Magi: Magic Arising

@Hales You know what? I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to drop out as well. You've got a great group of people here, and I think this roleplay could turn into something amazing, but I don't have the time to come along for the ride. Currently I have about 5 roleplays I need to reply to, and they're all roleplays that I want to write 5+ paragraph things to. I don't have enough time to put the effort I'd like to in this roleplay, what with upcoming exams and a performance I need to practice for. I hope you the best in this roleplay though, and perhaps I can retcon myself back into it one day with your permission, but for now I must leave you all.

I am sorry to see you go, but I understand.

@Everybody not currently imprisoned: If you could have your character arrive in Arythrin sometime soon, that would be great because I am preparing to have chaos ensue and it would be sad if someone wasn't there to see it.
No worries. I was just informing people that I do have plot points ready to go once everyone gets to Arythrin.
Assyria is like the Pacific Northwest, right? What time of day is it right now? There's a light mist going on in my post. ;) My character has arrived in Arythrin.
Yes. That would work. Time of day currently in Arythrin is probably almost midday.

@Cross_Rhodes Your character is accepted. I am still working on pendant assignment for the two recently posted characters, but I think your pendant will be temperature control. I will let you know if this changes and I will put together some basic information on things you could do with that sometime this weekend. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or pm me.
I'm afraid I'll have to step down of the roleplay. I thank you for the short yet good time here and wish you all an excellent roleplay!
@SilverBlack Your character has been accepted and you will have an electricity pendant.

Hey all! I am working on a few things like a map and a picture of the pendant along with a few more neutral characters. There will probably be a bunch of stuff added tomorrow as well as another post on Monday or Tuesday. I just like to keep people updated on where I am at with stuff...
Archangel said:
Ohoho. We have first contact.
@SilverBlack, I'll get round to replying as soon as I can, but I have a heck ton of homework so I might be a bit delayed :3
It's alright me too. Looking forward to your reply! ^^
I have a map finished and I am currently working on posting it. My scanner is not working so it may be kind of small because I am taking a picture of it with my phone. I will be working on making it work.

Yay! I figured it out! There is now a map in the Settings/Locations tab. More maps of more specific areas will be posted as needed and a larger map of the entire world will also be posted as soon as its vastness has been revealed in more detail. Please let me know if you have questions in regards to the map - I am not an artist nor am I a cartographer so some things may not be immediately clear. There are mountains to the north of Lysan and a desert to the west. To the east is the ocean and I think there will be ocean to the south as well, but I am still working on that part.
What does this mysterious building look like? I don't want to describe something that's actually different from the GM's headcanon... LOL. Maybe we will find out soon. Heheh.

DeadgurlXD said:
IM BACK FROMKITSUNE KON!! ..........but im getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow so dont expect too much lol
How was it? I haven't been to an anime convention in a long time.
Aurelia said:
What does this mysterious building look like? I don't want to describe something that's actually different from the GM's headcanon... LOL. Maybe we will find out soon. Heheh.
It looks similar to an abandoned warehouse. I will have a post up tomorrow that will describe it in more detail and then things should get moving pretty quick after that.
Aurelia said:
What does this mysterious building look like? I don't want to describe something that's actually different from the GM's headcanon... LOL. Maybe we will find out soon. Heheh.
How was it? I haven't been to an anime convention in a long time.
It was a lot of fun and i won best prop :3
Hi everyone! A post has been made! If your character is not in Arythrin yet, you ought to be there before the start of the banquet because that will be of significance. Also, please note that if your character is in Arythrin and is not currently being held prisoner, then it is very highly unlikely that you did not notice Sepitus's arrival.

Hi again people! I will be working on a map of Arythrin later today as well as a broader map of the universe Lysan is a part of. I should have more stuff posted tomorrowish.
Sincerest apologies. My alerts decided to not even tell me I'd been tagged. I'll post as soon as I can.
No worries.

Attention: I am going to be opening up each major element for one more person to claim it! I will also be allowing anyone already here to make another character with a major element should the wish to do so. I am currently in the process of recruiting because I want this rp to go on for quite a while - I have great plans for the story - and with more people, it will be easier to keep it running.
Would you rather the non-kidnapped characters to stay out of the abandoned warehouse, or would you mind if they poked around? I know it can be a challenge to play a bunch of NPCs. xD
You can poke around but I would say that at this point it is unlikely that you'd be able to get inside. Poking around would actually be fun, though, I would think @Archangel Galdrael Your character is accepted. You may make a post within the rp, just note that your character should either start in or be heading towards Arythrin in Assyria - the pendants are magically drawing their wearers there. I will be assigning elements later tonight.

Ahhh but it's such a beautiful nickname.

Rocquel loves rabbit so if she heard that nickname they wouldn't live it down, (psssttt hear that Silver? Ever want a harassment buddy, I got'chu)

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