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Fandom Marvel Legacies OC

me: okay, this is a more casual roleplay, imma keep the bio nice and simple

also me, 1.1k words later:
silent sobbing
good news is, though, i'm almost done with dr. strange daughter's bio! intro post shouuuuuld be up before midnight c:
omg, i just woke up, i'll see if i can get a post up, but what do you think I should have maxine do since she won't be with the group till later?
Not sure, I was thinking Hydra could come across her somehow since they are Hydra and always find their targets.
tru tru
Also how will we come across Maxine?
well seeing as she is living in the countryside, I can have her be in the city for convenience. Maybe she could save them in some kind of way? Or after your fight with Hulk, you could see hydra with maxine in custody, in a straight jacket so she can't use her powers? what do you think?
okay, seven hours, 1.7k words, and lots of internal screaming later, sophia is done!! might have gone a bit overboard with her bio tho-

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