Mancyfantisia (translation: magic wish.)

Pheobe glaree at her Father, she fiddled with her knife in her hand. "I'm not going to Stand down." She growled.
Pheobe nodded. She put her blade away. "Next time Father. Next time." Pheobe turned and walked out to Nichole. She sat heavily next to her, Pheobe placed an arm over her shoulders. "I'll fix this Nichole, I promise."
iPheobe stood up hatly. She crossed her arms waiting for Coko. "He's such an idiot." She mumbled to herself.
I rubbed my eyes and sat up. i suddenly got a bad feeling. "coko you idiot!" i went pyro and flew off into coko's direction. i landed and said"COKO DONT BE AN IDIOT!" running to him and hugged him tight crying. "i dont want you dead...."

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