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Fandom Long Term Naruto RP Group OOC

I'm in awe of people who can just make new characters on the fly... I have a handful of OC's that I just reuse and adapt to various settings. Sort of like writing for an AU all the time lol.
I draw all my own refs, which might be why I only use a limited number of OC's lmao. Don't wanna have to draw a new ref every time.
Hotarubi is an older stronger version of a Hyuga character I made a long time ago, though later I may remake my first character who specialized in poison.
Anyone else think it would be cool to play a feeble/sickly ninja that has a high affinity for genjustsu and support ninjutsu?
Bugger me... ya'll are... talkative when i'm asleep or busy.
I've actually had multiple chances to play Aragi. But those RPs never really went anywhere sadly. I won't list where but I had some MANY different versions
  • This Aragi: Child and only having a few taijutsu / ninjutsu techniques focusing around wind enhacement
  • Forum Aragi: Child and having absolutely nothing. Starting off as a fresh academy student and having to pick up everything (it was just the system on that site)
  • Forum 2 Aragi: Fresh Genin who was from Kumogakure and a lightning user (was eventually going to gain Eight Gates and hopefully Black Lightning because THAT site allowed a user to have two Kekkai Genkai as an adult)
  • Adult Aragi: More akin to this version with some mastery over the Eight Gates technique and a more fleshed out moveset filled with enhancements and trap jutsu
Way back when, we had three different chats for each squad, so theres room to plot and think on our individual crap rather than tossing it into the void of the collective ooc, granted this was also on discord, so, was rather easily done.
We will be doing here since there is a character limit on Discord and quite honestly I don't feel like posting multiple times to make one post. You also can't format there whatsoever. However, I will make a discord for OOC and notification purposes since we all know RPN likes to play with the notifications and people end up not knowing if the RP is still going on...like a Harry Potter RP I need to check on.

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