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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"so where do you want to have the wedding?" she asked tilting her head "here or on earth?" she smiled lovingly at her fiance tears still running down both faces
"Earth," Maria said instantly, " I want all of our friends to be able to come, even Oliver," she smiled brightly hugging Ase, " I can't believe it!" she smiled kissing Ase again.
"yeh.....just not Oliver" she said hugging the witch tight "i don't want him anywhere near Estelle either!" she said resting her head on Marie's shoulder.
"Marie were still not married!" she said falling on top of her fiance "cant you wait?" she laughed trying to pull away from her
"we are aloud to kiss when were engaged" she smiled kissing Marie passionately before breaking it " but that's it!" she smiled kissing her again.
By the time Ellie finished weaving her tale Jun’s color had all but faded from his face. It was such a mountain of information that he was overwhelmed when Ellie mentioned the passing of her grandmother. At that point the shade’s hand found its way within her own, lending comfort when the witch’s voice broke in remembrance.

“Should an opportunity arise, I’d like to pay my respects to her grave,” he murmured sympathetically. It was the least he could do, feeling guilty that he had been absent during the time of the tragedy. Not wishing to let the girl fall back into the scarring memories he pointed in the kitten's direction, which was currently in the middle of an intense boxing match with a drooping fern atop the bar table

He tried to sound mildly curious, hoping to distract her. “This kitten - is it yours? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it around the café before.”

* * *

“The body will decay faster if you do that,” Vahl reminded her, disturbing the sheets as he rolled onto his belly and gripped a pillow to him, cheek rested flat on one side, “and seeing that you’re out in the middle of nowhere, it might be a bit of a challenge to find another vessel.” The wisp’s scarlet gaze traveled along her body fleetingly. “A pretty one, at least,” he murmured.

Still languid from last night the wisp buried his face close into the cushion, sighing as he closed his eyes. “I wish this destruction thing was underway already,” she heard him say, the words muffled. “I’d be able to send Charon a basket of souls myself.” The side of his lips rose slightly as he gave a derisive scoff. “I’m sure he’d be delighted to see me.”

Ever since his imprisonment to the underworld, Charon’s long standing resentment for his younger brother was almost as infamous as being known as the ferryman himself. Centuries ago when it had been time to appoint the next gondolier, their father had issued a contest between Vahl and his brother, Charon. Whosoever collected the most souls within a year’s time would be excused from the duty while the other would be sent below for eternity. A simple coin flip had sent Charon skirting to the southern region of the world while Vahl had headed up north.

Swiftly Vahl had become aware of his unfortunate luck, only drawing in a third of the souls that his brother was shoveling in just below. By fall harvest he was ready to accept his fate. Then Serathi had arrived, sowing calamity and destruction in her wake. Within the blink of an eye war ensued all throughout the Northern empire, causing vast empires to fall and ancient cities crumbling to dust.

In the end Charon had found himself manacled to the boat instead of Vahl, the sealed doors of the underworld perpetuating his task to mind the River of Styx.

Vahl, in return for the narrow escape, struck up a boon with Serathi to express his gratitude. The request had been an odd one upon hearing it but he had agreed to it without question.

Her wish: one simple shade.
Oliver turned around in his chair curiously. He had been occupied and entirely enthralled by reading through one of the books that were placed on the table. He had found them quite interesting, and what they said about dreams and how to prevent nightmares had struck a chord in him. He had first seen the title on the first book, which had been opened and facing down, clearly a sign of the reader being interrupted. Night Terrors, and how to prevent them, the cover had said, in big block letters. That in it self was enough to make the imp reach for the book, and he was soon so enthralled in the possibilities of which it contained that he had accidentally tuned out the room.

So, only when he heard the words 'kitten' and 'yours', did he turn around with a curious stare, as he had very well established that Bratwurst belonged to him. When his eyes located the person who had asked the question, they immediately widened to almost double size, and he dropped the book. With a large grin, he jumped off of the stool, wincing slightly as his foot hit the hard, wooden flooring, before beginning to wobble over to he white haired boy.

"Hi, Q-tip!" Oliver laughed, taking the boys hands on his own and grinning up at his bewildered expression. "That's Bratwurst, I found him outside, starving! how are you feeling, you looked pretty slashed up when I last saw you." The imp asked, his glowing, yellow eyes shining with mirth before he tilted his head, a curious frown overtaking his features. "Are you alright?"


Vincent had quietly managed to slip out through the back door just when Ellie left to see what it was Estelle wanted. He had left a hastily scribbled note on the kitchen counter, before taking his leave, though, remembering the witch's reaction to the last time ha had left. This time though, it wasn't the death of a friend, or the ever-present hunger that prompted him to leave, it was much more mundane and normal than that.

The demon stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked the short trek around the cafe, emerging in the alleyway with a small smile. Because of his lack of spell thread, and his now apparent constant need for the stuff, he had decided to just go to the underground to pick some up, just in case they had anymore accidents. Which he didn't doubt that they would in the least. He let a small sigh escape his lips as he thought of the reasons for him needing to purchase the thread, the constant dangers looming over their heads every day. It wasn't fair, right or in any way sane.

But it couldn't be helped, he knew, and in his mind, he made a mental note to pick up more than just the spell thread, the better prepared they were for the dangers that were to come, the better. At least he could rest easily at night knowing that his friends were going to be well taken care off, should they be in any way injured. The demon squinted as the sun that had been shielded by the large apartment complexes of the alleyway hit his face as he exited, and looked down so that his bangs could cover his eyes.

A small gasp alerted him to a human child noticing his odd appearance, and he smiled a little. Human children were easy to amaze, he realized. After a short while, he arrived at the familiar manhole, and punched in the appropriate code, making it slide open with a metallic scraping sound. Vincent looked around for a seconds, to reassure himself that no one was watching him, before he began to descend the stone brick staircase, absentmindedly pressing the button just on the inside of the manhole, making it close with an audible clang.
Ellie looked at Oliver confused, " Q-tip?" she repeated confused by the nickname, " Oliver that's a bit mean," she frowned at the imp. Estelle looked away nervously, blushing slightly, her hair wiggling shyly.
Akira appeared outside the cafe with Sha(dae Seriously who doesn't know its her? xD besides the characters) in a flurry of butterflies. Sha turned to Akira "We should do that again sometime. Anyway have fun, if any of the people from the cafe give you trouble just call me" Akira nodded and Sha leaned down giving Akira a motherly kiss on the forehead "Be safe my dear child" and she dissapeared in a flurry of butterflies leaving Akira standing there smiling. Akira walked over to the cafe door, breathed deeply wondering what kind of antics have happened today and walked in, she froze when she saw Jun. "Jun! You're alright!" She smiled bright walking up. She noticed a cat in the cafe "Oh, so cute! Who's cat is it?"

@Cryobionic @thistle
Ase got out of the bed and made her way to the shower trying not to wake the sleeping witch in the process.After a while Ase came out of the bathroom and made her way back to the room where she continued to get dressed.she smiled lovingly down at the ring that was on the witch's finger. "hey Marie wake up its morning" she chimed shaking her lightly.
"It's mine!" Oliver chirped, then at Estelle's pointed glare, he relented with a sigh, "... And Estelle's, I guess." He pouted, walking over and picking up the kitten, rubbing it's fur against his cheek with a grin. He was already starting to get attached to the little beast, and was kind of surprised that it minded him so well. Oliver loved cats of all kinds, but they usually never returned his affections at all, and he figured it had something to do with his hound heritage. Most cat's scratched him. One time one of the more ferocious felines he had met almost managed to take out one of his eyes. He had loved the little monster, though.

"I found him outside the cafe, starved and almost dead," He explained with a small smile, "And now he's really taken to us, isn't that awesome? And look," Oliver shoved his hand into his pocket, procuring the hairball before holding his hand out, proffering the slimy thing, "he puked on me. That means he likes me."

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Maria groaned stirring from her sleep, " Five more minutes~," she whined turning away, burying her face in the mound of pillows.

"She!"Estelle corrected again, standing up walking over to Oliver plucking the kitten from his hands holding it close to her chest. Ellie raised a eyebrow at the two of them but said nothing.
"come on Marie , the sooner i see my father the sooner we can enjoy this holiday" she sighed looking out the window "now come on get ready" she smiled looking back at her fiance. "please"
Maria pouted pushing herself out of bed, " Fine, time to meet the family I guess," she sighed kissing Ase's cheek as she walked to the shower. Once she had closed the door, she looked down at the ring on her hand smiling as a warm bubbly feeling filled her chest. Fiancee huh...she thought happily as she stepped into the shower.
(i had no idea the was a differance between fiance and fiancee ! :0)

Ase sat and done her makeup while waiting for Marie. she kept thinking about how she was actually going to get married.
Oliver’s appointed nickname made the shade touch his hair self-consciously as if he were just now realizing how stark the strands really were. Despite that, the liveliness of the imp’s tone and snaggletoothed smile encouraged Jun to return a similar grin. All previous feelings of bafflement were replaced with welcome as he gave his hand a returning squeeze.

“A bit of a scar,” Jun replied mildly to Oliver, and began to tilt downward, meaning to reveal the jagged line that bisected him from shoulder to elbow but then the imp was off, snatching up the kitten he had left on the table.

He was about to wonder of the imp’s sudden reaction when he felt a presence by his shoulder and turned to see Akira crossing the room to him. “Took me a bit of time to return to the café, huh?” he admitted to her exclamation, chuckling lightly.
Maria stepped out of the bathroom wearing a simple sundress, her hair braided so it looked like a crown on her head. She smiled flopping down on top of Ase kissing her cheek, " Can we get breakfast first?" she smiled positioning herself so her head was in Ase's lap.

Estelle pouted sighing , " I told him it was gross," she said petting the kitten.
"its waiting downstairs" she smiled rubbing the witch's head. "its soup or salad" she said getting up from the bed.
"I don't know," Oliver replied tartly, stuffing the thing back into his pocket, letting his fingers run over the golden key for a while, "Maybe I'll need it someday, you never know." He mused, before reaching out to run his fingers over the kittens soft head, "Don't listen to her, it's a boy." The imp looked up at Estelle with a small glare, sticking his tongue out at her, "And his name is Bratwurst." He added sternly, a small pout tracing his lips.

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