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Fandom Marvel-The M-wars. (Alternate marvel universe.)

Birth Name: Cedric Longhorn

Hero Alias/Mutant name: Shadow

Race: Mutant

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Due to the overwhelming amount of dark energy in Cedric due to his mutant abilities, his personality is also a bit dark. He keeps to himself a lot. Doesn’t really have a place in the world as of yet. He has jumped around from home to home when he was young and as he got older, he finally just decided that he didn’t need a family to survive in the world. He doesn’t talk much, especially not to people he doesn’t know. The most difficult part of himself though, is his anger. The more he gets angry with something or loses his cool that is when the darkness inside of him really starts to take control...

History: Cedric was abandon when he was a baby. Left on the door steps of a local church. When he was born, his eyes had a tint of blackness to them that terrified them. They were very religious people and had assumed the devil possessed there baby. Hence why they left him at a church.

The church took care of him for the better part of his childhood. Teaching him everything of what a child should learn. Once he became 12, Cedric decided to leave the church. He was never sure why he left, it wasn’t as if they were treating him poorly there. Something inside of him was just telling him he needed to leave. He didn’t make it very far though as he was eventually picked up by child services. A couple months later, Cedric was placed in a home. The mother was nice and seemed to have a gently spirit, the father however, was different. Cedric could feel something off about him but the father had not shown it. One day, as Cedric was playing in his room, he heard an argument between his foster parents. He left his room and walked to the living room where he heard the shouting. As soon as he came within eyes view of them, he saw his foster mother falling to the ground with the father standing over her, with a clenched fist. To this day, this memory is still fuzzy to Cedric but that was the day his mutant power finally took over. A dark aura was leaking out of him. Surrounding him in a type of armor. The small tint of black in his eyes had now completely filled his sockets are were brighter than normal. The last thing Cedric remembers, was seeing his foster father being thrown through the walls of the house.

Cedric awoke not in his house, but in a different state completely. He didn’t know how or where he was, but he was now away of what he was. He had watched the news a few times with his foster mother and saw frequently the reports about “mutants.” He assumed that is what he was now. Always hunted, always afraid to be caught or killed, never resting, never being able to have a normal life with a family. He would now have to survive on his own. So that is what he did.
Cedric is now 22 years of age. He has picked up all his survival skills on his own. He found a mutant community that was living in hiding. He has been with them for about 5 years. He learned a lot from them. Also, he developed a very, strong dislike for the non-mutant community. Now he is trying to find his own path, keep his powers in check, and is strongly hoping to find a family again to call home…

Powers/skills/abilities: Cedric has the power of the Darkness. When he allows it, it possess him and becomes a whole new person. He can shift into a shadow on the ground and move quickly around. He can also shift into anything with a shadow as well not just his own. He can use dark aura blast, create shields, invade the dreams of people that are sleeping, and other untapped powers Cedric has been too afraid to explore. The darker the area is, the stronger his powers become. He does have to be careful of how high is temper and anger gets as that is when the darkness inside him takes over and could really go on a bad rampage.

Weaknesses: Light. The lighter the area, the weaker he is. He tries to avoid fighting in the daytime at all cost as he is barely able to bring out the Shadow, let alone have a fight using his powers. He typically sleeps during the day to avoid this and fights/roams around at night.

Likes: pizza, dark places, girls, video games

Dislikes: Non-mutants

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