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Fandom Mature Star Wars RP.

Well, I'm thinking a bounty hunter. He is still a somewhat good person, and may eventually (a long time down the road) go back to the Jedi, but he has left for reasons which I've yet to think up.

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Name: Mai Reiko

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/27408-234336-367f080cdd435d9fa86e3bd63171d5b7.jpg.492045fd27125f5b44ea84b6755e80f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/27408-234336-367f080cdd435d9fa86e3bd63171d5b7.jpg.492045fd27125f5b44ea84b6755e80f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mai is an upbeat an lively person, full of enthusiasm and optimism. She is bubbly and friendly, often going out of her way to help others for very little in return. She is exceedingly intelligent and excels at learning new things, picking up habits and hobbies with ease. She loves working with her hands and wants nothing more than to run her own ship someday. She hates the empire with a burning passion for what they've done to the galaxy, what they stand for but most of all what they took from her. Both of Mai's parents and two eldest brothers were kidnapped by the Empire. Inspiring a burning hatred within her, hidden by her bubbly demeanour.


Mai was born the youngest sibling of five other brothers. The large family lived within one of the large cities of Tantooine (Or insert other generic outer rim planet here) running he planet wide known "Reiko Mechanics" where it was reported that anything could be fixed. Her parents were thrilled to finally have a girl and tried their hardest to spoil her with gifts and presents. But even from an early age it was clear Mai rather be like her brothers and would often discard her dolls in favour of a spanner or equally masculine items.

By the age of five Mai had figured out how to take apart and reassemble her first comms station, by eight she could repair almost any droid, by ten she could fix the engine of most speeders and was beginning to work on inter-planetary ships. By fourteen she could build and repair the light speed components of even a frigate class ship. Her steady progress in mechanics allowed her to help work in her father's shop with two of her brothers.

It was here as well that she began to do deliveries for her father. Some were close by so she would take a speeder, carrying the package or sometimes delivering the vehicle itself.

Some deliveries were further afield and she had to take a first class personal ship owned by the family. The ship could travel around the entire planet in a matter of hours and was more than capable of interplanetary travel and light speed. Christened "Odin" by her father the Ship came with its own AI, keeping Mai company during the trips she made to the out reaches of the planet. When she reached the age of 16 she decided to make her own AI, based off of her father’s designs. Succeeding and naming her "Freya" She continued to follow in her father’s footsteps. The addition of an AI meant that she could focus on her favourite mechanical parts of dealing things while Freya handled the software. She is contained in a metallic gauntlet she wears on her left hand. However Freya was a young AI and Mai’s programming wasn’t flawless. She had many holes in her knowledge and is still learning as much as Mai. Despite this Mai continued in her happy life until that fateful day.

Mai was working in the shop, picking the gunk out of an old asteroid droid when her eldest brother ran through the front door. "Mai! Hide!" He shouted, vaulting one of the counters and retrieving a blaster the family kept down there for emergencies. Mai ran terrified into one of the metal lockers lining the side of the room. Instantly regretting her decision as she realised she was locked in. Her dad burst into the room alongside her mother and other older brother. He had hushed words with his eldest son before an entire squad of clones burst through the front door, a second appearing from the back of the shop, catching everyone by surprise.

"Mr Reiko, You and your sons are convicted of associating with the Jedi" Their commander said seriously. "Please come quietly or we'll have to use force." He concluded, keeping his blaster raised.

Mai's father looked to his son, putting his hand on the blasters barrel and lowering it to the ground. "We'll come peacefully, don't worry.". Several of the clones moved forwards and cuffed their hands before leading them out the door while Mai looked on in shock and horror.

It was several hours later that Mai's three other brothers returned and were able to let her out of the locker. Mai had been crying all of that time but she burst into fresh tears as she told them what happened. They consoled her, but they knew that they were most likely never seeing their parents or siblings again.

In e months that followed Mai's three older brothers took over Reiko's mechanics but Mai refused to work there, instead she was determined to find out what happened to her parents and get off world.

Skills: Expert Pilot, Good with mechanics, Loyal

Standard Weapon: Small blaster pistol

Special Weapon: Her gauntlet, comprised of two components: The first being a wrist mounted laser. Though Mai usually uses this for welding and repairs it also can be used offensively. It’s strong enough to cut through steel but it has a relatively small battery and can get drained easily. The gauntlet’s second function is that it can create an adjustable force field that acts as a shield. The shield can deflect blaster fire up to a certain calibre and can even sustain several light sabre strikes before its energy levels are expended. A final feature of her gauntlet is it contains Freya, her AI and can project a small hologram of Freya into her palm. Freya takes the form of a teenage girl, similar to Mai’s age.


Mai isn’t a violent person and is morally against killing people, even bad people, believing that everyone deserves a second chance. What Mai Doesn’t know is that her father was the illegitimate on of a Jedi, hence the reason he was rounded up. This means that Mai is force sensitive and has great potential lying inside her although she herself doesn’t have a clue.

  • Picture of Freya:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/il_570xN.385873127_hgu5.jpg.a5ff2ae6bef8f5540c807ba7034e4df8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/il_570xN.385873127_hgu5.jpg.a5ff2ae6bef8f5540c807ba7034e4df8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Okay! finished my CS :)



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@Master Attano

Put my CS in a spoiler as not to flood the page.

Name: Jake "Hundred" Goloc

Age: 32



Personality: Jake is a very hidden type of person. His years of secluded training with Rourke have turned him into a very antisocial person. He can carry a conversation with anyone but he is very... off around other people. The majority of his time is spent in deep thought about how to handle the situation and he is always thinking about the quickest exit from any place.

Bio: Jake began life as a servant to the Hutts. He served with his father in the factories of Nal Hutta where he spent what little free time he had jumping around the roofs and ruins of the area. His father told him one day that he planned to escape his slavery and needed Jake's help to get out. Jake and his father were to wait until the Hutts unloaded the ships then to get on board and steal the ship. His father tried this but was captured long before he even reached the cockpit, then, in a fit of anger, his father attacked his Hutt captor and was shortly executed after that.

Jake continued life as a servant for the Hutts until one day, a ship from Nar Shaddaa arrived on Nal Hutta and claimed to be looking for fit, young males to serve the Evocii. Jake was lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) to be selected. He, along with a hundred other boys, were taken to Nim Drovis to fight until there were exactly twenty men left; who would serve the Evocii as a special group of mercenaries of sorts. So, every boy got a tag that had their name and a number. This, is how Jake earned his nickname "Hundred", as he was the hundredth child; the last to be selected.

Due to his athletic skills he learned from his days of parkour back on Nal Hutta, Jake was fit to be one of the last twenty. He had killed at least thirty others and was commended for this when the game was over. The Evocii revealed that there was a bounty hunter behind this who was looking for an apprentice of sorts to train under his wing. This man was a bounty hunter known as Rourke who saw Jake's precise aim and careful execution and decided that Jake was the kind of person he was looking for.

Jake, who now goes as Hundred, trained under Rourke for years until Rourke saw that Hundred had learned enough about the art of bounty hunting and let him go on and shape his own destiny.

Skills: Near-perfect aim, athletic frame, trained in Bounty Hunting, reasonably good pilot, excellent investigatory skills

Standard Weapon: Sniper rifle

Special Weapon: small blaster
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Guess it's my turn. I'm the other hidden Jedi and no offense @Master Attano your character looks op as hell. Just my opinion.

Name: Soren Atorigus

Age: 30

Appearance: (Put a picture if you want.)


Under the robes he has neck length hair and dark blue eyes. And a fit build and tattoos on his forearms. 6"2 and has stubble.

Personality: Gruff. Courgeous. He is crafty and learned that his lightsaber isn't always the answer. He is quiet and prefers being hidden in plain sight. He doesn't want to use the Force as crutch. Charismatic. And not afraid to use new things. After the Clone Wars and Rise of The Empire he became cynical and more aware of his surroundings.

Bio: (As detailed as possible) Sorin grew up on Corellia. On the streets, taking things and survivng. When he was 8 he snuck aboard a freighter and went to Coruscant. Sorin continued his ways until one day he got attacked and a Jedi showed up and Sorin, scared, used the Force to push them away. The Jedi impressed with him took him to the temple and started to train him. Sorin couldn't believe it.

Sorin was always attracted to a lightsaber. He spent a lot of time practicing lightsaber styles and techniques. His master told him a Jedi isn't all glamorous with lightsaber styles. Sorin didn't listen. He continued to practice and develop his own techniques.

By the time Sorin was 16 he was proficient in all forms and a specialist in Form 5. The Shein and Djem So. He used this form most often. Where he flourished in combat and dueling his force techniques were weak. When he got bested by his master, Sorin knew why. His force attunity and skills were not up to snuff. Sorin dedicated 4 years of his life to just get his force up to par with his combat. He felt better and passed his Jedi Knight trials.

After that he went on several missions and along the way he questioned his ways in the Jedi but kept them secret for now. When he was 22 he had to find a rogue Jedi who had secrets and was going to sell them to someone. After finding him on Corellia his home world he put his normal gear and holstered his lightsaber and got a blaster. After finding the man on a tram and he tried shooting the man and after chasing him they were on the roof of a moving train in the rain. The man turned and it was his master. Shocked by this, he holstered his blaster and took hold of his lightsaber once more. The blue blade ignited and his master's green one ignited. While they fought Sorin asked why. He replied the Jedi are pacifists who only care about themselves. Sorin feeling the same ideals fought them back. They fought and Sorin did the unthinkable. He killed his master and kicked him off the train. As Sorin stood there. Blade sparking in the rain he cried. That was his father, in his eyes anyway. He turned off his lightsaber and holstered it. He turned and went back to the alleyways and changed into more casual clothing and left Corellia. He was done with the Jedi.

When he returned to Coruscant he told them that he was leaving. He left just when the Clone Wars began. Sorin went back to Corellia and did some odd jobs. Breaking into crime lords houses and disrupting operations as a freelance spy and smuggler. As the Clone Wars raged on the Republic called for volunteers. Sorin wanted a purpose so he enlisted. He fought on the frontlines as a soldier and a spy. He never pulled his saber out during the wars. It was a past he would never forget. He became more to his crafty and quiet ways. He hit key targets and became proficient in blasters and stealth. Thanks to his force training. On the eve of Order 66 he knew he had to not be labeled a Jedi. So he went to the one place that was his haven, Corellia.

After his exile to Corellia again. He decided to amp up his offensive powers. Like Plo Kloon before him he learned lightning. But it was weak and not streams of lightning. But it was something he was determined to learn it in his life time. He learned more about his blaster and more ways to be crafty. He hasn't ignited his blade in 5 years. Sorin knows the empire is evil. He can't take on it by himself however. So he did the next best thing. Sorin now 27 is doing hits against the Empire and laying low in Corellia. And still finding out about himself.

Skills: (Good shot, expert pilot, tech expert, etc. If a trained lightsaber user what forms they use.)

He can fly most ships and is proficient in blaster combat. He is a specialist in Form V. And passed the other forms. He is tech savvy but not an expert. Comes with the gig. He can use the force but prefers to use it in clever ways and tries to not use it as a crutch in battle.

Standard Weapon: a DL-44 Blaster pistol.


Thermal detonators.

Special Weapon: (If available):


His lightsaber. He keeps it hidden on his and has never had to use it again. He prefers to use it when it's his last resort.

Also the force.

Extra: (If there’s anything else you want to add) Thanks to the credits he's amassed over the years. Sorin has a few hideouts on Corellia and a few in Coruscant. He goes back and sneaks into the temple to keep his force in tuned.

Hope this is good. Also WIP
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Jason Carlile]Guess it's my turn. I'm the other hidden Jedi and no offense [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10604-master-attano/ said:
@Master Attano[/URL] your character looks op as hell. Just my opinion .
can't help but to agree but then again it's his roleplay
That character sheet is fantastic @Allcure !

Everyone's is looking good so far too.

From the sounds of it your character doesn't have to be a Jedi @ColonelScout312 , maybe he can be a kind of unofficial force user, or force sensitive anyway?

[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]Still. Feels like it needs to be a little bit more balanced

And yeah you're probably right, it's my first time creating a Jedi character for an RP so I got a bit carried away :P

I'll see what I can change.
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]Hey it's all good and mine is mostly done I rushed while at work thank God phone stores are dead on Tuesdays

Haha yeah, I think I balanced him out pretty well now, and on top off all the weaknesses hes not even going to be using his Jedi skills which he's good at much due to being in hiding and such.
[QUOTE="Master Attano]Haha yeah, I think I balanced him out pretty well now, and on top off all the weaknesses hes not even going to be using his Jedi skills which he's good at much due to being in hiding and such.

Thanks for doing that. Most GM's I've played with wouldn't bat an eye at something like this.
Same I'm trying my best to balance it out. He relies on wit and unorthodox ways

You gave the kid Vaapad? You know that's basically giving yourself to your dark side. Also done with character.
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GideonRP said:
Thanks for doing that. Most GM's I've played with wouldn't bat an eye at something like this.
No problem :) It should add an interesting and amusing aspect with some of his weaknesses :P

[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]Same I'm trying my best to balance it out. He relies on wit and unorthodox ways
You gave the kid Vaapad? You know that's basically giving yourself to your dark side. Also done with character.

Haha yeah, especially with him being closer to the darkside than ever now. Should be interesting though.

Well for a hunter of dark jedi being able to channel someones darkside energy back at them would be damn handy. Also it's just an awesome form all round, the danger of course being that you are at a risk of falling to the darkside.
But you do know Canon and lore wise only Mace taught in total like 3 people. I'm not saying that it's bad. In fact I considered it for my character. But it's so exclusive I refrained from using it.

Concept IG-88? <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.580b2d9a282ead9ce81c5405ec32b1b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.580b2d9a282ead9ce81c5405ec32b1b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Or whatever this is?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.3fa96a624cfb5305e56d284032ba20ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35972" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.3fa96a624cfb5305e56d284032ba20ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Only reason I haven't made my CS is Becuase I'm stuck between those , and the bottom is a custom made droid whereas the top would be a prototype. In other words , it would change my CS greatly depending on which one of those gets picked.



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I'm in, if you're still looking for more people. Relatively new to forum RPing, but working an a character sheet right now.
So! Stuck on personality. Pretty much , I suck at making personalities. Terribly. So , is it ok if it's somewhat vague?

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