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Fandom Mature Star Wars RP.

I don't mean to be pushy but can we start putting together a character sheet, I'm really excited for this RP :D
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]I wanted to be the one who is like Kyle Katarn or a Jedi who doesn't rely on his lightsaber and who is more human and is experienced combat and strategy wise.

Haha the character I'm thinking of is similar to this too :P

I'll work on a character sheet so everybody can solidify their characters a bit more though.
What good is star wars without conflict? The Rebels, and the empire would be sipping tea, thinking of their next pai sho game xD
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]We goin to have conflicts dawg

I'm sure the differences in our characters will come out when we put them down on a character sheet :)
Ok here's a character sheet I quickly made, if there's anything you want to add feel free. All those seriously interested in joining make a character.

All the normal rules please apply, no Mary/Gary Sues etc.

Please make these as detailed as possible, when I get the chance I'll make my one but it would defeat the purpose of this kind of RP if the characters weren't well thought out



Appearance: (Put a picture if you want.)


Bio: (As detailed as possible)

Skills: (Good shot, expert pilot, tech expert, etc. If a trained lightsaber user what forms they use.)

Standard Weapon:

Special Weapon: (If available)

Extra: (If there’s anything else you want to add)

Ok here's mine, I might change some things around but we'll see.



Sarith Kane





(minus the goggles and guns except for the one on his right thigh)

A tall human male Sarith has medium length black hair and can be usually seen with rough black stubble over his slim but not gaunt features. Under his customary brown coat is a strong physique with toned muscles from years of training, though it is nowhere near a body builder's muscle mass, leaning more towards a strong swimmer. He has blue and green blend for eye colour.


Sarith is an amicable enough person, or so he likes to think. He has a good sense of humor that while diminished with the rise of the Empire is still present, though it is blacker and more sarcastic than it has ever been. Due to the nature of his work he is in most cases a secretive person and getting him to open up about anything, especially his history can be like trying to draw blood from a stone. Due to this he is slow to trust and suspicious of people. Agile in body and mind he adapts to situations quickly, however once his mind is set on something he can be as stubborn as a Bantha to shift.


Sarith, like many before him, was recruited into the Jedi order at a young age. Taken as a Jedi Initiate however nearly over the required age needed for customary training. Before being taken to the Jedi temple he had grown up in an orphanage in the lower levels of Coruscant and was brought in to be considered for training when his path crossed with a Jedi Knight, more specifically a Jedi Shadow who sensed the potential in him when Sarith helped him find the dark side user causing trouble in Coruscant. Throughout his training as an initiate Sarith got on well with his peers but was always a more solitary figure, his maturity and age setting him apart from the other initiates and finally Padawans when he was placed under a master. Under his master and away from the distraction of other students he learnt quickly, his time spent throughout the galaxy with his master some of his fondest memories. In particular it was his skills with the a light saber that advanced the most, his master scolding him on occasion for neglecting his studies of the force in favor of training with the blade. In time however his force powers caught up. When it finally came time for Sarith to attempt the trials to become a Jedi Knight he passed with flying colours, showing particular skill at resisting the dark side. For this reason and his distance from the rest of the order that it was suggested that he train to be a Jedi Shadow, a special agent of the light tasked with rooting out the dark side. He accepted, reminded of the Jedi who had found him. After completing the training he was given a ship by the Jedi Council and with the outbreak of the Clone War he began operations behind enemy lines, infiltrating and eliminating dark side users who flocked to the Confederate cause. Such was the case that it was during one of these missions that the infamous purging of the Jedi and rise of the Empire occurred. An event that brought Sarith closer to the dark side than he had ever been before, struggling with his anger and anguish as he came to terms with a universe without the Republic or Jedi. These emotions soon manifested as a drive to fight back against the Empire, whatever the circumstances, though he still keeps his history as a Jedi a closely guarded secret, even if he doesnt really consider himself one anymore.


All the typical powers and skills of a Jedi Knight.

Due to his training as a Jedi Shadow is able to mask his force energy efficiently and for long periods of time as would be required if he was under cover posing as either a dark or non force user.

As a Jedi shadow he was tasked with rooting out force users in hiding or otherwise, as a result he is particularly good at sensing the force potential in others, though not perfect.

An expert duelist versed in all the forms, he was lucky enough to receive training in Vaapad and favors it over other techniques.

Has a strong connection to the force but due to his focus on martial arts and keeping his real identity a secret he is not at his full potential and can have difficulty with feats harder than the practical uses like force push and jump for example but he is in no way restricted to them. He is trying to redevelop his skills however though it is slow progress.

Has a rudimentary skill with blasters but isn't especially good.


Due to his continued dedication to not let his martial skills slip, something that is very demanding, he lacks any mastery of the more mundane skills. For example:

He is a terrible pilot. Let's...let's just leave it at that.

Doesn't know a thing about mechanics and complicated technical things, except when it comes to his lightsaber.

Due to the nature of Vaapad and the times he lives in he is closer to the darkside than ever before.

His drive to hurt the Empire can be considered a weakness as it can blind him to the other things around him.

Standard Weapon:

Modified blaster pistol

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-2_21-1-43.jpeg.ea0fa2710c09b28bddb84914f8cc7b14.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-2_21-1-43.jpeg.ea0fa2710c09b28bddb84914f8cc7b14.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special Weapon:

Sarith's Jedi lightsaber, a heavily modified single-handed double bladed yellow saber with an adjustable length. He keeps it hidden either on his person or on his ship.


An example of the single-handed double lightsaber.


Owner of the ship gifted to him by the Jedi order, now more modified and worn.


ColonelScout312 said:
Anymore spots open? Cause I am quite interested in this.
Sent from my KFOT using Tapatalk
Like Jason said sure thing, but make sure your character sheet is good because we don't want too many people for this first one, and the better your character the better your chances.

Though it depends on how many people seriously want to join :)



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Allcure said:
Did we ever decide where the RP would begin?
Not yet, I got a few ideas however, though if we do get to the stage where we are ready I'm going to have to think of a plot, you guys can help with that for sure though :)
@Master Attano

Name: Argenta Black-mist

Age: 20



Personality: Argenta has a very Sui generis personality. She has a good sense of humor. But, due to the variety in the way she acts its hard to tell if she's even trustworthy. Likely, deceiving people to get out of situations. Though, once she has a task that she wants to do, she is known to be as stubborn as a falumpaset.

Bio: Argenta, since only a child was raised to be a bounty hunter. She was to be molded into a force to be reckoned with, the strictest training. Anything, ranging from endless hours, of building physical stamina, to a near flawless precision, but nothing was good enough, constantly her master would whip her, and beat her. Demanding improvement, it took months, years even for her to get it right. It was during this time she found dual-wielding blaster pistols, and a sniper rifle. At this point, vast improvement was made instead of the constant rifle, and ballistic training. The training was nearing its end, and it was not long before she was sent to kill her first target.

What she didn't know was that her intended target was aware of her presence. It was a Jedi Knight. A battle presumed, but did not last long. Argenta fell short of victory, and was expecting death. But, he saw potential in her, and sensed she would be able to be trained in the ways of the force. Not long after, more training began, and she began to learn of the force. How to manipulate it. She learned how to warp peoples mind, increase the awareness of her surroundings, using the force to increase physical capabilities, such as speed, and jumping, learning to hide her presence, and finally a basic force push though not strong if anything only enough power to stumble her enemies giving chance for an escape.

At the age of nine-teen , it was when the empire struck during her training. Barely, escaping with her life, her friend, and mentor now dead. She was lost unsure of what to do. Unable to care for herself within the next year, went back to her bounty hunting ways, utilizing both her former knowledge, and her new found knowledge in the force.


Expert Shot

Heightened senses, and improved physical prowess.

Expert in technology, limited knowledge of ships.

Decent at hiding presence, with the use of the force, and previous training.

A master at the use of the gun.

Force Potential, but only has the force push in arsenal.


Limited view when scoping.

Weak to resisting the Force

Slow reload time.

Bad tactician.

Standard Weapon: Modified Dual Blaster pistols


Special Weapon:

Modified Sniper that is silenced, and fires tranquilizer shots.



Owns a small mobile communication device, alongside a scanner which allows her to see mechanical items on the opposite side of walls.

(If there’s anything else you want to add)

Not sure if this is where we put it, but here it is.
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