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Realistic or Modern Matchmaker Academy

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?

Matchmaker Academy is a school created specially for what it's name states. Matchmaking. The Academy was created by an elder man, who went by the name of Zephyr Gates. He was rich, had high connections, and power. But most important he had a young daughter, who he needed to find just the right match for. Someone with looks, high standing, and money. So, he look for his daughter's husband created a small competition for those who were eligible and willing to compete. The contest lasted two months and then ended abruptly once his daughter openly stated that she wanted to marry some prince in the middle east. Though the contest lasted only a short while and seemed to be a complete bust. It was through that he came up with Matchmaker Academy. A school where parents could send their children to fine their most compatible matches. That could strengthen the family line and ever raise the status if they somehow marry up using this program.

What is Matchmaker Academy/ How does it work?

Matchmaker Academy is a school where families of high standing send their child or children to create a perfect match for the family and the children themselves. While at this school the children will be placed in dorms and be paired with a roommate. They will taught general education classes, along with special a few courses, and even advance classes if this needed.

Their will be
several test taken before a child is even accepted into the academy, those to test personality, I.Q, and compatibility with those who are already in the academy and those testing to get in. Though matches can be predetermined by the test they don't always work out and the child can end up with someone different. Sometimes this is for the better. Other times for the worst. This program isn't 100% science, but we will push your child to "consider" the choices we/you give them, so that you and your child may prosper. After testing the child will be given a small card that reads it results and a few names that the child is a probable match for.

Students will be allowed to date and get to know each other on
compass and may ask for anything they so please, so that they may find their match acceptable. As long as it stays within the schools limits.

That is Matchmaking Academy and how it works.

You really think so? And, of course Broken your one of my best rpers on this site. i couldn't have an rp without you.

And wow I butchered that sentence.
Wow, so many people. Okay, I will have the link up by morning and we will start once my character is posted. Which will be later in the day because of school. But feel free to post your characters whenever I get the character sheet up.

Also I'm on my phone so sorry if my spelling sucks.

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