Magi: Magic Arising

Uhhh, things that are happening to me. I'm getting my ducks in a row for my baking class's practical final, I've got my chef whites in the dryer, and I'm getting ready for a weekend of driving between my ladyfriend's house and the farm I live at to do farm work. I'm a boring dude.
[QUOTE="Uncle ShortyB]Uhhh, things that are happening to me. I'm getting my ducks in a row for my baking class's practical final, I've got my chef whites in the dryer, and I'm getting ready for a weekend of driving between my ladyfriend's house and the farm I live at to do farm work. I'm a boring dude.

Doesn't sound boring to me xD baking really?! Gosh I wish I could cook/bake i suck at dealing with anything edible lol I am seriously jealous!
I wish I couldn't cook. People find out I'm in culinary school and the first thing they ask is always "Ayyyyy when are you gonna cook something for me, eh?" I mean, I don't mind cooking for my friends, but after the third time you hear that it kind of rubs you the wrong way, y'know? And yeah, baking. It's a whole hell of a lot of fun, but I wouldn't want to do it professionally. I think being a boulangier (bread baker) would be cool, but I could never be a pâtissier (pastry chef). Not with the amount of creative work that goes into it.
Makes sense, I get the opposite problem with the profession I want to go into, I want to be a forensic anthropologist (deal with human bones basically, lots of dead people) meaning I know human bones very well. As an example of the problem I was talking about earlier, for instance earlier this week I got my wisdom teeth pulled out, after the procedure I asked the oral surgeon exactly why the mandible was a tougher harder bone than the maxillae (asking why the bottom teeth were more difficult to remove than the upper) and he gave me the look of "how the hell do you know that, and why the hell would you ask me" and then didn't answer my question thinking i was crazy

also when my friends /family ask me about school they tell me to stop cause they get all awkward talking about dead people
Hey sorry I havn't repaonded to the role play! I've been busy studying for my paramedics practical and have been at an ER for the majority of the week. I should have a response up by tomorrow evening!! ^_^ ;;
Allister said:
Hey sorry I havn't repaonded to the role play! I've been busy studying for my paramedics practical and have been at an ER for the majority of the week. I should have a response up by tomorrow evening!! ^_^ ;;
No worries! Everyone has a life outside rpnation lol
HighnessesReign said:
Really...? I feel like my life is on rpnation (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
xD its alright between me and you my life is on here too but i do have work and school outside so i guess i got the best of both worlds? Lol
Hey, where can my twins jump into this rp or should I just make the intro of them wandering in their province and then maybe they run into someone?
I would have them enter Arythrin and react to something. They can be investigating the warehouse or reacting to Sepitus's arrival although they probably don't know much of who he is, just that his arrival has the whole town in an excited state. I think most people are currently in Arythrin so you could bump into anyone if you wanted. Some of the people are currently imprisoned so bumping into one of them wouldn't work.
Man, is everyone a criminal nowadays? xD Then again so are my twins considering their life of petty crime and whatnot....
Sepitus arrived in Arythrin and declared that he will be throwing a banquet. Some of the rp characters have grouped together and are reacting to Sepitus (he is the bad guy but he seems like a good guy right now although he is suspiciously charismatic). Other characters are still travelling to Arythrin. I highly suggest people arrive at Arythrin within their next post! The people in the prison cell are being knocked out by a gas so that Akira and Victor (neutral characters) can interrogate them.


Just because I think this will make it easier for people to know who they could reasonably interact with, I am requesting that everyone now include their character's location on the top of their IC posts. You could say Arythrin, By the Warehouse, travelling in whatever province; it doesn't need to be too descriptive. Thanks Everybody!

Also, good morning people!
Well, I've posted an intro for my twins. If anyone wants to run into them, that'd be brilliant.
Hey everybody! I just wanted to comment that I love the interaction going on within the rp right now! It's fantastic and it makes me smile! Anyway, I will be working on another post regarding Sepitus as well as the situation occurring in the prison cell and it should be posted either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Gotcha Boss!

@Uncle ShortyB

For a little my alerts weren't working for this roleplay and just in case it had been affecting you also and you hadn't noticed, I have posted! :)

I want to make sure you know so we don't lose you from the roleplay because your character is amazing!

Sorry if I sound like i'm pushing you because i'm not! I just want to make sure you're aware. :D

I did notice, actually! I've been working on a post in my free time, but its been slow work. I didn't have access to my desktop for most of the weekend. I should have one up by tonight. And thank you! Juno is an awesome character too. I don't think I've really seen an insane character on this site that seemed like a legitimate psychopath rather than just kind of a dick, so its refreshing to actually see one for once.
@Uncle ShortyB

Oh i'm so sorry if I sounded like I was annoying you, I just really like your character. I don't know why precisely but I just feel like they're going to bring some real interesting qualities into the mix of this roleplay and they're just really beautifully written.

Ahhh thank you, thank you, it really helps to hear that since it's my first time portraying a character like Juno and I'm just like,

'how does one be crazy...Where is a booklet. Someone, plz. Assistance.'

So yes, thank you , thank you.

I hope you can forgive little Juno though for wanting to tear open little Corax and turn their bones into an arts and crafts project! *falls to knees*

You didn't annoy me at all, trust me. Its way harder to annoy me than people give me credit for. As for how Leopold is written/his apparent qualities, I dunno about all that. He's fun to write for at the very least.

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