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Fandom Marvel-The M-wars. (Alternate marvel universe.)

Phew, a few hours later and I'm done!

I'm open to critique, as that was like, the first CS I made in a long, looong time lol.

Birth Name:
Astaroth Storm






Ash is a shy, quiet individual who likes to hide her looks under the hood of her cloak, disliking the stares she often gains even from other mutants. She doesn't like to harm people, and would much rather just curl up somewhere and hide. However, she is more than willing to protect people. She would love for there to be peace, for everyone to live without fighting each other, but she knows no one will listen to her. Especially not those that hate mutants, since she can't even hide what she is. She doesn't like to see people sad, and will often try and cheer others up as much as she can, though may be wary of approaching even if she knows them.

Thought to be a normal human for the first 7 years of her life, Ash grew up with her father, mother, and older brother. Aggaroth, her older sibling, was tragically killed in an accident involving a mutant when Ash was 6, and her mother and father grew a strong hatred for their kind, whilst Ash was just too shocked by the loss of her sibling to think. She didn't blame all mutants, no, because it wasn't all of them whom had killed her brother.

Of course, things changed when she was 7. The grief of losing her sibling had pushed her powers into coming out. In the beginning, it was just small rashes, bumps upon her skin that had her mother worry and take her to doctors, but even when those lumps started to grow they couldn't work out what it was. No one suspected a mutant, until scales started growing across her skin. After her parents found out, they were furious, and kept her locked inside, in her room. No one could know that their child was a mutant. Of course, Ash spent months in her room, barely fed and looked after, and throughout that time her new appendages, wings, grew in, as she grew more scales, claws, a tail, and horns. The bigger her mutation got, the more frequently she'd see her father. He'd come in, drunk, and attempt to 'beat the freakishness out of her'. Of course, it never worked, but Ash now has the scars to hide as well as her other additions.

It was three years later, when she was 10, that her window of opportunity opened. Her father had been so drunken that night that, after beating her, he'd forgotten to lock her door. So, without thinking twice, she ran. Living on the streets was tough, especially when her clothing didn't cover her mutations, though a emerald coloured cloak she'd stolen helped a little. More recently she managed to pickpocket some rich man, and has managed to rent a run down apartment.

Ash's 'power' is certainly more physical than most. With black scales running down her arms, legs, and across her cheek bones, it's clear she isn't at all normal. Sharp teeth when she smiles confirms it. Her fingers are clawed, hands covered in the same scales, just smaller and a little softer in texture. Her feet are like a birds, three talons at the front and one at the back, making it easy for her to grip onto things and make running across rooftops far easier. Her long tail helps with balance, both in the air and on the ground. Antler like horns sprout from the top of her head, and are often the most notable thing when she has her hood up. As the hood doesn't go over them, she has cut holes for them, and they stick out the top of the hood. When asked, if someone hasn't noticed her other features, she'll tell them they're attached to the hood itself. Finally, a pair of bat-like wings sprout from her shoulders, the membranes a green-brown gradient. These allow her to fly, but do tend to be the most delicate part of her, since when flying they are spread out and make her a bigger target, as well as the fact that if the membrane rips she'll be grounded.

In addition to these changes of appearance, Ash also has better stamina than most, and can breathe in lower amounts of air, since she can in fact fly to heights as a bird can. This means she can generally run for longer than the average person. Her scales also happen to be somewhat fireproof and can withstand small cuts, but her bare skin certainly can't.

Wings - Create a large target when in the air. Ripping them or breaking them would ground her.
Close Combat - Ash has no long range way of attacking, and therefore can only really fight with her claws, talons, and teeth.
Defence - Ash's scales provide some protection for her arms and legs, and are somewhat fireproof. As in, they can stand perhaps normal flames, but too hot and it would burn even her scales. Her skin, however, certainly isn't fireproof. Nor can she really defend herself too well, as blades, bullets, and any other weapon would certainly take her down easily.

Flying, Peace, Drawing, The dark, Other Mutants

Fighting, Getting hurt, Too much light, Humans, Mentions of her past, Strangers

Name: Orsted

Alias: Sabotage

Age: 29

Birthplace: Liverpool

Race: Mutant

Gender: Male

Sexuality: STraight


Personality: Orsted is a calm and collective individual. He always kept his cool even under the worse stress and known to answer anything with a witty remark or his British humor.

History: Orsted always had good eye sights. He was the national rifle champion and won many shooting competitions. He later joined the SBS (Special Boat Service) and complete the training in record time and become the SBS best sniper. Soon his mutant power awake and he finds out that his power helps much in his services. He was on vacation in New York when the war started. He was in Times Square when it happened, every mutant took arms and the President responded with such brutality. Realizing he had no way to go back, he decided to remain neutral until he saw the devastation the country unleashed upon their mutant brethren.

His first act is to sneak into the nearby base and stole some supplies. Body armor, pistols, and a sniper rifle. He studied the army movement, targets their convoys, destroys the bridges, targets them at chokepoints and earning the nickname Sabotage. Then he met a fiery red hair girl, spunky, annoying but charming. A weapon dealer and he quickly becomes her regular.

Power: Ocular.

Orsted has access to several types of eye sights.

Infra-red vision (his iris turns red)
Night vision (his iris turned green)
X-ray vision (his iris turned white)
Zooming ( His iris turned yellow)


Flawless Marksmanship.
SBS hand to hand combat
SBS combat dagger combat.
Bomb making and defusing


He's a peak human being.

N7 Cloaking Armor
N7 Grappling Gun
N7 Valiant Sniper Rifle
N7 Eagle Pistol
N7 Combat Kukri
What if the British equivalent of the Avengers got involved
It is a global conflict so it would be an all hands on deck. All branches of avengers. All hero groups that care.

Wakanda has closed their borders and is not involved. As has Asgard, thor and the other Asgardians are out of the fight as well.
Elaborate? Wakanda isnt in the battle at all.
That's precisely why. Unless they are somehow drawn into the war. Wakanda will be the only nation not destroyed or exhausted during the war. Wakanda and Latveria will be the only two nations unaffected by the war. In reality, they could walk through what's left of every other nation's forces and then each other to takeover the world for the greater good.
That's precisely why. Unless they are somehow drawn into the war. Wakanda will be the only nation not destroyed or exhausted during the war. Wakanda and Latveria will be the only two nations unaffected by the war. In reality, they could walk through what's left of every other nation's forces and then each other to takeover the world for the greater good.
Perhaps you have revealed a part of the plot.
There is so much else to think about. Asgard may have closed itself off but what's to stop an alien or extra dimensional invasion from somewhere else
There is so much else to think about. Asgard may have closed itself off but what's to stop an alien or extra dimensional invasion from somewhere else
Nothing at all? This is really an excuse to revamp the X-men and the rest of mutant kinds representatives.
Yes im not sure if ill bring aliens into the fray just yet. But rest assured i have many plans for Earth 323 and M-wars is just the start.
That's IF an external invasion ever comes. You're listing a few hypotheticals that are exclusively up to OP's discretion :lennyslash:
Yes im not sure if ill bring aliens into the fray just yet. But rest assured i have many plans for Earth 323 and M-wars is just the start.

I'm using smooth subtlety to feed ideas for events beyond just the war. I hope this goes on for a longtime and therefore am investing ideas into this Roleplay. I'm also trying to trigger idea discussion in order to increase all those who participates magnitude of interest making them less likely to pull out because they have invested into the RP.
I'm using smooth subtlety to feed ideas for events beyond just the war. I hope this goes on for a longtime and therefore am investing ideas into this Roleplay. I'm also trying to trigger idea discussion in order to increase all those who participates magnitude of interest making them less likely to pull out because they have invested into the RP.
And i appreciate it. I am gonna use your Doom idea but with a twist of my own. Any other ideas suggested will also be utilized. Im currently thinking of a way to use Dormammu.
I plan to finish my character today, just need to figure out his personality~ That and I'll probably describe his powers.... assuming my brain doesn't implode ;-;
Im almost done with moving my mom. Gimme an hour or two. Maybe three. And i can begin on lore and such.
Since this is technically an X-Men RP, will time travel be a major factor in the story? I mean would an alternate version of Cable still exist in this timeline?
Yes but no he is not playable. Time travel is very big so both bishop and cable will be off limits. I may pick people to represent them, Skrulls, And many others after i get to know some of your styles.
Yes but no he is not playable. Time travel is very big so both bishop and cable will be off limits. I may pick people to represent them, Skrulls, And many others after i get to know some of your styles.

Oh, well thanks for clearing it up. Can't wait for the RP to start tho!

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