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Fantasy Magic school (Monsters, Nekos ect.)

Jack and Yui run to school they know that they could have just went into the shadows but they didn't want to. They were a shy group. Yui got to the classroom first to make sure their was no other monster but their was she could sense it. Yay!!! Yui thinks happily. Yui sits next to her hopefully she can sense she's a monster/demon two! She'd would love that. "Hi" Yui says shyly. Then her brother comes in and sits next to Yui. He new they were late. He just hoped that the teacher would not notice. Class should start soon anyway. She never had a sister hopefully she would act like her big sister! @CelestialBunny
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Haitini slightly opened his eyes and took a small peek at what's happening. He sees that the Neko girl he met earlier wasn't sitting there anymore. "Where is the girl that was sitting here earlier?"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.a83bd83772b8ed6117f8eff9c1293c3d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.a83bd83772b8ed6117f8eff9c1293c3d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Luna looked up and saw a girl and a boy, "Hi" she said shyly, people don't usually talk to her. She was use to just Onyx, her little bat, because he didn't care if she was literally the personification of nightmares.



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Luna blinked, "I'm Luna" she said, "and this is Onyx" she holding up her cupped hands and showing them her little bat.
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I wish we had a pet Yui said smiling and my name is Yui. This is my brother his name is Jack. Jack said "Yui you have a pet penguin"
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Luna smiled, "Cool! What's a penguin?" She asked curiously, before adding "I'm wasn't allowed to leave my home except at night for my whole life" she said sadly. The girl seemed to be her age if not slightly older, but the boy was obviously older. "What type of monsters are you?" She asked. @Kittycatlover
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Here I will show you Yui summons her penguin. He's cute right? Yui asks. Jack says "Demons."
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Luna saw the 'penguin' and she smiled slightly, "What type of demons?" She asked kinds scared. As the incarnation of nightmares and darkness, she had control of the darkness, evil, nightmares, nighttime, etc. and but these people didn't look like any type of darkness or evil demons. She kept her mouth shut and she didn't say what monster she was in fear of losing the only people who had ever talked to her.@Kittycatlover

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