Lost Angels Home for the Abandoned [Inactive]

Sitting back, Xavier glanced around the cafeteria. "Nice to meet you Drake. What brings you here, if you don't mind me asking."
"Seriously? I thought you were pulling my leg." Xavier laughed a little and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "That's a little lucky I guess. I'd love to forget how I got here."
Xavier sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Basically it was a lot of bull. Stupid stuff."
Xavier yawned, then looked around the crowded room. "So do you know anything about this school? Like, class wise or such?"
"Um, not really," Xavier said, looking at the ceiling. "I heard about this place from some other fallens that had gone here, and decided it would be my best bet. Supposeably they teach you how to use your powers and stuff."

As Truth finished her food and was walking to throw her trash away, a conversation caught her interest. "Excuse me I couldn't help but over hear. Where you wondering about the classes?" She asked Xavier and the boy he was talking to.
Xavier looked up, jumping slightly as Truth appeared out of thin air on his blind side. 'God, is everyone gonna do that?!' He silently yelled in his head, but just nodded. "Yeah, what are they."
Truth thought for a moment. "History, art, creative writing, power usage, and I offer 'course'," She put air quotes around course as it technically wasn't a class. Just something she did to help out. "That some of the older students refer to as therapy, speed dating, and the club. It's just a meeting out in the field out behind the dinning hall, where students come and we do exercises to help people work together, practice their powers, workout fights, stuff like that. It's a great place to meet people. Or get a work out. But the only class that's manditory is power usage. It's usually taught by a teacher, but we're short staffed this year so the head master will be teaching it. Anything else you'd like to know?" She asked politely.
School. His eyes fluttered open, his purple eyes looking sleepy. That's right. He was in this school now. For some time. He yawned and stretched his arms, and fell back into were he was sleeping (on a cafeteria table; For some reason, it was very warm), on his leather bag. Raziel flew over here from the mountains were he resided, without sleep, and it took quite some time, as he only arrived an hour ago. He wanted to sleep some more, but people were chattering much too loud for his taste.
Yumea: I get up from my bed and put on my best dress. I hoped today I would get a guy. I open the door, and head to a library. I begin reading on possessing.

Davis: The door closing awakens me, and I immediately think "Oh, what does Yumea want now....?" I get up, get some jeans and a black shirt on, then I wet my messy hair down. I just recently found out about my wings, and make them become hidden. I then go to the library to begin reading about how to fly. 
Yumea: I did not notice Davis come into the room, so when Davis asked me why I had that dress on, I jumped. "Oh you know." I say to him, now annoyed that he startled me and also asked me a question he already knew the answer to. His face suddenly turns pale, and he quickly gets up and walks quickly back to the room. I then continue reading.

Davis: The pain throughout my body hurts like my skin is on fire, and my muscles feel like they are turning into stone, but I manage to get through the door and lock it, throwing the key somewhere. I didn't watch it land, which was good. I go unconscious and my head hits the bed post hard.

Vallen excuses himself from the dinning hall. Something doesn't feel right in the school and he heads to the source of the uneasy feeling. Ending up in front of a locked door. He knocks on the door and as there's no answer he ports inside the room. Davis is laying on the floor blood trickles from his head. Vallen quickly fetches some medical supplies and begins to tend to Davis' wound.
Demon Davis: I slowly become conscious. I open my eyes and watch as the Headmaster starts tending my wound. "I'm fine." I say. Blood drips off my forehead, yet I feel no pain. I try to get up.
Vallen gives Davis a hard look as he tries to get up, but doesn't say anything for a long moment. "I'm sure but when you revert I'm sure you'll be thankful." He says finally speaking once he's done dressing the wound. He can feel the difference in Davis' energy.

The bell rings for the students to leave the dining hall. And Truth begins to clean up the tables.


As soon as the bell rings Devin is outside again. It's nice out and the yard is wide open.
Sayuri walked outside, humming to herself as she did so. She felt like relaxing, so she sat near the edge of the yard and closed her eyes. She tuned out any noise and smiled to herself.
Xavier looked around the cafatiria as all the students started leaving. Deciding he was both too lazy to go to class or find a room, he shouldered his backpack and went outside to nap, passing by a girl with dark wings as he made his way away from the buildings. Finding a nice spot under a tree, he sat down and used his pack as a pillow, staring at the clouds in the sky and daydreaming.
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Drake stood and walked out of the cafeteria passing several people who could be cool to meet but figures he better find out where he's staying. Drake thought to himself as he walked wondering if the people he met next would turn out to be friend or foe.

(Or I suppose "people" they're not human.)

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