Lost Angels Home for the Abandoned [Inactive]


Vallen found a locked door and figured he must be in there. "I know you probably just want to be left alone, but we should talk." He said trying to encourage Allen to open the door. He could just teleport but that wouldn't help anything, infact it was likely to make things worse.


Truth stepped up on the 'stage' they had built for announcments. "Hello everyone, I regret to inform you that I will have to make this speech as our speaker had to leave." She began. She went over the rules and where all the buildings where, that dorms sure preferably have to people and mix gender room mates were allowed, and such. "If you have anymore questions, the teachers, headmaster, and/or I will be happy to help. We hope to make you as comfortable as possible, thank you." She said stepping down. She silently prayed that she hadn't forgotten anything important, which of course for all the teachers she listed she forgot to mention who the head master was.

Vallent heard the lock click and the door opened. "Do you now?" He asked. "Then what, pray tell am I going to say?" He challenged a slight note of humor in his voice as he walked closer closing the door behind him.

Valen paused, then did something he hadn't done in a long long while. He laughed, quite hard to. He stumbled over to the bed sitting down. When he caught his breath he looked back at Allen. "A couple of things. First off I suck at lectures, second if we sent kids to detention for that we would have no students, third this may sound cliché but do you know how many temper tantures that have ended like that or worst I've started in my life time? Heck I'm not even sure I can remember anymore. If I lectured you I'd be the worlds biggest hippocrite. What I was going to say is about time we got to know one another better. Why are you here Allen? Who left you?" Valen's voice went from jovial to quite serious, and interested. "Or I could go first, if you'd be more comfortable with that."
He sighed. God abandoned me. Hated me. I was accused of something I didn't do! He just tossed me down to this damned school! He yelled slamming his hand on a coffee table.

Valen looked down at his hands, and sighed. "More and more innocent souls are brought here then guilty. I can't say that I've been through the same thing, cause I haven't. I have never seen heaven, I have never been accused of I crime I didn't commit, but only because I committed so many. Sometimes people think hey are doing the right though they are not. I created this place, home, school, orphanage, whatever you call it because I was abandoned. And it was the worst feeling in the world being lead to believe I was part of something, of a family. Only to be tossed into the streets and disowned by my parents infront of a jeering crowd. I hated . . . I still hate every single one of them, even though I've had my revenge." Valen sighed again. "But hating doesn't fix things. Whether you take it out on one person or another. What helps is showing them you don't need them." Valen paused letting out a small chuckle. "But this is beginning to sound like the lecture you didn't want. But honestly Allen there are two truths and a promise you can hold to. One, you will never forget. Two, you never need to to be happy. And I promise that as derned as this school is, and no matter who else you become enemies with, I will always be willing to lend an ear and have your back."
Allen didn't look at him but inside he felt better. He felt good because finnaly he met someone with the same feeling and everything. He knew it was time to go downstairs and apoligize.

Valen stood back up smoothing his blazer. "And by the way thank you for the laugh. I haven't laughed at all not to mention that hard in several hundred years." He then regained his practically emotionless face. "Come back down when ever your ready." Valen then nodded in farewell and ported back to the dining hall.
Drake ran into the dining room and glanced around. 'Darn it why today I take so long.' Drake continued to look around as he grabbed something of the table and took a bite out of it, "mmm tastes good." He said as he found some where to sit.

Grace finished treating Kravin, and helped him to his feet. "There you go." She said. "Rudy will give you your bag back, and you can go finish eating."


Rudy handed Kravin the bag, and walked back to his food. He figured Grace could deal with it, he got back to eating.


Kravin took the bag, and walked back over to the table. Now, he espeacily didn't trust that guy. But, not only that, he was scared of him too. He looked at the food, then shoved it in the bag. He didn't want the food any more, and Newt probably did. He looked down at the floor, as he wished his mom was still alive.

Valen asked truth how things had gone, and after receiving an answer went and sat beside the make shift stage. He pulled a canister from his blazer. He raised it to his lips drinking the slightly thick liquid down. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, relaxed in the shade.


Truth told Valen things had gone fine. Then he wandered off by the stage. Truth returned to her seat and finally began eating.
(Sorry I haven't replied to anyone, I didn't think anyone had replied to me >.<)

Heaven jumped a bit when she seen the two people come up to both her and Neveah but she wasn't going to argue about it; when they suggested some food she could feel that she was hungry so she grabbed Neveah's hand and followed after the two to eat.

Inside Devin saw lots of food and quickly got a plate. He sat down at a table and waited for the others to come over.

Erin followed Devin to the dining hall, announcments had already been made. She grabbed some food, and sat next to Devin. She blushed, it felt like a date. . .in a VERY noisy resturant.

Devin saw Erin blushing and wondered what she was thinking about. It not occurring to him that she might have been thinking what she was. "Looks like we missed some stuff." He commented.

Erin nodded, "Yeah." She said. She couldn't think of anything else to say, and she was so embarrassed, she could bet her whole face was red at this point.

Valen got up feeling more refreshed. He made sure there was no trace of his meal on his lips and stepped back out. Almost imeadently spotting more new people, a boy and two girls. He decided to talk to the girls(Heaven and Neveah) first as they were closer. "Hello, I'm Valen." He said introducing himself.


Devin was about to call to the twins that had been with them before. But noticed that they were already in a conversation, and so decided to wait. He would meet to them later, he looked back at Erin who's blush had grown. He turned away beginning to blush himself.

Kravin stood up, and crawled underneath the table, he opened the bag with the baby dragon in it. Newt stepped out, and lied down on Kravin's lap. He looked down at the dragon, and scratched him on top of the head.
Drake looked around and saw several people he wouldn't mind meeting he thought about getting up to talk but wasn't sure. Drake soon decided to go and meet someone but it seemed that almost everyone was engaged in a conversation.
Xavier watched the little kid crying and Truth go over and comfort him. It was loud, only adding to the noise in the room. Deciding he had had enough to eat, Xavier wrapped the rest of his sandwich in a few napkins, then slipped it in his jacket pocket and threw the rest of his lunch away. Standing alone off to the side, he didn't really want to get lost wandering around and was tired of sitting. People-watching was much more interesting anyway. After several minutes of standing there, Xavier spotted a kid with black hair and blue eyes looking around, and he decided that he looked interesting enough to talk to. Sitting down across from the boy, Xavier nodded politely. "Hey. You looked more than a little lost."
Xavier rolled his eyes. "What I meant was that you looked like you were looking for someone to talk to. I'm lost as Hell, so sticking with someone else who's lost might be good for me." He paused then held a hand out for the boy to shake. "Name's Xavier."

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