Lost Angels Home for the Abandoned [Inactive]


Familiar for Hire
DemonicAngel submitted a new role play:

Lost Angels Home for the Abandoned - Living here my seem bad, but is it when there's such an unforgiving world outside the gates?

Lost Angels Home for the Abandoned(Lost, or Lost Angels for short) is a orphanage/ boarding school, for fallen angels, demonic angels, vampiric angels, and more including the occational half demon, or wingless cherub. It has a gloomy air about it and is miles away from any civilization. This is a place where kids are sent or dropped off never to be picked-up.
These children are considered outcasts even in the super natural world. To everyone but others like themselves.

Rules of Lost for...
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Vallen stood at the railing on the second floor watching the doorway. He'd received notice of new arrivals for Lost Angels. And a new year of classes would be starting soon. You couldn't tell it from looking at him but he was quite excited, he'd created this place as a safe haven and new additions were always welcome.


Devin had only been here a few days, he missed his old home but was sure that he'd be returning any day now. He was outside watching and clouds drift lazily across the sky. Breathing hard with his clothes covered in grass stains. He'd just finished running laps to burn off access energy. He loved running, he was sure if only he ran fast enough he could take off and fly.


Truth sat in the dining hall. She had just finished cooking for the mid day meal, soon everyone would crowd in to get something to eat and to socailize. Valen had informed her that new arrivels were expected, so she'd made extra food not knowing how many new comers to expect. She hoped there was enough to go around.
Micheal quietly looked up at the sky. I miss home. He thought. He cleared those thoughts away and walked inside cautiously. He looked around at the big place, searching for his room. "Hello?" he called. He mumbled the rules again to himself. "Dont leave school grounds, be in bed at 11:00, no fighting..." Follow the rules and you wont be punished, he thought.

Grace looked back at Kravin, as they approached the door. She opened it, and walked in. She held it open, waiting for Kravin to follow her.


Kravin stared at the boy lying in the grass. He slowly walked inside, and looked around. The place was creepy, and gave him chills. He felt Newt start to move around in the bag he was carrying. "Stop it." He whispered. He wasn't sure if pets were allowed. "You're gonna get us caught." He continued whispering. He walked further inside, but didn't like it. The further he went, the creeper the feeling got.


Rudy put books on shelves, and papers in desks. He needed to keep his classroom perfect. He cleaned the blackboard, and the desks. When he was finished, he sat down, and sighed. The room practicly sparkled!


Erin sighed, and walked into the small room that she called her classroom. She got papers, and pencils ready. When she got done, she headed outside. She saw Devin lying in the grass, and walked over to him. "Why are you out here?" She asked.

"Hello there." Valen called down to the boy who was mumbling to himself and looking lost. Valen walked down the stairs and extended his hand. "My name is Valen White, welcome to Lost Angels." Out of the corner of his eye Valen saw Grace in the doorway, with someone.


Devin looked over it was Erin one of the people he'd already met in his short stay. Without sitting up Devin replied. "Resting and looking at the clouds. I had some pent up energy. What about you?"
Micheal was a bit startled when he heard the voice. He scanned the mans face and shook his hand. "Micheal Chester. Uh, I need help finding my room." he said. He turned to the other people coming in, thankful he wasnt the only one here now.

Coming up behind Micheal was Lucilia. It's unclear for how long she had been there, or wandering around but she's here now and she smiled sweetly. She leaned over Micheal to get to Valen, poking him gently, wanting to get his attention for a hand shake as well.

"Hello to both of you~" She chimed glancing at the person she had topled over to get to the other. "Do you mind if I insert myself into this conversation? I'm kind of lost too..."

"Pleasure to meet both of you." He assured them and offered his hand to the girl. "My name is Valen White, in case you didn't hear. Now then students will be living over this way in dorm house 1." He walked to a glass side door out of which you could see the dorm house. "The dorm house on the opisite side is for teachers, this is the main house where most free time is spent, and behind this building and to the left a little is the dining hall which doubles as whatever we need. Though mostly it's also referred to as the party house. If you go there a girl named Truth will help you with anything else you might need, including more information. I'd love to come help myself but I must greet the others arriving. During mid day meal which will be starting soon you will be introduced to all the teachers." He hoped they would be okay for now he would talk to them more later, but right now he did need to wait for the others to arrive.
Odette hefted her small bag over her shoulder. The school looked dreary, depressing, and sad. She couldn't believe that in a million years she would end up here. Just a few months ago she had been soaring through the sky, but now she was grounded. She noticed a small group of people crowed by the main doors of the building, so she figured that's where she was supposed to be.

As she approached, she noted that the small group consisted of three people, two looking like students and one who had the air of a teacher or instructor.

"I apologize for being late." She spoke, wanting her presence to be known, but not wanting to interrupt. "My name is Odette."

Grace closed the door, and went all the way inside. She headed to her classroom to do a quick clean up. She figured, Kravin would be fine.


Kravin wandered over to a strange looking vase, and kind of poked at it. He looked around, to make sure that no one was looking. When he tried to grab it, it fell from his hands, and shattered on the floor. "Oops." He said, looking down. Newt jumped when he heard the crash, and Kravin almost dropped the bag. He started to sneak out of the room, hoping not to get caught.


Erin giggled, "I was just bored. Mind if I rest with you?" She said. She lied down next to him, not waiting for an answer. The wind felt nice, and the grass had a nice smell to it. She tried to spot different things in the clouds.

Valen turned and smiled at Odette but before he could introduce himself there was a crash. Looking over the small child that had come in with Grace was sneaking away from a pile of vase shards. Valen stepped over the shards and bent down near the kids ear. "You know that vase was a gift from a late friend of mine. But then again, they never had good taste in vases. And I've got three others that are just as bad." He said looking back at the broken vase.


Devin would have said it was okay anyways so made no protests when Erin layed down beside him, though he blushed a little. Erin was quite pretty with such long hair, and such a kind face. He would miss her when he left. "Are you excited to start teaching?" He asked.
Odette could see that the man was angry, but he managed to cover it up with kindness. She sighed as she averted her gaze from the broken vase mess to the two other students standing near the doorway. She held out her hand, not caring who reached out to shake it.

Allen sat on a bench. Staring at the sky. He scowled. He got up and walked over to the dark gloomy school. He sighed. This is going to be a long day... He said.

Valen cleaned up the broken vase and ushered the small child over to the other students. "Now then I'm Valen White for those who haven't heard, student dorms are there," He gestured to the building. "The girl in the dining hall will help with anything else, we'll have more of a chance to get to know one another later. I am terribly sorry to rush off but I still have things to get done before midday meal, which is quickly approaching." Valen felt he seemed rude but there were things that needed doing. The first day of new teaching plans and arrivals coming in made for a busy morning. He hoped the teachers would show their faces some and lend a hand. He opened the doors of the main house wide and stepped out. He needed a breather and this way he was clearly visable to the arrivals.

Valen turned to the boy who'd just put his suitcase down. "Will you be needing to know where the student dorms are as well?" He asked.
Heaven and Neveah left the building and stood together with looks of interest as they looked around curiously, they hadn't ran into anyone yet and they still had their suitcases; neither of them knew where their dorms were and that's what irritated Heaven but Neveah just had a calm look on her face as she put a strawberry lollipop in her mouth.

"Great... I think we're lost," Heaven mumbled to herself.

"Yum," Neveah replied as she concentrated on the candy.
Micheal flinched once the vase broke but turned his attention to the other student who introduced herself as, Odette. "Micheal." he smiled warmly. He decided to start walking to the other building to find his dorm. He wondered who his roomate would be, or if he even had one.

Erin nodded, "Yes." She said. She couldn't wait for her class to start. She turned toward him, and smiled. "Are you excited to be in my class?" She asked.


Grace finished up, and headed to the dining hall. She wanted to see if she could help with the food. When she entered, she saw Truth. "Want any help here?" She asked.

Valen was tired of shaking hands so he simply introduced himself leaving his last name off this time. "I'm Valen. The students dorms are there." He pointed out the building and then to the dining hall. "That's the dining hall if you need anymore information go there." He directed.


Devin nodded. "Yes." Then sitting up Devin spotted two girls off in the distance. "Hey, look!" She said to Erin pointing. He lept to his feet full of energy again, his wing fluttering to help him keep his balance as he tilted to far to one side for a moment. "Hey, hey you!" He called waving with a smile on his face.


Truth looked up from he notepad to see Grace come in. "I'm done cooking and setting things out. But you can double check everything." She told Grace.

Valen was sure there was one more student, but if he came late so be it. The bell rang for midday meal and Valen walked towards the dining hall. Waving for anyone he passed by to follow. When he got there Truth and Grace where already there waiting.


Truth sat a little straighter and put away her puzzle book. "Busy morning?" She asked politely. Though she knew the answer so the slight nod he gave wasn't really necessary. Truth got ready to direct student into a line so there would be a little less chaos. Valen had told her that food was one of the most common fight starters in particular with new kid a lot of The time. He also said That the first year he opened the school, there were two murders during the first meal on the first day. One of which was even caused by a teacher. Lost Angels had come along way, though she was sure that Valen would make that quite clear in the announcements.

Grace checked everything, and nothing more was needed. When people entered the room, she stepped back, to give them room.


Kravin walked into the dining hall, and looked around. He saw a line, and got in it. He sniffed some of the food, and hatched a plan. A plan to steal extra food, for Newt.


Rudy left his classroom, and walked to the dining hall. He spied Grace, and walked over to her. "Hi." He said.


Erin stood up, and waved. "Hi!" She called. Then, she heard the bell for the mid day meal. "Oh! We should go eat." She said.

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