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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

The bag landed on the floor with a dull thud, as Vincent wrapped his arms tightly around her petite form, laying his cheek against the top of her head. "I know." He told her honestly. The demon knew how she felt, it was all very overwhelming, but at the same time it was necessary.

With all the drama going on downstairs, Vincent let the rest of the world fade out until the only thing existing for him was the girl currently in his arms. He sighed deeply, just enjoying the comfort her being there gave him, allowing himself one moment of peace, before all hell would break loose in their second attempt at saving their not so ghostly friend.
Ellie kissed Vinny lightly before leading him downstairs to where everyone was waiting for them, " I got Vinny," she said never letting go of Vinny's hand, squeezing it lightly.
Given the indecent level of shouting coming from the fairy, Jun felt tempted to bring up both hands and rub his temples. Instead he took a breath, a deep deep breath that allowed his rib cage to expand and settle before pushing himself off and landing lightly on the balls of his feet

Blonde-white locks settled about his face as he stared evenly at Alexander. Then, without a word to the man, he turned and held his hand out to Akira, calling for her gently. "Your hair reflects what you feel, doesn't it?" he asked her. Though his eyes were only for the young fairy girl, it seemed as if he were speaking to Alexander as well. As she reached out, Jun looked straight at Alexander then, his gaze piercing against the calm exterior he wore. "As her lover, you should know what each color represents, am I right?"
Alexander glared at Jun and nodded "I do know what each color represents. Why do you ask?" Akira's hair turned back to its normal brown as she went over to Jun's side.
Alexander waved his hand "Just a sec I wanna see what this little wretch has to say." Akira's hair flared red a second at that comment then she sighed in annoyance
Viewing it fade to what seemed to be her natural hair color, Jun felt slight surprise but was not entirely alarmed by it. There was resolve in his manner when he responded. Rather than shying from Akira's touch as he usually would, Jun did the exact opposite and pulled her against him. Through the folds of her uniform he could feel warmth radiate against his side, and though his touch was light when he curled a hand and rested it at her hip, the meaning was entirely clear.

Continuing to hold her hand, he applied enough pressure to elicit a soft gasp from Akira. The response was not out of pain but from the intimacy of the action as his fingers left her then to trail up her arm and around the bend of her elbow. There were footsteps behind him as figures trailed into sight but Jun ignored them. If he were to make a statement, best for everyone to witness.

As his fingers settled to rest beneath her chin, he turned to Alexander again. "Would you like to list what each means?" he asked, voice inviting if not for the small note of challenge in Jun's voice "Or should I just show you which one matters?"
Alexander scowled as Akira's hair turned purple with Pink and red streaks being so close to Jun, her heart was beating loudly and she was afraid Jun would be able to hear it.

Alexander clenched and unclenched his fists looking like he wanted to clobber Jun. "get away from her" he ground out teeth clenched.
Deciding to get the show on the road, literally, Vincent clapped his hands together loudly. "As much as I would like to see the outcome of this... discussion, we need to get going, guys." He called out before he tightened his grip on his bag. Walking towards the front door, he opened it making the bell hanging over the entrance ring out loudly, filling the awkward silence between the faux prince and Jun.

He held one hand out and raised an eyebrow at the gathering in the cafè, gesturing for them to get a move on. "There are more important things going on than the color of Akira's hair." Mainly, Spooks life, was the unspoken words.
Alexander growled at Jun "Oh the Princess's hair is important atleast to me anyways" He sneered still looking at Jun. Akira stepped away from Jun and poked Alexander in the chest "Behave" Alexander scowled at Akira, but then his face softened as he let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine but we are not through with this" he said looking at Jun.

Akira walked back up to Jun and stood beside him wanting to hold his hand but knew this wasn't the time. She whispered "Just between you and me, d..do you know what the color my hair went meant?" She hoped for the love of god he didn't.
Jun's concentration broke in an instant, his focus immediately going from Alexander to Vincent, Ellie at his shoulder. Undoubtedly, he'd just earned himself a rivalry unlike anything, but there was no point in seeing whose pride was the greatest when another's life was at stake.

As he watched Alexander depart, wings practically flaring in the air, Jun glanced down at Akira, at once himself again. When he heard the quiet inquiry, Jun gazed down and favored her with the warmest of smiles. "I have an idea," he replied softly. He did not touch her this time as he motioned for her to follow. As they followed after the small party Jun hoped that, with time, he would be able to grab her hand with ease.
Akira's hair turned pink at Jun's smile, she followed glancing at him once in awhile. (sorry multitasking)
Mazus silently fell behind Vincent and Ellie folloing them until he was given new orders. As for Graeme he was in the back of the group glaring at Alexander while reciting a spell. When he finished the spell he mounted a visible hellhound and it followed close to Akira while he took out a book and flipped through the pages.

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Looking at the man addressed as Alexander, Mia’s blood was boiling. Just by seeing the man’s actions against the nice folks in the café, she could tell he was clearly evil.

To Mia, no evil could go unpunished. Yet, as she watched, nothing was done.

'Why?' Mia contemplated to herself. Seeking answers to these unexplained questions, Mia blurted out, "Why are you guys working with the mean man?"

Meanwhile in an unknown apartment, "What do you want in return," a male voice clearly demonic in nature asked. "Ye an' yer horde's unquestionable loyalty in th' upcomin' days," a harsh feminine responded.
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Akira looked at Mia "Because hes the lesser of two evils right now and he can help us save spooks." she looked at Alexander longingly "He didn't use to be like this either...." @Horizon King
"How can the badman be the lesser of two evils," Mia questioned before continuing, "When he is actively showing unkind intentions towards you and everyone else here."
Akira smiled softly at Mia "Well because, he may show unkind intentions but hes not one to usually harm anyone, hes just an arrogant pigheaded jerk.. most of the time.The only one he poses a threat to is me, however he'd never hurt me if he could help it. Where as there are people much much worse than him, The people that kidnapped spooks for example, we don't know what they are doing to her."
"OK..." Mia said, somewhat accepting the assessment. While, the man did need punishment for his actions; the fact that he was at least 'helping' the kind lady meant that judgment could wait.
Alexander stopped until Akira and Mia were up close to him and he started walking beside Akira smiling "What were you talking about back here little bird?" Akira shot him a small glare but her lips threatened to turn up in a smile "I bet if I said you, I'd be feeding your ego. Am I right?" she teased. Alexander chuckled "You wound me Akira." he said jokingly. Akira smiled softly and asked "What happened to us?" Alexander looked surprised in the abrupt change in conversation. "I don't know." he answered truthfully "I only wanted to protect you then.. I don't know what happened." Akira grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze "Thank you Alexander for all the good Memories. Perhaps someday when you find yourself again, we can be at the least friends." Alexander smiled sadly at her and nodded gently freeing his hand and going back up to walk with the others.
Ase made her way to the side if Marie "are you ok? You got pretty mad back there" she said quietly.

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