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Fandom Lyoko Warriors 2.0 (Always accepting!)


The Lone Wolf


Two worlds: one real, one digital. Only six warriors can enter both worlds. The digital one is what they call Lyoko and they are the Lyoko Warriors. Each one is a descendent of one of the six original Lyoko Warriors and they each inherit some of their parents powers inside lyoko.

With three word: transfer, scanner, virtualization and a little help from a tech genius three of these warriors can be transported to a new world.

Xana the corrupted computer program that turned on Aelita's father , Franz Hopper has returned. Aelita had to go back to the virtual world when they 'destroyed' XANA. She was suppose to remain there forever. Now its been at least a decade since XANA has been 'destroyed' and now he has found a way to take over Aelita... Now XANA can walk through the real world and spread havoc as he pleases. Its up to the Lyoko Warriors to defeat XANA and save the real world.


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~Anima Schaeffer~

Anima nods as she walks into the desert section. Her eyes a pure black and a wicked smirk on her face. It was time to terrorize some humans. But first why not patrol Lyoko a bit.

She summons her wings and flys across the desert section. Watching the digital world as it flies past her. She passes over the ice section, forest section, and mountain section. Each one swarming with monsters. There were no more Lyoko Warriors in this time.

At least not yet.

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Nova returns to her little abode down by the monitor room for the supercomputer, grocery bags in hand. Setting down her rations, all non-perishable due to her lack of refrigeration, she picks up a box of crackers and hops into the chair, pressing a key to bring up an overlay of how Lyoko is doing. Seems there's a lot of monster around right now... she sits back, watching. Popping open the cracker box, she brings up a view of Anima's position and status, and a map of Lyoko. This was going to be interesting.

~Anima Schaeffer~

Soon after Anima comes out of Lyoko and into the abandon factory. She plucks in the code for the elevators and grins. XANA was still possessing her. She'd do something she should regret if she only remembered. However tje whole tome Anima did fight it. She may of been created by XANA however like her sister she had a mind of her own and she wanted to do good not evil.

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Nova frowns as Anima's stats disappear and the sound for the elevator starts up. She turns, closing the box of crackers and finishing what was already stuffed in her face. Her eyes flicker back and forth from the door to the computer curiously.

~Anima Schaeffer~

Anima climbs up the ladder and into the room with the super compuper. She stands up and looks at Nova.

"Ah... Hello?.. Where am I?.."

She asks with a frown as her pink hair falls into her face. She had managed to get out of XANA's grasp as she was virtualized for the first time..

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With one final spin of his pen, he had completed the report for the project that he was assigned to. Finally, he could take a break from all the work. Leaning back on his chair, Scipio raised his hand to check the time indicated on his golden wrist-watch. There was still daylight to burn, but his friends were all busy with their school work. The blonde boy sighed in defeat, he should've gone with his friends to a different Academy. It certainly would have been fun seeing a few familiar faces amongst the strangers he didn't know.

Moments later, Scipio reached his final decision; he'd set out to explore potential hang out places, or maybe a place to star gaze. Leaving the mess of paperwork on his desk, he quickly got to his feet and grabbed his trench coat before leaving the room.

The moment, he stepped out of the dorms, he felt the cool breeze blow against his figure. The weather was crisp, just the way he liked it. Scipio hastily wore his coat before exploring the outskirts of the Academy.
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Libra259 said:

~Anima Schaeffer~

Anima climbs up the ladder and into the room with the super compuper. She stands up and looks at Nova.

"Ah... Hello?.. Where am I?.."

She asks with a frown as her pink hair falls into her face. She had managed to get out of XANA's grasp as she was virtualized for the first time..


"Uh," Nova pauses, looking over the girl. "You're the girl from the computer, right?" she asks, confused. She hadn't explored much further than the monitor room. "You're in an abandoned warehouse. What's your name?"

~Anima Schaeffer~

Anima raises an eyebrow. She looked very confused. She wasnt aware that she was from a computer considering the tranformation had kinda screwed everything up.

"I am?.. Oh well Im Anima.. I believe.."

She said with a frown and looked around the room. She was quite fascinated by the computer in the middle of it.

"I wonder why Im in an abandoned warehouse?.. Thats odd. Well who are you?"

She asks while tilting her head a bit in curiousity.

Libra259 said:

~Anima Schaeffer~

Anima raises an eyebrow. She looked very confused. She wasnt aware that she was from a computer considering the tranformation had kinda screwed everything up.

"I am?.. Oh well Im Anima.. I believe.."

She said with a frown and looked around the room. She was quite fascinated by the computer in the middle of it.

"I wonder why Im in an abandoned warehouse?.. Thats odd. Well who are you?"

She asks while tilting her head a bit in curiousity.


"I'm Nova. It's nice to meet you, Anima," Nova said, hopping out of the chair and walking over, offering a hand to shake in greeting. "If you're lost, I could probably help you find the nearest school..."

~Anima Schaeffer~

Anima took he hand and shook it with a cute smile.

"Its a pleasure to meet you too. Oh thank you that would be nice.."

She said.

"But whats with the giant computer?.. Its a bit odd.."

Felicia looked off at the factory from the bench on the pathway on academy campus, still in interest. She always found that place interesting, and, being the student that's studious in the directing apartment, she also believed it would be a great place to shoot a short film if that ever came up, and she would love to experiment with lighting in there. "Maybe I'll go there today..." She muttered under her breath.

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