Mancyfantisia (translation: magic wish.)

"Mom...?" She proccessed slowly. "But, didn't this kill her?" Pheobe pulled on the chains, trying to break through.
Coko thought, Don't worry'll be okay.

Necroseaven admits, "No she didn't. I killed her after this." He lifts up Pheobe's shirt.
Pheobe struggled. "Leave me Alone!" She shrieked. She kicked diligently. Hurry!!! She thought. Pheobe tried to reach out, but was restrained by the chains,
Coko slamed Necroseaven to the ground. "GET YOUR SHIT MITS OFF OF MY SISTER!!"

Necroseaven laid down unconscious.
Coko sprinted to Pheobe after taking his heart back. Coko freed her and hugged her tightly, crying. His voice was a mix of emotions. "The HELL were you thnking!? Are you okay?"
"I Just... I Just..." She stuttered. Pheobe held them both tight. "I'm so sorry." Pheobe cried slightl. Burrowing her face into Coko's shoulder.

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