Light From a Dead Star [Inactive]

Eden chuckled, thinking of spoons. "By the way, be careful of the door, he has a bit of an attitude. Doesn't take well to newcomers." She said, as if it was perfectly normal.

Her box of a house was only two rooms; Bedroom, and a tiny bathroom. A single tree stood outside a window, her usual way in so she didn't have to deal with the door.

She walked over to the tree, motioning for Gavin and Loki to follow.
Loki fallowed Eden to the tree while explaining "It's British slang for apartment." Loki took a drink of the milk before questioning the two." Ether of you two want some milk?" Trying to continue the small talk.
"Your door has a mind of it's own?" Gavin asked as he walked ofter to Eden, still shaking dirt out of his hair. "So do we just climb the tree in? Beclaws that sounds easy enough." Gavin climbed up to a nearby branch.
Eden shook her head at Loki, and nodded at Gavin. "Yes. His name is Bartleby. He was an automated butler, they apparently have some of those in the city. He was in a pile of scrap metal, so i grabbed him and installed him into a door. He's kind of... Bossy. And yeah, it's better just to go in that way." She motioned to the window.
Gavin also shook his head. "I dislike milk." He stated. The boy seemed a lot calmer now. Yawning, he clambered into the window. Poking his head out he added "I remember the automated butlers. There was a museum that had one that kept accidentally murdering people so they scrapped it."
"Really? Shoot, i'd better keep an eye on Bartleby. Can't have him murdering people." She said, swinging herself up onto a branch and into the window. She looked back at Loki. "You gonna stand there drinkin' milk or what? Come on up."
Loki started to climb up the tree after putting his milk away. "Technically they were scraped more for the random sodomies they preformed on intruders in there owners home." Reaching the branch across from the window. "If I recall there were eight death due to the fact." He said nonchalantly

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Eden choked. "What? Why would they even...?" (I totally just looked up sodomy. Why.) She pressed her fingers to her temple. "Okay, i gotta go to bed... My brain can't handle the world anymore... There's a few extra blankets over there," She pointed to a shelf. "There's a bathroom over there. No shower, nothing fancy, but i doubt you guys expected anything like that."
Gavin stretched his arm out for Loki to take. "You've been to the city too?" He asked leaning out the window. "Also what it sodomies? It sounds like salami . Is it like a meat? Were they making random sandwiches?
Loki starts patting him on the head. "I'll tell you when your older." Picking up a blanket he turned to Gavin. "You want first pick on where to sleep?" He asked the bags under his eyes showing he was getting tired.

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"But I'm eighteen! I can know! Also the floor is fine." Gavin lied down and curled up into a ball. His tail brushes against his face gently and he yawned. Twitching he ear he looked up at Loki with big eyes, not intently of course.
"It's sexual. Not necessary to go into detail. You're older than me?" Eden said, sitting on her futon and taking her shoes off. The Neko seemed much younger.
"Of course! How old do I look, twelve?" Gavin playfully stuck his tongue out at Eden. "And fur all you know I'm not even a virgin. So there." The neko grinned.
Loki looked at Gavin. A smiled ran across his face as he toke off his knapsack and removed his gun from its holster. Loki decided to take a seat next to Gavin giving his head a soft stroke. "I'm nineteen if I remember right. So.... Are you a virgin?" He asked in a playful voice.

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"That's none of your business." Gavin said as he looked up at Loki with a smirk on his face. "Spoon." He playfully added at the end. A soft breeze sent shivers down the boys spine as he pulled his tail closer.
Eden rolled her eyes. Boys. "I'm sleeping now, if you guys want to talk about virginity at 3 in the morning, go ahead." She said, laying down on the bed, facing away from the boys, and pulled the blanket over her shoulders. "Night."
"Goodnight." Loki scooted closer to Gavin spreading his blanket across both of them. "Is that better?" He asked as he laid down next to him.

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Gavin blushed and gave Loki a weird look. "Um, sure. Thank you." He pulled his end of the blanket up closer to his neck, slightly flicking his tail. "And sorry Eden." He mumbled.
"Oh, don't apologize. I'm just tired... Haven't slept well in days." Eden said, not turning around. She was too exhausted to worry about nightmares, and fell asleep almost instantly, her breathing evening out.

((Okay, I'm gonna follow Eden's lead and go to bed. Goodnight everybody!))
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