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Fantasy Magic school (Monsters, Nekos ect.)


Wait what ~Meow~
  • Their is five elements if your a wizard. The elements are Fire,Water,Earth,Air and, Communicator where you can talk to animals and things
  • Nekos can turn into cats and back into humans at will
  • Monsters are scary creatures that are your worst nightmares but have a human form.
  • Ect.
Ash crualed up in here room on the bed. striches like a cat"I got go to school." gets dressed and grbas her bag. "well of to my new school."
Diran was being told by his mother her rules about school. Diran sighed because he heard this from his mother millions of times. After that his mother hugged him and he started walkingto the school.
Ashhas hoodie on try hide her ears and her tail not apreed yet. She since someone behind her. looks back. see him and still walk and trip and falls on her back.
Diran saw a girl trip in front of her. He walked a slight bit faster to catch up to her. "You alright?" Diran asked.
looks up at him. "ya i think so im new her bet you can tell." she left her hea dan hoodie drop off her head and ear pop up. "im Ash."
she stand up and pull the hoodie over her head start to walking alone

"it stinks being new" hangs her head "this so boring i just dont get why i borther"
Well it was finaly the day he was waiting for a new start at a new school where he could hone his skills and learn new tricks we awoke from the bedroom floor in an abandoned house long forgotten by time it was old and dingy and located on a narrow road just outside of town on the edge of the forest line I slowly open my eyes after a rough nights sleep "Doom it's time to get up" I yell

"5 more minutes" he replied

"Ughh were almost late I have no time for this" he picked him up kicked off his shoes leaveing them behind and ran out the door before dropping to all fours he tossed doom onto his back and sprited forwards the school as fast as he could go after a awhile he made it there in the nick of time coming to a screeching halt before what he could assume we're two other students and promptly stood up facing the two
Luna had been awake for hours, she didn't really need to sleep. Being the embodiment of nightmares she just fed off the dreams she turned to nightmares. She's not proud of it but she has to do it to live. She was petting Onyx, while she got ready for her first day at a new school, hoping that they will not judge her based on her being a nightmare. She suited to her human form and entered the shadows, which was her way of transportation. One second she was in her room, the next she was at school.
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"Ummm hi I'm kinda new here as well m-my name is Jack and this is my friend Doom Bunny" he said shyly while clearly uncomfortable and gently wagging his tail back and forth

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