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Fantasy Living Like Two People


Lil' Artist
beautifulsweetsong submitted a new resource:

Living Like Two People - You're not who you think you are.


You heard the pattering if rain drum lightly across your window and you gave a groan, rolling over in bed.

It was a rainy Saturday morning, and you thought, 'Why not sleep in some more?'

But then a weird feeling come across your hands, you began to itch at it, never bothering to open your eyes and the bothersome itch didn't go away.

You got upset it began to ruin a perfectly good Saturday...


You heard the pattering if rain drum lightly across your window and you gave a groan, rolling over in bed.

It was a rainy Saturday morning, and you thought, 'Why not sleep in some more?'

But then a weird feeling come across your hands, you began to itch at it, never bothering to open your eyes and the bothersome itch didn't go away.

You got upset it began to ruin a perfectly good Saturday morning to sleep in, you sat up pulling your hands from underneath the sheets.

Your eyes widen in surprise and you let out a scream to see that there was hair growing all over your arms and down your legs.

'What the hell is happening? Who did this to me? Am I even normal?' was all that ran through your head.

Your bedroom door and your pet dog along with your parents are there looking at you.

Before you could even say anything, your father spoke, "We have a lot to tell you. Please listen."

Living a normal life until a couple of young kids began to see changes into themselves.

A few began to grow wings, some started to feel more animal than human, others began to grow pointed ears, but majority of them began to change without knowing what was going on.

They're were finally going into their second phase, a phase of becoming a fantasy creature ranging from Elves to Mages or from Angels to Fauns. They never knew of their parents history because their real parents were killed before they turned one, each child with the same case of murder.

They never knew their parents came from a world known as Fable Lands, a land inhabited by creatures of many kinds.

They each have a companion but as well they didn't know their companions, along with their adopted parents, were guardians watching over them who now discovered were merely creatures watching over them.

Now as they grew older, their guardians have brought them to Fable Lands to consult with the High Rulers and fulfill a prophecy that their parents weren't able to complete.

The noble queens and kings of Fable Lands have warned them of Kyro, their enemy, has sent out assassins to hunt down and kill the teens so that the prophecy would never get completed by the small group.

Now they have to unite together and gather an army of all kinds into war as one large group. Time is against them, Kyro has doubled his army, and trouble is brewing on their original planet and Fable Lands. They are just riding on a thin strip of hope...

I do hope this information is clear enough to give you an idea what is going on.

So basically, you discovered you're not normal and you're beginning to either discover your powers, grow in wings, grow horns, or grow hairy.

And with the discovery of it all, your guardians are now to bring you to Fable Lands.

A whole other world far from Earth!

And unfortunately you're going to have to leave your little pleasant earth behind, but you'll be encountering teens just going through the same stage as you.

You guys will be living in the same castle where the noble Queens and Kings of Fable Lands come to meet weekly.

Your pets, are your guardians, they take on a whole new form when they go to Fable Lands. They can either be a dog to a werewolf, or a house cat to a Neko mage, or even a pet Macaw to a phoenix, it is all up to you what their second form is.

As for your form, you get to choose from where!

Either a greek mythological creature, something from a Fairy Tale, or a folklore. Up to you.

If anything is still fuzzy, don't hesitate to ask!

I want to make sure you understand what is going on and hope you guys don't get lost.

Rag Tag Group of Teens with Companions:

1. Aosuke with Ryu (user: Aosuke)

2. Jason Ekerson with Alyssa (user: gogojojo331)

3. Haiko Uwezake with Mika (user: Xeno238)

4. Audon Vréal with Agaroth (user: oOVacatedWisperOo)

5. Freyja Gotthard with Puda (user: MorticiansDaughter)

6. Riley Dahlia Saorise with Yori (user: beautifulsweetsong)

7. Roxas Drake and Shadow (user: Sorasonic)

If this somehow gets more people then anticipated, I will add more spots.

Fable Lands is a land you have never seen before. . .






These images are to just give you an idea how Fable Lands is suppose to be like, hope they work out for you!​

- Please follow RpNation rules and the ones below!

- There are going to be limited spots so hurry and claim!

-No Godmoding please

- No perfect charries please

- No bunnying

- No powerplaying

- If you're going to play a bad guy and someone is going to kill you off, please PM the other person to have permission to kill their character, and then let me know so I can foresee it. If I am not noted about the death, I will not hesitate to kick.

- Upon making a guardian, have it make sense. As meaning if you want a Phoenix, make sure your pet is a winged critter such as a Macaw or a Dove.

- No excessive amount of cursing

- Romance is all right, but as you all should know, fade to black please be if needed

- If you have read the rules, post at the end of your bio, 'You're not who you think you are.'​

Read more about this resource... 
"Oh! You guys must be fooling me! Or either I am still asleep?! It must because I am growing freaking wings out of my back!" The female yelled at what she thought to be her parents, as large beautiful wings extruded from her shoulder blades, the wingspan of it nearly making it hard to breathe around her. Feathers were all over the kitchen floor as they kept twitching, shaking off loose feathers from her wings.

The older lady whom was to be her mom, gave a sad sigh looking down at her hands and got up to approach the teenager, "Riley, please. I know it is all too unreal, but please listen you have to calm down."

"OH YEAH!" The girl raised her voice wings flaring out, "How can you tell me to calm down when I am a freak?! Do you not see these wings I am growing from my back?!" Her voice dripped like acid.

Riley couldn't grasp what her parents, no - these 'beings' had told her.

Had she been living a lie her whole life?

"Riley, please listen to them!" The colorful Macaw, Yori, who simply used to mimicked words, was now able to construct a full speech as he tried to reason with the teenager who was becoming enraged to know the fact that she was becoming an angel.

She slammed her fist down onto the wooden kitchen table and the coffee mugs that sat upon it rattled, one of them dropped onto the floor shattering. The sound of the ceramic cracking somehow stopped Riley's rage, and her wings went from a angry stance to suddenly dropping down on either side of her. She slumped on her wooden chair, still in the comfort of her pajamas, a loose t-shirt, and her favorite pair of pajama pants. She dropped her face into her hands and murmured through her fingers, "I'm sorry. . ."

The male whom was to be her father stood up, and patted her blonde hair, "It is a lot of take in sweetheart, but please, if you give us a chance to show you, we will." She gave a shuttered sigh and looked up at the three with tears in her eyes, and whispered, "I'm sorry I was acting like a total bitch on rage, please forgive me?"

The older female smiled, and wrapped her arms around Riley, pulling her into a hug, "It is quite all right dear. Honestly we were expecting this attitude from you. You seem to have inherit from your birth mom." The angel scoffed a laugh and hugged her back, "At least I have the peace of mind you guys knew who my parents were."

The male also joined the hug and chuckled, "We got the pleasure to watch you grow up as well." Riley laughed and Yori perched on top of her head, "If you allow us to, may we show you the true world were your parents came from and were you belong?" The teenager wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and smiled, nodding her head, "I'd love that very much Yori." The Macaw seemed to smile through his smile for the fact he has a stiff beak, how was a bird to smile?

"All right, get changed then." The bird chuckled.
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Haiko lay sleeping in his bed, he hears his alarm clock go off, Why do I set it on weekends?! He angrily thinks to himself. He gets up and turns it off, he gets up and rubs his eyes. Instead of his normal fingers wiping his eyes, there was a wet feeling, he opens his eyes and looks at his fingers. They were decayed, the flesh was black and looked like he could peel it off like wet paper. He stared at what used to be his fingers as he darted off of his bed, he wanted to scream but couldn't find it in himself, he darts over to the mirror on the desk in his room. Hes saw that his face was badly decomposed, "M-M-MOM! DAD!" He grabs his face, what had he become?

His parents dart into his room, his eyes are watery, "Wha-What's happening to me?!" The so called 'Father' looks at the 'Mother' and nods, "It's time." The father says, he turns to Haiko and walks over by him, he pats him on the back, "We have a lot to explain." Suddenly a voice comes from down the hall outside of Haiko's room, "Is it time?!" The bubbly voice shouts.

Then a small pitter-patter is heard along the floor as something is coming towards Haiko's room, Haiko's cat burst in through the door, "
Has it happened?! Has he discovered he-" The cat takes a look at him and freezes, "Sc-Scary!" She says as she hides behind the mother, "W-What is happening to me?! WHY IS THE CAT TALKING?!" He yells, he's quite frustrated, "Calm down, Haiko. We have a lot to explain, and a lot to show you."

The father says as he stands from Haiko's side, Haiko can't stand, he's awestruck with how he looks. His 'Father' Helps him up, "
Now, we'll need to get you some proper equipment before we show you the truth." His father says as he leads him out of his room and down the stairs. They go down to the 1st floor then they snake their way through the house and into the basement, "Listen, Haiko, we aren't your parents." The mother followed them, the cat still scared at the boy. The father leaves the boy's side and walks over to a certain part of the wall with certain chalk drawings, the father mutters some words as the chalk drawings light up, suddenly a large box appears in the center of the drawings, "S-So you aren't my real parents?" He says as he looks back and forth at the strange people, "Sadly, no, we're sorry dear." The woman says.

The man walks over to the box and opens it, he pulls out what's inside. It was a Kistune mask, there was also a scythe,
A SCYTHE?! WHAT DO I NEED WITH A SCYTHE?!, he screams in his head. There was also a fillet knife and a sickle inside the container, the father pulls out the last items, a couple of sheathes for the items, "Haiko, if I were you, I'd dress my best for where you're going." The man says with a smile, Haiko was amazed that they weren't reacting to his decayed face, "O-Ok." Haiko darts off, he wondered where he would go. He goes up stairs and finds the clothes he considers are best.



He chose his finest clothes along with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He then walks back downstairs, the man had already put the scythe on a bandolier of some sort, and he put the knife and the sickle on a belt, "
Haiko, we might not be your real parents, but we are so proud of you." The man and the woman hug him, they then back off and the man hands him the mask, "T-Thanks for all you've done for me." Haiko says, "Now, Haiko, are you ready to see where you came from?" The lady asks cheerfully, "Yes, yes I would." He's acting like an idiot, he's nearly crying.
Roxas ran a hand through his blonde hair and sighed. He looked down to his best friend, Shadow. "Well, if this isn't the weirdest thing I've ever heard, it's certainly up there." He sat down on the concrete ground and nearly rubbed his temple with his right hand. He stopped, though, when he remembered that he had claws now. He used his other hand instead, and thanked his ambidexterity.

"I know it must be a lot to take in." Shadow sat across from him. They were in an alley where no one could see them, which was good, since Roxas was now sporting a set of red, demonic wings and a red and blue demon arm. The guardian examined the boy. His blonde hair was spiked up, like it always was. He was wearing a white tank top with a revolver design on the front, black jeans, black boots, and a black zip up hoodie. His face showed an expression of confusion, mild anger, and sadness. Shadow knew well as to why. His mother had committed suicide because his father had left, and that might have changed if she had known why. He may not have had to go on the streets when he was 13. He may have been able to make friends instead of having to steal from people. He may not have to be sitting down in an alley in the middle of a city. The guardian knew exactly why he showed this expression and felt bad for not telling him. He was his best friend, after all, and they had gone through hell together.

"That explains why you're such a smart dog." Roxas stretched out his left hand and petted his friend. Shadow's expression didn't change, but if a dog could smile, Roxas knew Shadow would have had one. Shadow was always a quiet dog, rarely barking or growling, and he seemed to be the same, even when speaking. He always seemed calm and rarely spoke unless spoken to. "So, what now?"

"I show you where you and I come from."
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Haiko puts on the mask, as the cat strolls up, "You look way better now!" The cat says happily, "Mika, Please be nicer to him." The man says to the cat. Suddenly the floor lights up, "Huh? What's going on?" Haiko asks curiously, it wasn't the weirdest thing he's seen today. A portal springs up from the light and hovers in midair, Haiko turns to the man and woman which he has known for so many years as his parents, "Thank you." He says, his eyes are watering, a tear streams down his face.

The man and the woman stand side-by-side, "
We love you to." They say together, Mika jumps through the portal. Haiko hesitates for a second, he then jumps through. While travelling through the portal, he had to hold his breath, it was almost as being in the water. He exits out the other side of the portal and lands on the ground, back first, "OOF!" He lets out a grunt as he lands on the ground, "Oh God. Where am I?" He says as he sits up and rubs the back of his head.

As he sat up he was greeted by a girl leaning down, when he sat up they were face-to-face, "AGH!" She startled him since he's embarrassed by girls for some reason, "
Oh! Did I startle you?" He recognized the voice, "M-Mika?" He asks, startled, "Yeah, kind of." He couldn't believe that was his cat for all these years. He stands and looks around, "Woah. This is where I came from?" He asks as he takes in his surroundings.
Pitter...Pat.. Patter...Pit...

Pitter...patter... Pat, pat... Pit, pat...

The subtle echo of water on glass filled the air, while the dark brooding clouds passed overhead in silence- as if waiting for something to happen.

Below them, in the dark of his room a youth was slowly rolling out of bed.

Unusually early with a strong feeling of unease, and nagging thoughts about a dream that couldn't be called to mind.


Head cradled in his hands, the youth- Adrian struggling to sort through his thoughts slowly made way down the dimly lit hallway, the sunlight filtering through large windows was weak providing only enough light for him to avoid colliding into the furniture as he neared the kitchen.

"Flying, I was flying."

As if saying the words made it true Adrian recalled the feelings he'd felt while suspended above the ground-watching it disappear beneath him as he'd passed through the barrier of clouds that had separated to worlds of land and sky apart.

I swear, It was so real... I was... Free.

As if summoned by command a longing - a feeling so strong that he could no longer stand straight, hit with such powerful force that Adrian could do nothing as he felt his body collapse to the ground and before he new it...

Before the world faded from view.

"I've been waiting."

Was the last sound he heard;

As two bright crimson eyes appeared from the shadows, alit by the flames that raged within.


"You shouldn't have kept me away so long Mildrid."

"I apologize, but I don't see how you being involved would have changed the situation."

"As did you fail in foreseeing today's outcome, have you not already spoken to the boy?"


"So yet again you have neglected your responsibilities, we agreed before taking the child that you would be prepared for this day."

"I have raised him as my own! You have no right after fifteen years without showing up to take him from me!"

"Enough Mildrid- he awakens."

Adrian, unaware of the ongoing conversation and suddenly alerted of an unknown presence in the room attempted to sit up- only to be rushed with a wave of pain as his body protested the sudden movement.

"Careful! You haven't recovered yet." Mildrid, his mother rushing over arms outstretched as if to embrace him as she had when he was a child and bashed his nee on the pavement while playing outside suddenly froze-as if she could move no further, as she could not bring herself to embrace her child.

A chill made it's way down his spine, he felt the air leave his lungs as he spoke her name...

Only instead of words it was a jarbled clash of meaningless sound- what's wrong with me! Why can't I say it, why can't I call her name?

Raising his hand to touch his face, to find the obstruction blocking his voice Adrian could do nothing he could only stare- at what should've been his hand, could only plead with eyes to know what was happening.

His mother, would not meet his eyes...

Instead as if from nowhere a small beady eyed lizard was suddenly rearing up to be nose to nose with him, and if one could dye from the intensity of another's stare, Adrian would surly have melted.

If he'd been less in need of answer then he would have dropped in a second.

Because the lizard, that suddenly appeared out of thin air opened its mouth, and raised a talon as if it were a teacher preparing to begin its lecture.

And with a deep rumbling voice;

"Now then, let me tell you a story..."

(OOC: Hope it made sense, been a while since I posted anything other than a character sheet and it's super late- so I'll look it over again after I get some sleep to fix up anything that needs it.

~night ^w^)

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Lying in his bed, sleeping in as always. The slight disturbance of the rain tapping against window and the crashing against the tin roof of the shed right outside his window was enough to awake him. His eyes open slightly, staring at the rain drops sliding down his window. After a few minutes have passed he sits up, on the edge of his bed. "Ryu?" he calls, looking around for his pet lizard. "Ryu? Where are you?". After a few moments the lizard came waddling through the his bedroom door. "There you are." he says. Ryu quickly ran towards Aosuke, bumping his head against Aosuke's foot. This normally being the signal for Ryu to be picked up, Aosuke leans down, extending his arms to pick up his lizard. Seeing his hands and arms for the first time since waking up, he notices that they are much paler than usual, somewhat blue in fact. Caught off guard by this new color, he darts to his closet and swing open the door with a large mirror on the inside of it. "Oh god.." he says, staring at his face. His whole body is covered in a thin layer of ice. "It has finally happened...", an unfamiliar voice from behind, "You're quite the late bloomer, Aosuke.". Aosuke quickly swung around, looking for the voice, but only finding his lizard, still sitting where he left him. "Who's there?!" he shouts. "It is me, Ryu." the lizard says. "Jesus! What the hell!? Did you just talk?!" Aosuke shouts, clearly confused and scared like he's never been before. "Yes, I did. I said you finally awoke your powers." the lizard says as he walks closer to Aosuke. "My what? Why can you talk? What is happening?" Aosuke shot a bunch of questions at Ryu. "You're not from this world. You belong in another, one you were not ready for until today. You belong in the Fable Lands." Ryu informed Aosuke calmly, "You are not a human, you are a Frost Giant. The ice covering your body signals your newly awoken powers.". "How do you know this? What are you?" Aosuke asks again, "Are you from this world? Or are you from that Fable world as well?", his voice chaotic and confused. "I am not a lizard. I'm a dragon. An ice dragon from the Fable Lands. I was sent here to look after you until you awakened. And now that you have, it's time for us to go back to the Fable Lands. Come with me. Take nothing but the clothes on your body with you, you will need nothing from this world.". Aosuke slowly reacts to Ryu's words after hesitating for a second. The lizard lead him to the shed, just outside of his window. Neither of them much bothered with the rain. "Open the shed." Ryu instructed. As instructed, Aosuke opens the shed. "Now get inside and shut the door.", he instructed again. Aosuke again does as Ryu says. He picks up the talking lizard and walks inside, closing the door behind him. "Now what?" Aosuke asks. After a few moments, the shed lights up in a bright blinding light. Aosuke shuts his eyes and holds Ryu tightly against his chest. After another few moments a strong gust circles through the shed, lifting Aosuke up, holding him in mid-air and stripping Ryu from his grasp. Suddenly the wind disappears and drops Aosuke to the ground. Somewhat disoriented, he shouts: "Ryu? Ryu!?". Once again a strong gust of wind hits him, knocking him back a little. "You called?", a monstrous voice answers. Shocked by the new voice, Aosuke quickly gains his balance and jumps to his feet. A gigantic figure now standing in front of him, peering in towards him. "It is me, Ryu.", the monstrous voice says. Aosuke quickly shot his eyes up at 'Ryu'. A large skeleton-like dragon infront of him claiming to be Ryu was very hard for Aosuke to believe. "HOW? IS THAT REALLY YOU? YOU'RE A DRAGON?" he shouted, scared to his bones. "Yes, yes, I am. I told you already, I'm not a lizard. I'm from the Fable Lands. I am a dragon and you are a Frost Giant." Ryu informed him again. Ryu turned to the side and let down one of his wings, allowing Aosuke to get on his back, "Get on. I need to get you to the castle.". Aosuke reluctantly gets on his 'pet dragon'. Once on his back, Ryu takes off and starts flying towards the castle.
Haiko took in his surroundings, it appeared that he was on a dirt road of some sort, there were trees surrounding this road, "Haiko, I need to take you to the castle!" Mika says, Haiko nods and follows her down the dirt road, "So you were my cat?" Mika looks at him as she leads the way, "Yeah, pretty neat isn't it? Now I can show you my true form, it's great." She says in a bright and happy tone, "I guess so. May I ask why I look decayed?" Haiko was confused at why he looked like he did, "That's because of your parents, they were ghouls. In fact, they were probably the most famous ghouls of all!" Haiko looked at her in a confused manner, "How so?" He was being more talkative with Mika than any girl he's every had a converstaion with.

Have you ever read a story, and at some point it'll say, 'Then a skeleton popped out!' Your mom and dad were quite the pranksters, so every night they'd disguise themselves as skeletons and go around scaring people. Don't they sound fun?" Haiko chuckles, "I guess." He notices a building up ahead, it must be the castle that Mika was talking about, "May I ask why they died?" Mika grew quiet and looked forward, "O-Oh, I shouldn't talk about that should I?" Mika remains silent, this was strange, they were having quite the chat earlier and now it's dead quiet.

They finally arrive at the castle, it was gigantic, Haiko had never seen anything so big, "
Haiko, when we get inside the courtyard, head to the main building and wait there, I'll come back for you later, I just need to discuss some stuff, Ok?" She says with a smile, "Ok." When they neter the courtyard of this castle a couple of people stared at Haiko, probably it was the way he's dressed. He heads over to the main building, as instructed, and he waits inside.
Freyja was sleeping in her attic room, the pitter of rain tapping against it violently. She opened her eyes then closed them quickly. "Why is it so bright?" She groaned and clenched her eyes shut rolling over in her small bed gripping her pillow. She heard a small tear coming from her pillow, maybe she caught it on something again. "Darn cheap metal..." Her voice was muffled by her pillow and she lifted her head to look where it tore. And with a gasp she fell backwards off her bed gasping in pain as she felt she landed on something. In a panic she started hyper ventilating. Her own hands had torn her pillow. With the claws she now sported. She rubbed her back as it throbbed. "WHATS HAPPENING!" She but her lip and cringed in pain as blood dripped down her chin. Her tongue ran over her now quite sharp canines and she was starting to tear up with the confusion she felt.

"Freyja if you dont calm down you will hurt yourself and burn your home down" A small deer sat up from its spot on the floor and walked over to the terrified girl. Freyja couldnt take this, was she insane!? "Puda!! You can talk! I have to be crazy then..or im dreaming! what the HELL is happening to me!" Tears slid down her cheeks and she felt a warmth against her skin while she gripped her hair. Her eyes widened when she noticed her hands were a bright red like hot metal. "You need to calm down and let me explain ok? I know your scared but im here to help you. What has happened to you is a normal phenomena with your family. And im sure it would be easier if they were here to tell you themselves and I wish I could make that happen. BUT im here and I will keep you safe now" The deer curled up next to her and licked her hand. Freyja took a deep breathe and looked at her hair. It had a purplish tint to it now and the sounds coming from outside were so much louder. She felt the top of her head where two long ears stuck straight up. "S-so then..explain..please. I already feel like my heads going to burst." The throbbing in her back finally stopped hurting as she looked around for a mirror. "The people who raised you were not your parents, you are just experiencing your transition now. And I have been around to watch and protect you. Now if you gather your things I will be taking you somewhere where it might make more sense."


Freyja frowned as she looked at her reflection, she was no longer then curly brown haired green eyed girl who grew up in this small little cottage. She no longer felt like that girl. Just last night she was herself, but if what was happening was true then she must adapt. Her eyes were all black with red irises. Her hair was more staright and much longer now. Opening her mouth she stared at the two long fangs while her ears twitched in different directions. Closing her mouth and looking at her packed things she sighed, "Then I guess we must be going.." Yes..she was no longer that girl. Not anymore..she was something quite different now.
Jason woke up on a beautiful day, and looked outside of the window. He sighed in boredom and looked at the bolted latches of the window, and tried once more to open the door. Ever since the beginning of this week, he had been stuck inside this house, and his parents even gave the teachers a leave of absence, due to being 'Sick'. What a load of bull. He felt fine! Was this a sick prank or something!? He looked at his ferret and petted it, to which it darted away again. The ferret never seemed playful, like he was told. She was like a doormat or an object in the shadows. He hated this place

He looks at a Bird on the window. " I wish..." He looked at the bird, and the bird looked back as well. He started to feel... Strange. "I wish that I was more like y-" he stopped mid sentence. He seemed incapable of forming words! He felt his hands getting softer and he felt itching from the inside. His body seemed to lock up. OH MY GOD!!! He thought. They were right! He must have contacted some sort of time bomb syndrome.... He then noticed.... His shirt and hat were melding into him!!! He yelled, but what came out was.... A coo?

He saw his parents open the door. He looked and stretched out his... Wing?! Was he contracting bird-itis?! The pain over took him. He blacked out, but he heard them say something. And the ferret... Was staring....

He woke up in the woods. And a strange wood it was... A fox like being was infringing of him... As he felt more pain.... He felt himself enlarge, and moaned.... Like a girl!? Was he... Turning into her!?

MorticiansDaughter said:
Freyja was sleeping in her attic room, the pitter of rain tapping against it violently. She opened her eyes then closed them quickly. "Why is it so bright?" She groaned and clenched her eyes shut rolling over in her small bed gripping her pillow. She heard a small tear coming from her pillow, maybe she caught it on something again. "Darn cheap metal..." Her voice was muffled by her pillow and she lifted her head to look where it tore. And with a gasp she fell backwards off her bed gasping in pain as she felt she landed on something. In a panic she started hyper ventilating. Her own hands had torn her pillow. With the claws she now sported. She rubbed her back as it throbbed. "WHATS HAPPENING!" She but her lip and cringed in pain as blood dripped down her chin. Her tongue ran over her now quite sharp canines and she was starting to tear up with the confusion she felt.
"Freyja if you dont calm down you will hurt yourself and burn your home down" A small deer sat up from its spot on the floor and walked over to the terrified girl. Freyja couldnt take this, was she insane!? "Puda!! You can talk! I have to be crazy then..or im dreaming! what the HELL is happening to me!" Tears slid down her cheeks and she felt a warmth against her skin while she gripped her hair. Her eyes widened when she noticed her hands were a bright red like hot metal. "You need to calm down and let me explain ok? I know your scared but im here to help you. What has happened to you is a normal phenomena with your family. And im sure it would be easier if they were here to tell you themselves and I wish I could make that happen. BUT im here and I will keep you safe now" The deer curled up next to her and licked her hand. Freyja took a deep breathe and looked at her hair. It had a purplish tint to it now and the sounds coming from outside were so much louder. She felt the top of her head where two long ears stuck straight up. "S-so then..explain..please. I already feel like my heads going to burst." The throbbing in her back finally stopped hurting as she looked around for a mirror. "The people who raised you were not your parents, you are just experiencing your transition now. And I have been around to watch and protect you. Now if you gather your things I will be taking you somewhere where it might make more sense."


Freyja frowned as she looked at her reflection, she was no longer then curly brown haired green eyed girl who grew up in this small little cottage. She no longer felt like that girl. Just last night she was herself, but if what was happening was true then she must adapt. Her eyes were all black with red irises. Her hair was more staright and much longer now. Opening her mouth she stared at the two long fangs while her ears twitched in different directions. Closing her mouth and looking at her packed things she sighed, "Then I guess we must be going.." Yes..she was no longer that girl. Not anymore..she was something quite different now.
Roxas fell out of the portal and landed on his behind. "Ouch..." He glanced down and rubbed his behind in pain. "You could have warned me, ya know, that we would be falling from the portal."

"I didn't think I would need to warn you."

"Yeah well-" Roxas looked up and saw his friend's true form: a nearly five foot tall, white wolf with red marking all over his body. He had demon like wings that were white in areas, but had similar red markings covering most of them. He wore a black, spiked collar, and bracelets on his forearms that were similar in design. "Déjà vu." Shadow helped Roxas up and looked up at him, though he was now only a foot shorter than the boy.

"Follow me."

Roxas did as he was told. The two friends walked side by side for a while without talking, before Shadow broke the silence. "You are taking this rather well."

Roxas shrugged. "I've seen some pretty weird things, you know that. Plus, I think this might be a dream."

Shadow stopped in his tracks, and looked up at his friend. He still didn't show an expression other than pure calmness. "Are you really going to be that cliche?"

"Shut up."

They continued on for a bit longer before Roxas spoke. "Where are we going?"

"An important place. You will meet people there, others like you."

"What does that mean?"

"You'll see. We're here."

Roxas looked away from his friend and was surprised to see a castle in front of them, only a few hundred feet away. "Oh."

Shadow lead Roxas into the courtyard and stopped when they were in front of the main building.

They walked up to the main building's doors. Roxas turned to his friend.

"Hey, Shadow, thank you, for being there for me when we were alone. Even if you didn't talk, you've always been my best friend." Roxas signed love in sign language. It was the only sign language he knew.

Shadow turned his head, and Roxas could have swore he was smiling. "Ditto."

Roxas smiled, petted his friend, then turned back to the building and took a deep breath. He placed his demonic hand on the door and pushed it open.
Mika comes back a little bit later with some food, "I got us some food, just in case you get hungry." She sets the food next to him, "Thanks." He smiles under his mask, "Hey, Mika. Are there any other people like me, people who are special?" Mika looks at him for a second then smiles happily, "Indeed there are! There are other teenagers who have, and will, go through their 'Special Phase' Where they find out their powers and abillities." She sits beside him.

Haiko pauses for a moment, "Wait, I have powers?" Mika nods, "
Yes, you might not know what they are yet, but you do have powers." Haiko stares at his hands for a second, his fingers aren't as decayed as before, "D-Do you think I can meet any other teens?" He looks back at her, "You will, trust me." He chuckles, "Ok then." Haiko gets up, "So, can I go outside now?" Mika thinks for a second, "Sure, but you have to stay near me." Haiko nods and follows her outside. 
Haiko bumps into the unknown person on his way out, "O-Oh, I'm sorry." He says sheepishly, he gets embarrassed around everyone, "I didn't mean to bump into you." Haiko says as he rubs his arm, he notices the unknown person has a weird looking arm. He doesn't say anything about it, "So why are you here?" He asks the kid, Mika was standing behind Haiko.
Roxas stepped back as he bumped into the boy.He smiled. "It's fine." The half-demon noticed the boy staring at his arm, but ignored it for the time being. After stepping back, he examined the boy. He looked decayed, the boy was different like Roxas himself was. The blonde teenager also noticed that a girl was standing behind him. All signs pointed the fact that they were here for a similar reason. "I, um..."

Shadow stepped out next to Roxas. "For the same reason that you are." The wolf looked at the boy, then at his guardian, then back to the boy.
Haiko looks down at the dog, he adjusts his mask as Mika suddenly screams, "AGH!" Haiko jumps, "What's wrong?!" He turns to Mika, "Scary dog!" She yells as she clings to Haiko, "PLEASE! MIKA! YOU'RE CAUSING A SCENE!" He begs her to let go. Haiko turns to the person, "Sorry, she's a cat, she's kind of afraid of dogs if you haven't noticed." He sighs, "That's a nice dog you have. What's his name?" He looks at the dog then at the person.
(im so sad..accidentally deleted whole paragraph)

When Freyja looked around her when they arrived, it was beautiful. And out of the corner of her eye she saw a creature before her. It was a deer like creature that emanated a blue glow, "Puda?" The creature bowed before her, "It is still me Freyja, just a different form. Let us go now..we have others to meet. Im sure you will get along with them" Freyja stroked his fur and nodded unsure of herself. But as they started walking the throbbing in her back grew, "Puda..my back has been in a lot of pain since I woke up" He walked behind her and nodded, "I see what it is..your wings had yet to form. Let me help you" He touched his nose to her back and Freyja gasped when she was launched forward slightly and two midnight black wings were stretched out behind her. The pain finally gone. "Thank you Puda..that feels much better" As they walked she thought she saw two figures ahead and she had second thoughts. She wasnt sure if she was ready to see people looking the way she did. "You will be ok..they are like you. And here for the same reason" Freyja smiled lightly and nodded as she continued to walk.
He stumbled around, looking like Freyja. "What..." He said, and gasped. His voice was hers! He heard her voice, And replicated it.... He wondered if she knew what was going on. "HEY!" He said, running like a man, wich he thought would be a shame to her. "WHATS HOING ON!!?"
Riley came back to the kitchen to see her 'dad' holding a beautiful angelic sword and he held it out for the girl.

"This was your mom's blade, and thought that you'd like to hold on to it for her." He smiled handing it off to Riley. She stared at the beautiful weapon in her hands and smiled, clutching it, "I promise to take care of it." Yori came to perch on her shoulder and murmured to her, "This is last time you'll be seeing them." She turned to the couple alarmed. After all these years, she couldn't be mad at these two, they took care of her throughout all of these years and now Riley can't believe she'll never be seeing them again. She threw her arms around them and smiled, crying, "Thank you for everything. I am going to miss you too." They hugged her back in their small circle and the lady actually started crying, "Make us and your parents proud. As for you Yori, you know what has to be done."

"I'll protect her at all costs. It is my duty as a guardian." He spoke. Riley stepped back and Yori spoke, "Ready to go to your actual home?" Riley nodded and spoke, "I'm ready." The macaw nodded and spread out his wings. He glow to a bright white and suddenly a portal opened up underneath them. Before she could let out a scream they fell through and disappeared from the tiny kitchen they were to never see again.


The portal re-opened but unfortunately this time it was in the sky. Riley fell through and was screaming her head off till a large pair of black claws grabbed onto her shoulders. She stopped and gasped to see a surreal land before her, but what she was even more confused about, where was Yori?

"My, my, you're light due to the body composition of an Angel. Angels are given a larger set of lungs to be able to breathe well in high altitudes and your bones are lighter for easier flying but to these pros, you have a con which does require a lot of energy, so you will have to eat a lot to keep up with the body of an Angel." A melodic voice spoke. Her head snapped up to look up who the black pair of talons belonged to and instead of maybe seeing Yori, it was a magnificent red phoenix. She let out a startled yelp, "YOU ATE YORI?!"

The bird chuckled, "Child I did not. I am Yori. I am not the macaw you used to have. This is my true form." Riley gave a sigh, "Oh my god, you're beautiful." Yori laughed and began to fly, "First thing first, to the castle. There are others you need to meet." She looked ahead to see where they were heading too and there stood a tall white castle and a bunch of flying figures around it. She gasped at the beauty and Yori spoke, "I'm dropping you now."

"Wait, what?!" She stammered as she was entranced by the beauty of the new place, that Yori released her. She began to scream, but suddenly her wings snapped out and she flew clumsily to keep herself aloft. The phoenix laughed, "You'll get the hang of it soon. For now, stroke your wings like this." He showed her, pumping his wings up and down. Riley moved her shoulder blades till she got the hang of the wing strokes and she laughed, "Oh my god! I never thought I would ever fly!" She squealed in excitement. Yori laughed and flew around her as they headed to the castle.

Within a matter of minutes, they reached the courtyard, but unlike Yori's graceful landing, Riley had accidentally fallen on her side trying to land. She gave a groan sitting up and whined, "This is going to take a while." The phoenix laughed and looked up as he began to recognize some of the other guardians and their kiddos as well.
Shadow's expression had not changed. "Shadow."

Roxas gave a slightly apologetic smile. "Yeah, sorry about that." He outstretched his right hand, then took it back once he realized its demonic appearance. He outstretched his left one instead. "Roxas Drake, it's nice to meet you."

Shadow heard faint footsteps and turned around to see another couple of pairs coming towards them.
Freyja was walking when she heard something...odd. It was like talking to herself in her head but, out loud. "Puda..what is tha-" She turned around and saw well, herself! She yelled and fell on her butt looking at this reflection. "D-doppelganger!!" She put her clawed hands over her ears and looked at Puda with a fearful look. Puda closed his eyes and shook his head, "Thats not a doppelganger Freyja your ok.." She looked up with her wide dark eyes at the person in front of her. Her wings pressed very tightly to her back as she looked around. "I-im sorry but..I dont know anymore than you do." She stood up and wiped off the back of her dress so the dirt would come off.
Haiko goes to shake his hand but suddenly he hears a scream, "Huh?" He says as he notices a lady fall from the air, "I'm sorry, I'll be right back." He darts off and helps the lady up, although he gets embarrassed by girls it doesn't mean he won't try to be a gentleman, "Are you ok?" He asks her, "Hey wait up!" Mika yells as she darts over, Haiko made sure that she couldn't see his fingers but he's doing a terrible job at it, "H-Hello, I'm Haiko." He says, he blushes behind his mask.
"You don't?" He sighed, slumping over. "What am I?" He looked at her. "I'm a boy, I swear I am!!!" He looked at the boy, and he began to scream, changing into the new member. "It....it hurts...." He said, his voice being a mix of Freyjas and Haiko.
"Oh my you saw my un-graceful falling, call me Riley," she laughed embarrassingly and dusted herself off before she heard Yori speak up to the others, "Well it seems like the day has come today that we all brought them here to discover them true selves, we'll be consulting with the High Rulers when the last few arrive here to the courtyard. We will help them along the way to use their powers to the fullest, and be able to control it when necessary." He then turned to see a a black griffon walking over to them with glinting golden eyes, "When the last one arrives we shall proceed to the throne room where they'll be able to speak to you all." Yori nodded and glanced back at the small group of teens, "They have so much to take in, I hope they're going to be okay." He thought to himself.
Freyja was starting to panic, she was still not even used to her new form and she had been feeling an intense thirst that no matter what she drank could not be quenched. "Puda.." At the sound of his name Puda walked over to his girl and stayed around her protectively. He did not want her to fear being here. "Everyone is just as freaked out as you are dont worry my girl" He nuzzled her and Freyja hugged his neck. She stood up and looked at the guy who seemed to be in pain, "I really am sorry..I..I cant help you" Her wings touched the ground almost as she sagged them and she squinted at the bright light from the sky. It almost blinded her.
He blacked out due to the pain, and transformed into the other boy. "What...." He moaned. "I'm a boy again..." He looked around. "Just not myself...
"Where are we going?" Aosuke shouts. "To the castle. There will probably be more people like you." the dragon answered, his voice bellowing in the sky. "O-okay!" he shouted back. Soon the castle becomes visible. "Our portal opened a little further than I had thought. We'll be there in about 5 minutes. I'm going to speed up now, so hold on tight." Ryu instructed. Aosuke quickly caught a glimpse of the castle and it was pretty damn big. He then lays down on the dragon, taking a hold of the bones and wedging his feet in between some more bones. "I'm ready!" he shouted. Immediately Ryu drops down, lowering his altitude and picks up the pace. The speed was incredible, Aosuke could barely see the landscape around him as he layed down on Ryu's back. As Ryu said, it took them mere minutes to reach the castle. Ryu slowed down as they neared the castle, hovering about it. "We're here, I can't descend all the way down, so you're gonna have to jump off." Ryu said, looking at Aosuke over his shoulder. "What? Jump from this distance? I'll die!" he responded, looking quite panicked. "You'll be fine, you're a Frost Giant. You're race is quite tough." he said. "No way! I ca-", Ryu quickly spinned around, throwing Aosuke off his back. Aosuke fell through the air, for about 30 meters. He hit the ground with an immense force, due to his newly gained weight. The ice covering around his body had made him quite heavy. Laying in a little crater on the ground, he stares up at Ryu. "I'll be back later. Don't leave the castle alone." Ryu told him and flew off again. Aosuke slowly stood up, amazed at his new weight and the fact that he survived that fall. Once on his feet he sees all the others and they're 'pets'. "H-hi.." he said, "Sorry for making a hole in your castle's ground..", his hand in his hair at the back of his head.
The loud crash made Haiko jump, he spins around with his knife drawn, "Jesus christ." He remarks. He turns back around to the girl, he doesn't know why but she is so cute, Haiko is blushing but thank God for his mask or else she could see it, "I-I'm Haiko." He says sheepishly.
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