That's Mister BossMan to you.
Hey! I was just told to throw this thing down here, so this is my introduction form. I am the player of the Shackleford twins, I hope our characters all get along well enough.
I really enjoy roleplay in it's various forms, but the form I have the most practice in are tabletop roleplaying games. Mostly Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and FATE. I have been on this site for 3 years or so now playing on and off. I love trying new things and a detailed RP with slight combat rules sounded like a fun new experince, so here I am. If you have any pointers for me, just let me know.
As for my ideal sandwich, grilled cheese is probably my favorite sandwich, although I have eaten peanut butter and honey sandwiches 5 days a week for lunch for the past 15 years or so, and they have taken up a special place in my heart as well.
PDT -8 in Canada. Happy 150th Canada
Just thought I'd say high to my friendly northern neighbor.