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Atreus flinched when he was approached by him, he clutched onto that cane like he had to for dear life as he was sobbing pitifully over this whole situation, he sniffles and looked up to notices others were turning to dust as well."We need to fix this!"

Thalia stumbled by the two with her body flaking into pieces of dust."I don't feel well, someone stop this." She clutched her sides. her body was gone before she could even hit the ground.
"No!" Alex yells but he can't do anything to help her out and he watched helplessly as yet another teammate turns to dust "No..." he trails off, he's trying to stay strong as team leader, but he's failing at the moment "I don't think we can do anything."

Stephen looks down, he doesn't know how to fix this, he's not even sure they can, he'd only seen two timelines where his daughter disappeared, one of which is one they win in the end, but he doesn't know how to "We need to do damage control first Atreus, then we'll look for a way to fix it." he mumbles.

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix roxas roxas
Atreua doesn't let go of the cane, barely holding himself together at this point."So much for being earth's mightiest heroes..." He glared at the ground, he wasn't bugding from where he was stationed."Hurry up then! Shut up Alex no one askes you" He snapped.
"And maybe if you focused more on the actual battle then protecting Vi she wouldn't be gone!" Alex snaps back at Atreus "I lost my sibling, we lost Victoria and Thalia and a lot more people, but you don't care! Go back to fucking Asgard if you can't be bothered with us!", usually he wouldn't say things like that, but he's angry, frustrated and angry, not to mention devestated.

Stephen sighs, everyone needs time to cool down "We're disbanding your team until further notice, you can keep training if you wish, but no more missions." he tells the remaining three "And you Atreus, are staying with me and Wong at the Sanctum.".

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix roxas roxas

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