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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"no he was moved to the hospital two days ago its not looking good for him" she said frowning "yet i still don't feel bad for him"
"he's still my father Marie" she sighed resting her arm on Marie "i should feel some remorse"
Not quite expecting to come face to face with a girl he had never seen before, Jun's mouth parted in the slightest. Glancing quickly around, the cafe seemed to be in the same condition as when they had left it to rescue Spooks and yet the figures that now stared back at him were entirely new. More accurately, the one figure glaring at him currently was new. The other, appearing the same age, had his back slightly turned to him, though his tail poked out beneath his shorts, waving lazily.

Dimly recalling the events of the mansion the shade started forward, nearly tripping on something that tangled between his feet. He glanced down, spotting a kitten, and just as he wondered when Vincent and Ellie had decided to adopt a pet, he stumbled into the light and blinked out of view.

Not wanting to cause further suspicion or alarm the girl entirely, Jun picked himself up, scooping the dark cotton ball into his arms and hurried to a shadowed corner. He reappeared the next instant, beneath a familiar awning of hydrangeas. Immediately he held his hands up harmlessly, tucking the kitten onto his shoulder at the same time. "No, wait! I'm looking for someone," he told her anxiously, trying to regain a calmness to his voice. Light brows shot up as he recognized the imp playing idly with a few things on the table but he appeared intensely immersed by his treasures, one of which included a slightly molded apple slice. "Vincent, or...or Ellie. Are they here?"

Tickling the back of his ear with its curious sniffling, Jun turned slightly, more distracted by the odd sensation he was sensing from the animal. It was something akin to Spooks as when she'd been trapped in the Archdemon's body. He pointed his thumb towards the animal. "Is this a, er...normal kitten?" The question sounded entirely stupid, given his situation but the signal was bothering him.
Maria pouted trailing kisses up Ase's arms, " You can feel how ever you want! You don't have to explain it to anyone,"Maria smiled.

Estelle sighed, " Ellie!! Some weird guy is asking for you!!" she yelled. Ellie cae from the back looking confused at Estelle " Weird guy?" she repeated looking out at cafe, her catching her breath when she saw Jun standing in his usual spot, " Jun!!" she smiled tackle hugging him tightly, " Your ok!! Everyone was so worried!!" she smiled brightly giggling.

Serathi glanced at Vahl as he played with her hair, smiling briskly, " Poor Victor," she murmured, " He never told me his daughter was still a virgin," she laughed cruelly turning so she was facing Vahl, sitting up in her bed, " But you didn't seem to mind,"
Ase shuddered at Marie's touch "m,m,m,Marie!" she stuttered "stop you cant do that!"
Maria smiled kissing behind Ase's ear gently, " Come on....Just for the first night lets break the rules, " Maria smiled mischievously.
ase let out a low moan "No Marie stop we cant" she said sternly trying to pull away from the witch "stop !"
Maria purred cooing giggling, "Asey~!" she giggled cuddling closer to her putting her leg between Ase's, " I think that wine was to strong~~"
"oh dear god this isn't going to be easy" she muttered getting redder by the second "oh i did warn you didn't i"
Maria pouted looking up at Ase, " Ase~! Your mean! Most people would kill to have their cute girlfriend in a big nice comfy bed in a manor all alone for a week~!!" she drawled kissing Ase's neck lightly.
Jun was distracted by the girl’s hair as it writhed into animation, rippling alive at her call. Then he was distracted no more as he found his vision filled with recognizable cerulean hair. He just barely managed to catch the kitten before it teetered over and set it gently on the table beside them before returning Ellie’s hug. “I am,” he said, comforted to be welcomed by a familiar face. “I apologize for being away for so long. Your potion helped tremendously.” He pulled back enough to roll his once injured shoulder and turned to readdress her.

That’s when he got a full view of the witch, spotting the drastic changes to her features. Her hair, which had once stopped just beside her chin in a charming fashion, now rested in full waves down her spine, nearly ending at the small of her back. The eyes that stared back at him gleamed a polished silver as they looked into his own.

“What happened to you?” he asked, incredulous.


Initiating in the furnished living room, Vahl had carried Serathi back to her chambers at some point during the night to finish their activity. Now they lay with the sheets tangled around them, whatever clothes that had remained on, now strewn cold and forgotten on the carpeted floor.

“I enjoy different types of pleasure. To me, pain is just another form of it,” The end of one hand traced over the side of her exposed arm lightly. When he reached her shoulder, Vahl turned the inside of his arm to face her. A perfect pair of puncture marks stood out against the pale flesh, fresh and bright, just a bit above the elbow. “Though I do enjoy inflicting more than receiving it myself.”

Hands thrown above his head Vahl stretched, the sinews of his joints popping with satisfaction before he relaxed once more. “How is that beloved son of yours doing? I recall hearing you ran into him about a week ago."
"s.s.s.stop m.m.m.marie" Ase stuttered trying to pull away again "Marie theres only one way we can do that "
Serathi sighed, " Son..." she repeated bitterly, " My son, has become involved with that bitch Meredith's incarnate," she glared at the ceiling, clenching her fist so it broke skin, " And now he stand against me with his little 'rebellion' with hopes of stopping the inevitable," she looked down at her hand as blood began pooling on he sheets.

Ellie looked down shyly looking away, ' Well...A lot has happened since you've been gone,' she smiled sheepishly giggling. She then began to explain everything that had happened to Jun, about Meredith, and the resistance she even told him about her grandmother's death and how the hunters burned down her hand.

Maria looked up at Ase quizzically, " How~~?" she purred, kissing Ase lightly.
"the only way is for us to get married and you don't want that trust me !" Ase said trying her best not to give into the witches ways.

"so please stop we cant"
"Maybe I do..." Maria smiled kissing Ase lightly, " Maybe I do wanna marry you," she smiled lacing her fingers with Ase's, " I love you Ase...I really really love you.. And I don't wanna be with anyone else,"
Ase blushed a deep red not knowing what to do. "y.y.y.y.y.your drunk .... thats it your drunk you can't make a decision like that when your drunk" she managed to stutter after coming out of shock
" Even if I were sober I'd say the same thing!" Maria pouted climbing on top of Ase so she was sitting on top of her," Let's get married!" she smiled kissing her.
Ase couldn't speak after hearing Marie's words she lay on the bed tears rolling down her face just nodding her head in agreement.
"technically your the one who proposed " she teased pushing the woman off of her. she got up and opened her drawer and took a black ring box out of it "but here" she smiled handing it to Marie "it was my mothers but its yours now" she smiled opening it to reveal a flawless gold and diamond ring.
"Ase..." Maria looked up at Ase tears welling in her eyes as she slipped on the ring, it was a perfect fit,. " I love it," she smiled holding it close to her heart kissing Ase lightly.

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