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Fandom Marvel-The M-wars. (Alternate marvel universe.)

Nnnnnf my OC is the granddaughter of Wanda Maximoff and the daughter of Laura Kinney... I imagine I'll have to rework this backstory
I will also be playing two more OC's.
I will not restrict your character number so long as you dont bite off more than you can chew.
One of my OCs will be an omega level. I have room for one more omega OC so pm me with your pitches if you want it and ill pick my favorite before we start.
There are 5 categories of mutant.

1 (Toad...he is actually the only lv 1 mutant i know.)

2 ( Bullseye, Dazzler, etc)

3 (Wolverine and colossus are one of these.)

4 (Magneto and prof x were both one of these)

And Omega. (Storm, Iceman, Phoenix and Many others are these.)

Omega means your powers can effect the entire planet.
There are 5 categories of mutant.

1 (Toad...he is actually the only lv 1 mutant i know.)

2 ( Bullseye, Dazzler, etc)

3 (Wolverine and colossus are one of these.)

4 (Magneto and prof x were both one of these)

And Omega. (Storm, Iceman, Phoenix and Many others are these.)

Omega means your powers can effect the entire planet.
Oh? Would things like tech manipulation fall into the omega category? Since its so far into the future that the world is basically ran by tech?
Omega - Planet buster
Alpha - City / army buster
Beta - Medium level superhuman threat (Spider-Man, Wolverine, etc)
Gamma - Meh, Daredevil and stuff
Some other level where their powers are too minor for combat use
Omega - Planet buster
Alpha - City / army buster
Beta - Medium level superhuman threat (Spider-Man, Wolverine, etc)
Gamma - Meh, Daredevil and stuff
Some other level where their powers are too minor for combat use
Thank you much better than mine.
. release your power .

"She's dead...she's the reason I'm stuck in this room..."

Name: Davin Nathaniel Grey
Age: 19
Background: She never became the Host. Instead, she became a towering inferno and a living nightmare in Davin's dreams. It happened while he was nine years old. He and jean had shared the secret that they harnessed the ability to speak telepathically and move objects with telekinesis. There were no secrets between him and Jean, who was in her mid-teens at the time. He knew about Annie. And she knew just how fine tuned his Manipulation powers really were...

The Phoenix may have heard her, but through her it saw a chance for even greater opportunity. And, in the most logical sense it knew that the only way a Grey could experience the most of their potential was for the Host to be subjected to both existential terror and massive psychological trauma. She never saw it coming.

Maybe that was a good thing.

Any psychic who is worth their salt knows the date July 7, 2007. If you were a psychic but could not withstand the mental echo that resonated globally, you probably went up in flames. The Force hadn't prepared itself for the possible backlash.
Personality: (^^)
Family Members:
Theme Song: (Optional)
Clothing Style: (Optional)
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Birth Name: Angel M. Banner

*Hero Alias/Mutant name: Scorch (Human) Uriel the Destroyer (Hulk)

Race: Mutant/Gamma Gene Holder

Age: 19yrs

*Gender: Male

*Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Angel is a strange mix of timid and terrifying. He is humble and calm from his years spent in the monasteries. Yet it is apparent that he holds a force that is truly terrifying within him. One only needs to spend a few moments with him to begin to feel uneasy, as if they were standing on the edge of a deep canyon. He is more often than not a quiet individual, but when looses his cool...head for the hills because hell follows this boys anger.

History: Angel was born in spain only ever told that his father was a traveler and a good man who carried with him a curse. Growing up Angel was always told that the disorders he was born with were just parts of his fathers curse. Instead of treatment he received religion, instead of therapy he received catholic dogma. However eventually it began to fail, his mutation made his instabilities grow even more prominent. Eventually fires were set and when the community rose against the newly revealed mutant his mother helped him to escape telling him to flee spain. He obeyed his mother and managed to take a boat across the Mediterranean and wound up heading east through the egyptian deserts. Finally the dessert took him and he perished awakening Uriel for the first time. Fortunately it was a long way from civilization and with little to battle him so it never escalated. Eventually after a few hundred miles he reverted and continued his trek making it to the Himalayan monastery by age 13. He spent six years there finally leaving when one of the monks mentioned that "all a good man must do to allow evil to win is to do nothing." this inspired him to return to the world in a hope that he can fix things between mutant and man.

Pyrogenisis- Angel can create flames from his body as easily as a normal person breaths. In fact he finds it harder to restrain the flames than he does to let them flow. The flames available to him grow hotter and increase in size the longer he restrains them, but they are always at their peak when his fathers curse takes effect...

The Hulk From Hell-
As a side effect of bearing bruce banners Dna , Angel possesses the Gamma gene and Banners history of mental disorders. When combined with his mutant gene they awaken into "his hulk" Uriel. This beast stands 14ft 10in and weighs 2345lbs its Strength, Durability, and regeneration surpass even world breaker hulk at the start. In addition the Pyrogenisis power is amplified to catastrophic proportions. Truly a walking apocalypse. But as with any fire it is not an eternal burn. While most Of the Hulk family grow stronger over time, Uriel starts off at his strongest and grows weaker over time.

*Tech/Gadgets: None

Weaknesses: Fire can be contained, it can run out of fuel etc. His human form is considerably easier to deal with. Its Uriel that is a problem. The only way to deal with him is to either remove him from the battle field or outlast him. Luckily he can only become Uriel when he himself dies. So if one can entrap him without killing him then they will never need to meet Uriel.

Likes: Solitude, Meditation, people who do not fear him, Peace, & oolong tea.

Dislikes: Conflict, Bigotry, those who fear him, the western culture in general.

*Extra: Hell Wrapped up in a peaceful kindhearted package.​
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Yes but im not making them until after tomorrow. I gotta be ready for mothers day so i cant devote the time to thread making today.


  • image.jpg Name: Kibto Silver

    Alias: Virus

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Pan

    Age: 17

    Race(Species): Mutant/Experiment

    Power Class: Alpha
    Intelligence: 6/7
    Strength: 2/7
    Speed: 3/7 (unless he is using tech to travel through then its between 5/6)
    Durability: 3/7 normal,
    Energy Projection: 5/7
    Combat Skill Efficiency: 1/7
    Power Class:
    - Gamma:
    Normal and peak human to low level superhuman (Daredevil / Captain America).
    - Beta: Moderate threat, superhuman (Spider-Man).
    - Alpha: City buster or army level (Powerman, Absorbing Man).
    - Omega: Planetbuster.
    - Beyond Omega: Cosmic or interplanetary threat.

    1. Slow / Impaired
    2. Normal
    3. Learned
    4. Gifted
    5. Genius
    6. Super-genius
    7. Omniscient.

    1. Weak -
    Cannot lift body weight.
    2. Normal - Able to lift body weight.
    3. Peak Human - Able to lift body weight x2.
    4. Low Superhuman - Able to lift between 800 lbs and 25 tons.
    5. Superhuman - Able to lift between 25 and 75 tons.
    6. Peak Superhuman - Able to lift between 75 and 100 tons.
    7. Incalculable - Able to lift 100+ tons.

    1. Below normal:
    2. Normal
    : Average muscular speed of a fit to athletic human.
    3. Enhanced human: Able to move at speeds between 40-200 mph.
    4. Superhuman: 200 mph - Mach 1
    5. Supersonic: Mach 2 through orbital velocity
    6. Speed of light: 186,000 miles per second
    7. Warp speed: Transcending light speed

    1. Weak:
    Susceptible to most types of damage and is easy to take out of a fight.
    2. Normal: About as durable as an athletic human, but can reach peak human levels of stamina with extreme determination.
    3. Enhanced: Able to naturally take more blunt force and keep going. May exhibit a level of heightened durability against a particular type of damage (energy, piercing and cutting, heat, etc).
    4. Regenerative: Able to heal from sustained damage at a rapid pace, anywhere between seconds and hours.
    5. Bulletproof: Unable to be damaged by normal cutting or piercing tools. Usually has a heightened resistance to blunt force.
    6. Superhuman: Resistant to most types of damage and is very hard to knock out.
    7. Virtually Indestructible

    Energy Projection:
    1. None
    2. Ability to discharge energy on contact
    3. Short range, short duration, single energy type
    4. Medium range, duration, single energy type
    5. Long range, long duration, single energy type
    6. Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
    7. Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy

    Combat Skill Efficiency:
    1. Poor
    2. Normal
    3. Some training
    4. Experienced fighter
    5. Master of a single form of combat
    6. Master of several forms of combat
    7. Master of all forms of combat
    Personality: wip

    History: For as long as he can remember, his life has been a pretty good one. That is till his powers rose, when it was learned what he could do, his normal calm life took an alarming turn. While he did his best to hide what he could do from everyone, it was only a matter of time before they were exposed. It was his parents that learned of his abilities, when he was around 15 (he had learned he had powers at 12). While he feared his parents would toss him away, or something worse, this wasn't the case. Both of them did their best to keep Kibto's powers a secret, as they silently worked to find someone that could help the boy control his powers. Without hurting him, after all, powers or not, he was still their precious son and they genuinely cared for him.

    Only a few months after learning about his powers, his parents found someone to help him. A professor, well to be more exact a scientist, one that specialized in mutant powers as well as modern/futuristic tech. He offered to take care of Kibto, but the price of his protection was that Kibto would have to leave his parents. At first neither Kibto nor his parents wanted this, but as time went on his powers became harder and harder to control as well as keep a secret. Four months after they learned about this scientist (who's name was Lucius Cafery) they accepted his rather harsh offer. For they had little choice, in the area they were at, with the people they were surrounded with, there simply was no place they could send their son. This was their best option, so after a long debate, they allowed it.

    Only a day after the arrangement was made, Kibto was forced to leave. He barely had time to pack his things or say goodbye to his family before he was placed in this man's car. The drive to the facility that he was being taken too was long. How long exactly? He didn't know, for after three hours of driving he fell asleep after something was released into the air of the car. Upon waking up he was no longer in the car, rather he was in an empty white room. Several hours passed before a door opened and the scientist appeared. It was then he was formed that there were more conditions to gaining protection. Not only was he forced to cut all contact with his parents, friends and outside life, but he was also going to be used in an experiment he has been working on for years. An experiment that needed Kibto's powers to work. At first Kibto refused, but there was just nothing he could do. For in his sleep, a collar had been placed on him which made it impossible for him to use his powers without permission. Sure he resisted at first, begging to be released and to be allowed to just go home. However, after the use of brute force and being given no food, he eventually had no choice but comply if he wished to live.

    With that he started his life as an experiment to this man. It was only him, the man, the true target of the experiment and a large secret facility. At first it was all pain and agony, but over the months he just learned to adapt to it. His focus during this time was to make sure to keep himself as himself. He didn't want to change who he was just because of this. As long as he had the hope of getting out of this place one day...then he could handle anything.

    Eventually, at the age of 17. His chance to leave came.

    Powers/Abilities: Digital Symbiosis

    Equipment: Over the shoulder bag with a high end custom laptop, headphones that he never takes off, several hand held gaming devices, a high end phone.

    Weaknesses: Taking too much information at once can overwhelm him and make him go on the fritz. As in he stops what he is doing as he tries to deal with a massive headache that is several times worse than a migraine a normal person has. His abilities work only with electronics, if there are no electronics of any kind he is vastly limited in what he can do. An EMP is surprisingly effective on him, though it doesn't kill him or take away his powers. A bomb like that physically hurts him unlike it would for a regular person

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