would like to have in the RP but for anyone who hasn't posted a character sheet still do it, just make it so good I can't say no :)
Well mines up. Couldn't think of much to give him considering everything he has are trophies or old run down things. Besides , he doesn't need that many weapons. He'd say something about it'd probably break him in half through sheer pressure (exaggeration of course.)
I'm all for more characters. BUUUT I do agree that it has to be really good and also it would be weird to have that this early in the game. And FINALLY SOMEONE DID CORTOSIS. And all the characters look great. We are getting good characters. We should start soon.
[QUOTE="Master Attano]agreed. To be honest I don't think he even needs to be a jedi. Why not lose the lightsaber and major force powers and say he left the order before order 66. His armor and skills are still very good.

I'd prefer to keep the Force assisted speed and strength. Would it be okay if I got rid of the Maelstrom, Choke, and replaced the Lightsaber with a Vibrosword? Can you tell me what specifically bothers you?

Should I change and repost my character sheet?
To me. Being a super solider with force choke and stuff like that bothers me. The force enhanced speed and strength will be passable to a certain extent. But that's just my thoughts
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]To me. Being a super solider with force choke and stuff like that bothers me. The force enhanced speed and strength will be passable to a certain extent. But that's just my thoughts

Without the armor he really isn't much, as he's bad at dueling and he isn't much for a front-line soldier, but I can see where you're coming from. If I got rid of the Maelstrom, Choke, and other powers similar, and exchanged the Lightsaber for a Vibrosword, would that work?

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