Magi: Magic Arising


It wasn't taken. Lucas and Mavis aren't extremely intelligent so they wouldn't have known to.

Mavis and Lucas are referred to by Royce as Brute 1 and Brute 2....
Hales said:
@GiannaCoco @kira blackthorn @Kyra @DeadgurlXD @sonicfreak101 Are any of you by chance wearing your pendant? Or were you keeping it in a bag that was taken when you were captured? Either way, you will still get it back or still have it...
Haru is wearing his although its tough to spot, the pendant itself is under his shirt while the string that wraps around his neck is camouflaged by his vine necklace
DeadgurlXD said:
So how is everyone this fine evening?
It's going to be one hell of a week. I just know it.

Last week I had to work overtime and I'm working 12-hour shifts tomorrow and Tuesday, so my character sheet (WIP) will be in by Wednesday by the earliest. I hope it's not too strange to drop into the middle of things. I'm keeping up with the IC posts and they all look great.

I know exactly what I want to do with this character, I just need to get it all down. It sounds like Lithuain would suit her best, but is it warm enough there? She has a parrot... Where my character comes from, different tribes live together in an uneasy peace. Her tribe actually seeks unification with the others, but that doesn't go well for whatever reason. So of course she dips, heh.
Everyone will get there. I'm not sure if everyone is going to meet up right away, but some small groups should form once people all make their way to the building.

@GiannaCoco - just so you know, there is another child (actually younger than you) in the prison cell with you as well. I was just rereading some post and I noticed that your post mentions everyone seems older. There is no problem with it, I just wanted to make sure you are aware.
Danke, good miss. I shall now proceed to finish my long awaited post.

Oh yeah, Hales, I'mma interact with your character btw. I have a feeling their meeting with her androphobia and his cynicism could be hilarious.
Hey. I'm going to be out of the rp until further notice. If it's still open, I'll hop in when i come back. If not, it was nice meeting you all and maybe we'll run into each other again.
I am making another post tonight, so I would say if you are unsure then wait until after I've posted again.

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