Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"......How, pray tell, did you working for a sadistic, world-destruction bent devil of a women help that! Unless you want revenge, its a bad way to go with it. I don't wish to get revenge on Frieza. He's died twice. I wish to earn back my specie's lost honor."
Eliza was surprised that Raiden would help someone but knew that it must have been for some evil plan of hers,"What did she do to help you avenge your family?" She asked out of curiosity

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"I don't want revenge. I want Raiden's power. She killed my clan yet she saved me and my family to be her slaves. Unfortunately She couldn't tame me", he looks at Akio
" its better for all that power to be destroyed and wiped out from the face of this planet"

"My clan was the supreme among nephilims. Other nephilims and lycans always hunted us. My mother and father died due to them. But the Queen saved me and my brother. My brother worked for her. But wasn't tamed by her"
"Frieza did the same thing! He killed my family and kept a few of them to be his slaves. I would rather die then be a slave!"
"That's a really sad story but to be a slave to her..." She said feeling sympathy for the poor nephilim but she knew he only wanted power,"What good does her power do for you?" She asked.

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"Thats how we are alike Akio. But my brother is at Queen's mercy thats why I be her trump card when needed. And I would even fight you to keep him alive." 
"Curiosity killed the cat you know?", he points at Eliza.
" if you need to fight us to keep him alive then fighg us...there is wrong with it"

"Well that's dumb! Raiden doesn't care for anyone but herself. She will probably kill you anyways when its all over." Wernox said.
Eliza shook her head and laughed at Sky's comment,"Now not the time to play matchmaker" She said.

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"I know Raiden admires my audacity to stand up to her and defy her. Yet she also knows that I am loyal to her for saving my life and protecting my brother. But now I wanna clear my debt. And I wanna free myself. Thats my goal.", He looks up in the sky with hopeful eyes.
Akio almost used up all his energy in Super Saiyan form. If he stayed in this form for too long he'd pass out. But he didn't want to let his guard down in case of an attack. "Why... d-don't we... h-help free you.... B-by... defeating Raiden." Akio was talking between gasps. His Super Saiyan form wasnt yet mastered, so it's siphoning all his energy.

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