Lost Angels Home for the Abandoned [Inactive]

Micheal stepped into a dark room, seeing nobody had claimed it yet. He threw down his backpack of stuff he thought were considered essential and sat on the edge of the bed, hearing it squeak. He shivered slightly. "How could I have ever been cast down here into this place?" he sighed. He got up and headed to the dining hall. He decided to just talk to no one and keep to himself, peacefully, hopefully. Micheal grabbed his tray and sat at the corner of a table were nobody was and ate his food as he watched the others from his corner of the table.

While no one was looking, Kravin snatched a few extra rolls. He stuffed some into the small bag, for Newt. The hungry dragon ate them quickly, not really caring what they were. Kravin snatched one more extra for himself, and put in in his pocket. He looked around for a place to sit, and eat. He sat down kind of away from everyone else. He didn't trust them, not one bit. He started to slowly eat, and glanced around at people as he did.

Truth looked around at the new students she'd been looking for a new room mate, and several people looked like they might do. Not to mention she spied a few cute boys as well. Seeing a fallen sitting by himself away from everyone else she gathered her food and invited herself over. Sitting across from the brown haired boy she introduced herself. "Hi, my name is Truth." She said happily.


Devin heard the sound he'd quickly found to mean food. "Come on guys!" He waved a hand to be followed.
Xavier glanced at a the address written on a napkin, then at the building with a worried look. The place was creepy, put simply, and looked nothing like a school. Readjusting the back pack with all his stuff in it, he picked a random building and walked in, hoping to find an office of some kind to get enrolled. There wasn't an office that he could see, and no directory either. So he went off and stood by a wall, watching as kids walked by and wondering where the adults were.

Valen was about to start making announcements what he saw a new student come in. 'I'lll greet him and then make the announcements.' He thought. He walked over the the boy who'd just come in. "Hello, welcome to Lost Angels my name is Valen." He said introducing himself.
Xavier jumped slightly, the Valen guy sneaking up on his blind side, but acted like nothing was wrong. "Um, hi. I'm Xavier. And um, do you know where the office is? I need to enroll if that's possible."

"I know where the office is, it's not nessisary to enroll though. Most people don't. Of course I'd still be happy to take you, would you like to get something to eat first?" Valen didn't think Xavier looked particularly thin, but that didn't mean he wasn't hungry.
Xavier shook his head, not trusting anything cooked in the creepy buildings. "I'm fine," he lied smoothly. "I'll just go and-" he stopped and grit his teeth as his stomach demanded food, even if it came from the school place. "And get some food," he said, and walked into what looked like a dinning room. After getting some food, Xavier surveyed the tables and finally went over to a table with only two people. "Can I sit with you guys?"

"Okay." Vaen said as Xavier walked off. He grabbed a bite to eat himself, deciding he was hungry too and announcements could wait a bit longer.


Truth looked up as someone asked to sit at the table. She could barely stop from imedeantly complementing the boy, he was so cool looking she espeacaily liked his wings the way they were colored was absolutely amazing. "My name is Truth and sure you can sit with us right?" She asked the boy who'd already been sitting at the table.
OOC: Ah! okay! :D

Allen heard lunch down stairs. I guess I could get a bite to eat. He walked downstairs. He looked at the disgusting food. Ick! He thought. He grabbed a bag of chips and just sat down at a random table.
Xavier sat down at the far end of the table, nodding in thanks to the girl before eating the food. It was disgusting, but at least it was food. 'Wonder how this school thing is gonna work out,' he thought to himself, closing his eyes and running his thumb gently over his left, a habit he did when thinking or nervous. And right then, he was a little of both.

Kravin took a bite of the extra roll he took, and his eyes lit up. "This -gulp- is -gulp- the most amazing thing -gulp- I've ever tasted!" He said between bites.

Kravin heard someone insult the yummy food. He walked over to him, "Are you crazy!? This food is delicious!" He shouted. He looked at all the rest of the chips, sitting in the bag. His stomach growled, "Oh! And, if you don't want that I'll eat it." He added, hoping he knew what he wanted, and would give them to him. Newt stirred inside Kravin's small bag, and growled. "Shh." Kravin whispered.
He grabbed kravins shirt and picked him up. Fine! He yelled stuffing the bag in his mouth. There ya go! He punched him and ran out.

Kravin fell to the ground, with a thud. He sat up, as tears started rolling down his cheeks. He cried louder, and louder, and even louder. Newt stuck his nose out of the bag, and poked at Kravin, trying to comfort him. It was no use, the absolutley adorable, little, homeless fox demon kept crying.

Truth heard someone crying. "I'll be back." She said getting up and going over to the little kid that was so upset. Bending down she felt as if her heart was breaking for him. "What happened little one?" She asked comfortingly.
Allen sat in his room. He covered his face. He locked the door and sat on the bed. WHY?! He yelled. He wished he could be fixed. Why did he do that so much! He had to stop loosing his temper.

Kravin looked over at the girl who had came over to him. He sniffled, and nudged Newt's snout back into the bag. He explained what had happened, his voice shaking as he spoke. He stood up, and picked up the bag. He fell over, he was shivering, and his limbs felt weak. He let out a shaky sigh, and sat back down.


"Hello." Grace said to Rudy. She got back to her food when, she heard crying. She ran toward the sound, and saw Truth next to a young demon. "What happened?" She asked

Vallen crouched next to Truth as the young demon explained. "Man the fort, Truth." He said. Closing his eyes he teleported to the student dorms. "Allen." He called out. He wasn't angry with him but he needed to speak with him. He walked down the hall checking rooms, as he wasn't sure exactly where he was.


Truth nodded to Vallen before he dissapeared. When Grace came over she explained what happened and asked her to care for Kraven. "I have to keep things going. So would you mind?" He asked hopefully.

Grace nodded, and picked Kravin up. She called Rudy over to carry the bag Kravin always carried around. She brought him to a small room, with some medical stuff in it. She rumaged through drawers, taking out things she might need.


Rudy heard Grace call him, and tell him to carry a bag. He ran over, and picked it up. He followed her into the medic room, and sat down.

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