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Fandom Marvel-The M-wars. (Alternate marvel universe.)


  • GENERAL NAME: Ana Lehnsherr

    ALIAS: Veronica Kuleshov, Flashfire

    SEX: Female

    AGE: 22

    HEIGHT: 5'11

    WEIGHT: 145 lbs

    SPECIES: Mutant

    APPEARANCE: Taking after the genetic appearance of her surrogate templates, Ana sports high cheekbones and a strong jaw. She has hazel eyes and brown, wavy hair. When energy manipulation is in use, her irides tend to either flash or wholly become red. On a normal basis, she is usually seen wearing loose clothing with pieces of her Siberian upbringing (jewelry, necklace, furs, etc).

    • 3bcf39a85d8e82f2f56b3a4a015ca4a9.jpg

Template By ElectricPizza, Modified By Coldpopz
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View attachment 439285

  • GENERAL NAME: Ana Lehnsherr

    ALIAS: Veronica Kuleshov, Flashfire

    SEX: Female

    AGE: 22

    HEIGHT: 5'11

    WEIGHT: 145 lbs

    SPECIES: Mutant

    APPEARANCE: Taking after the genetic appearance of her surrogate template, Ana sports high cheekbones and a strong jaw. She has hazel eyes and brown, wavy hair. When energy manipulation is in use, her irides tend to either flash or wholly become red. On a normal basis, she is usually seen wearing loose clothing with pieces of her Siberian upbringing (jewelry, necklace, furs, etc).

    • 3bcf39a85d8e82f2f56b3a4a015ca4a9.jpg

Template By ElectricPizza, Modified By Coldpopz[/tab]
Yes 1000 times yes.
Everyone else already has a clear character in mind while I'm still trying to figure out what his name should be, lel.
Birth Name: Ta'Jada

Race: Mutant

*Gender: Female
*Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Wip
History: Wip
*Powers/skills/abilities: Mistform- Tayja is capable of turning into an energy retardant mist which is impervious to all manner of damage. However in this form she cannot interact with the world at all. However she is very skilled at shifting between mist form.

Wakandan Arts- Born in the nation of Wakanda Tayja was destined to be one of the kings guards before she was given her mission. As such she is an excellent close quarters combatant weilding a collapsible vibrainum spear, several vibrainium throwing knives with wires for retrieval. However she is not trained in firearms usage nor does she intend to learn.


Weaknesses: If caught off guard before she can activate her mist she can be brought down as easily as any human. While using her power she cannot respond offensively.


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Name: Shingen Harada II

Alias: Silver Samurai

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Mutant

  • Clan Yashida
  • Yashida Corporation
  • The Hand
Occupation: Heir to Clan Yashida, Ninja assassin/warrior,

Personality: Shin grew up in a far knit family emotionally so he considers himself harder than most. He believes blood makes you related but it's loyalty that makes you family. He has no qualms about killing his enemies whether in the heat of the moment or in cold blood. In battle he fights in a state of tranquil fury being taught to channel his emotions and maintain his focus or risk losing his head. In person, he can be very condescending and attempts to be funny but for every good joke are a dozen bad ones. He also has a habit of not thinking with the right brain around attractive women, and can be very flirtatious.

Shin on the inside is very ambitious. He basically has some father issues that, due to his lack of emotional aptitude, culminate into him simply wanting to surpass and then kill his father. Shin wants to surpass all those who came before and set the bar, making history. Shin is constantly seeking to increase his power and skills whether it be his martial arts, weapons, mutant powers, or even technologically. Shin actually has a high aptitude for robotics, mechatronics, and cybernetics.

History: Shin is the bastard son of Kenuichio Harada the Silver Samurai, One of the Five Fingers of the Hand, Head of Clan Yashida, and CEO of Yashida Corp. It was growing up in Yashida Corp that started Shin on path to robotics, mechatronics, and cybernetics. He most of all fascinated by Yashida Corp's signature Tachyon based technology, most notably the Tachyon Driver. He didn't have his father's upbringing and it was no wonder he wasn't turning out exactly like his father. This his father had noticed and decided to introduce him at 13 to his real life.

Shin was introduced to the criminal side of his family, Clan Yashida but even more so was inducted into the Hand. Kenuichio used the Hand to force his son to develop in the way he wanted, to undo his personal neglect at least at the physical development level. His father had Shin under his direct command to sort of groom him to take over the family business. During this time Shin had been toiling away in his private workshop on a project that would eventually become his Silver Samurai armor.

His father had adopted the name Silver Shogun to show his change in status. He unveiled his son as the new Silver Samurai, he figured his son would prove to be a worthy heir. But upon witnesses in the Silver Samurai armor, he did not hide his dislike of his son's reliance upon technology. Even with Shin awakening to his mutant powers, he found his son's high tech suit to be mockery of the true warrior he was trying to raise. Shin took note of the fact he would likely never live up to his father's expectations. He had resolved to instead, surpass his father and do so by killing him in a duel


  • Red Muramasa Blade: Forged by the swordsmith Muramasa with a piece of the soul of a great warrior who was capable of high speed regeneration and untold savagery. This blade was meant to stop such warriors. The nature of its creation causing the blade to take on an unnatural red color. The blade is durable and capable of cutting through virtually any substance provided with sufficient strength and technique. The blade can even cut through energy and capable of slicing matter on a molecular level. The sword can nullify regenerative healing factors and magic.
  • Silver Samurai's Armor, it's powered by tachyon drivers infused with Shin's tachyon field when in use.

  • Particle Motion or Acceleration abilities, the most high energy of tachyons exist just beyond their speed threshold so any slight adjustments to their speed could make them lose energy or fail to exist
  • Daddy Issues
  • Attractive Women(possibly linked to mommy issues)
  • His power hungry mindset can easily lead him down wrong paths with even worse individuals such as the likes of Apocalypse or Mister Sinister
  • Emotion manipulation abilities can disrupt his Tranquil State and Tranquil Fury
Plans for Development:
  • Deal with his parental issues one way or another
  • Upgrade the Armor
  • Become leader of Clan Yashida/ CEO of Yashida Corp
  • Become One of the Five Fingers of the Hand, possibly even the leader
  • Become Silver Samurai
  • Obtain the Black Muramasa Blade
  • Obtain the Yashida Honor Sword
  • Gain Tachyon Manipulation one way or another
  • Gain Supernatural Swordsmanship
  • Gain Ninja Magic

Other: I took some creative Liberty
He has his own personal unit of Hand members who use lesser versions of his armor.

Name: Dane Whitman

Alias(es): Black Knight

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Supernatural Human

  • Avengers
  • Marine Corps

Occupation: Marine Corps Reserves

Personality: Dane is an aggressive person by nature which he has been all his life and probably always be. At the same time he possesses burning passion and an indomitable will. Dane is rarely ever calm, he finds it hard to relax for more than a day before he starts getting anxious. He does show emotions like happiness and does laugh it's just not his natural state, rather uncommon for him to actually enjoy social engagements. His face itself is typically stuck in angry grimace or unhappy expression. In battle he is actually at home sometimes even gleeful when in a fight. He often switches between fury, happiness, and frustration during battle. It's as if all he knows how to do is fight and hurt others. He does however experience things such as comraderie, friendship, and protective instincts. He will go to the ends of the Earth for those he cares about as well as things he finds are worth protecting. He doesn't have any qualms about making the ultimate sacrifice in a heart beat. The Ebony Blade's effect upon him was like a steroid right to his personality, mostly to his anger and bloodlust.

History: Dane's parents both died when he was an infant, so he had lived in foster care all his life. His father the previous Black Knight had become a Bloodwraith and along his path he killed his wife Chelsea, Dane's mother, before being struck down himself and the Ebony Blade purged of its bloodlust then stored in Garret Castle. Dane was an angry kid, he generally got his fights with the other foster children. It didn't help he lived under lack luster foster parents who only took him in for the money. He joined the Marines at 17 and went to basic the summer before his senior year of high school because he knew he would soon age out and wasn't doing to well in school to make it into college. He served in the United States Marine Corp for 2 years before he "died". His humvee was hit an RPG, he barely survived slipping into a coma.

He dream he was in Garret Castle before the Ebony Blade. It revealed to him his Black Knight lineage dating back to Sir Percival. The sword also taught him the fates of his parents. Dane was given two choices by the Ebony Blade die in the coma or become the next Black Knight. Dane accepted the Mantle but was in the coma for a year in the outside world. Dane however was basically given a crash course on how to be the Black Knight living parts of his ancestors' lives. When he awoke, he reportedly vanished from his hospital bed. In reality he was teleported to the Ebony Blade physically and to the beginning of his new life.

  • Chivalry
  • Mystic Empowerment
  • Can teleport to the Ebony Blade and warp it to himself
  • Cannot be killed unless by another weapon forged from the same Starstone as the Ebony Blade or by severing his connection to the Ebony Blade
  • Immunity to most magic

  • Ebony Blade, in his possession it takes the form of a claymore, great sword, zweihander, or whatever one may call it.
  • Avalon Necklace, stores his armor and necklace when not in use
  • Elven Armor which feeds of the power of the Ebony Blade for anti magic protection. The armor protects him from most conventional forms of harm.
  • Brazier of Truth, which is the magical flames in Garret Castle which are only in Garret Castle and capable of cleansing the curse of the Bloodwraith from the Ebony Blade.
  • Weapons formed from the same Starstone as the Ebony Blade
  • If he sheds too much blood he risks succumbing to the curse of the Bloodwraith
  • He can't die but still can be injured especially receive the slash all muscles treatment.
  • He doesn't carry any other weapons besides the Ebony Blade

Plans for Development:
  • Tame the curse of the Bloodwraith
  • Become Bloodwraith
  • Upgrade the Ebony Blade
  • Convert the Bloodwraith Curse energy into his armor
  • Gain a mystical creature as a mount
  • Supernatural Swordsmanship

Birth Name:
Erika Sterling

Mutant Alias(es):
(formerly) Artillery Girl
(current) Ordnance




Erika has fiery red hair, contrasting her eyes which is coloured a brilliant shade of blue. Standing at a mediocre height of 5'4", Erika has a lean and toned body, her skin a pale hue.


Erika is an affable, if somewhat charming individual. She has a quirky, socialite attitude like that of a teenager -- something you wouldn't expect from an arms dealer like herself. Often times do people get annoyed with her weird, seemingly unpredictable habits, though the same people know not to speak up to Ordnance. Not out of fear, however, but out of respect.

Erika is extremely loyal to the people of her cause, being considerate with them, and is generally nice to all mutants she meets. Stemming for her days as a heroine, she is dedicated to do the most honorable course of action for the people she protects, even if it puts her life at risk. Her ideals as Artillery Girl still live on somewhat, as unlike most Mutants of the resistance, she would never lay a finger on an innocent bystander or child, no matter what side or race they lie on, and would punish whoever she sees violating these rules with extreme prejudice. Erika respects and upholds several values such as determination, selflessness, and loyalty to the cause.
However, she has a ruthless and violent side in contrast to her righteousness. Erika will often use lethal force in battle, always trying to kill those she finds to be 'irredeemable', human or not. Her morals and ideals are second only to revenge however, her main, driving purpose in the participation of the war is to find all those that ordered the nuking of Hammer Bay and subsequently kill them for what they did.

Although the racism towards mutants was even more severe before the War, it didn't stop her parents from achieving 'top scientist' level status in Stark Industries, which allowed her to live a rather luxurious childhood life in comparison to others of her kind. She was born in Hammer Bay, one of the few safe havens for mutants in the country, chosen by her parents so as not to let little Erika experience the bigotry the world towards mutants as they did, which led to her being largely ignorant of the issue up until her late teenage years. As a child, she inherited her mother's ingenuity, and her father's wits, even showing an affinity for all things technological as her powers manifested, creating a complex bubble gun toy out of seemingly thin air at the age of five.

Thanks to her parents' connection to Stark Industries, she met Tony Stark in person more than once, to which, in their meetings she often times pesters the man of the newest technological doodads and / or his latest heroics as Iron Man. Erika grew up in awe and idolization of the man, to the point where she considered straying off the path laid down before her by her parents to become a scientist and follow in her idol's footsteps as a hero instead. It wasn't until she left Hammer Bay and faced the real world did she realize how badly the mutant issue really was. Discrimination was extremely rampant towards her kind, news of mutant murders were as normal as the weather reports on the news channels, and it truly made her angry at the public for allowing things to happen, and at her parents for keeping her in the dark all those years.

But Erika didn't waver. Seeing her chance to help people in need (and still mad at her parents for sheltering her), she took off and left Hammer Bay, using her techno-based powers and intellect to modify a stolen prototype Ironman suit to become Artillery Girl. She made it clear to the general public that she was a mutant, revealing her identity to the world as a show of trust and good will. It was a risky move, but the young Sterling was assured that her parents were safe under the protection of Stark Industries.

For a few years did she become an advocate for Mutant Rights, still having hope that the people would change their ways, even if the hatred between the two sides -- Human and Mutants -- worsened further and further.

But then the bombing of Manhattan occured, and the world seemed to change overnight for Artillery Girl. A revolution soon broke out days after, every single Mutant taking to arms against their oppressors. Artillery Girl felt conflicted, her seemingly impenetrable ideals cracked at that moment, and for a time she didn't know what to do.

One thing was certain however, and that was her parents were in danger, and so she rushed back to Hammer Bay when she heard the news of the President waging war against Mutantkind. But she arrived too late -- the entirety of Hammer Bay was glassed, in a government effort to neutralize as many mutants as possible.

Everything collapsed around Erika -- her ideals, her family, her home. For the next few weeks, she felt nothing but pure, primal anger. Anger for the people that wiped her home for existence, anger for Stark for not protecting her parents, and anger for herself, for being a gigantic fool.

She joined her fellow Mutants in war against the Humans, eager to make them all suffer just like she did. Slowly, but surely, her powers manifested as something more heinous than just technology manipulation. Repulsor rays became beams that pierced through flesh, simple explosions now became biochemical weapons. Something snapped within Erika, and Artillery Girl was no more, replaced by the being known as Ordnance. Using her powers and what was left of her parents' funds, she formed the black market weapons group known as 'N7', which has been a large contributor to Mutant resistance groups ever since its inception.

  • High-Level Intellect / Cognition / IQ / Wit
  • Knowledgeable in most fields of science relating to technology
  • Adept marksman
  • Experienced in CQC
  • Leadership skills
  • Erika can only create technology that she has memorized down to its very blueprint schematic. (Nullified partially by her Wartime Weaponry Generation, in which she only has to visualize a weapon and its function to create it.)
  • Her Wartime Weaponry Generation allows her to fully manifest any kind of technology so long as it has its wartime use. However, it can only create weapons with the specific use and intent to destroy and / or disable enemy forces, is limited by her knowledge in technology.
  • Each use of WWG causes strain to her heart, with its severity proportional to the deadliness of the weapon created.
  • Under the suit of armor lies a normal human being. Sure, Erika may have had experience in fighting hand-to-hand, but if you somehow manage to nullify her powers and close the gap between her, then she is quite easy to take out.
  • Her 'Ordnance' suit.
  • Doesn't need anything else, since her powers are technology generation.
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