Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Xeno was talking to the soldiers saying "zilena Verona,Xila?" The soldier shakes his head "divena lontas mandra." The soldier shakes his head and gives orders to the unit while Xeno goes deeper in the ruined city.
Xi continued to walk through his memories until seeing him with a soldier. "Xe-Xe!" She said while going to him and hugging him.
Kazuto smiled. "Hah I tried to suppress the evil from our fight earlier.... but at least you were watching me..." said Kazuto before closing his eyes...
nana layed her hands on his head and chest "....hes alright just tird-" nana felt a strange sensation. she seemed to grow hungry fast....but not for food or meat.. nana grew confused "yeah...hes just tird " she shook away her worry and got to work on stedying his energy
Xeno ran deeper in the ruined city saying "Xila, Verona!" He was yelling as he ran until he met a unit of enemy soldiers he showed no mercy and killed them all even though one begged for his life.
Sky looked around. "Ill good and look for her..." she looked at kazuto one more and went of to look for the eona.

nana nodded and look down at kaz when sky way gone. her eyes went blank then marking grew around her eyes. she spoke the the dark assasin in kaz "you....why are you here?" a new voice spoke nana fell unconscious as something took over her body
Xeno went into what looks to be a market area and there where two of his kind except they looked like females, one was a child and the other was an adult. Xeno looked happy "XILA, VERONA!" Xeno ran toward the two and began to hug them and they embraced it.
Eona gasp and puff and she stop punching her hands as they were bruised and cut dripping blood as she hides her cape and sat down and hugs her knees
Then out of nowhere soldiers came out and the two screamed. Xeno gets into a fighting position "mila fendros kindra fero." He then attacks the soldiers and before they realized what was happening a quarter of them were killed.
She went up to eona and saw she punching a tree. She stopped her and hugged her. "Your not alone...your not alone" she said as she rockes back and forth.

the thing in nana grin creepily "i see~ well now~ guess i have t-" nana jolted. she looked around confused as the marks around her eyes disappear. "h-huh?".... nana shook her head a little and looked down to see a now sleeping peacefully kaz. she sighed. he should be fine bow. she got up and went to check on how xi was doing
nana saw. so xeno had a family? then why aren't they here now..... she got a bad feeling. 
(guys. we have to stop soon. its almost 9)

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