Light From a Dead Star [Inactive]

"... More like pleasure... It can tickle as well..." Eden tried to avoid eye contact. This night was just one embarrassing thing after another.

At Loki's question, Eden's eyes popped open, and she backed away slightly. "Oh no, don't you dare-"

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"Oops, sorry Eden. I didn't mean to!" Gavin sat back up on Fairn. "I can give you a ride to were ever you need to go to get some sleep too, If you want." Gavin looked down at the two, feeling kinda left out.
Eden kept an eye on Loki, and suddenly realized how tired she was. "I might just take you up on that offer..." She said to Gavin.

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"Can I come? My flat was just occupied by the sick ones." He asked Gavin with puppy dog eyes. "I got coyote meat." He offered some to him.

((I'm gonna have to get off soon.))

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Gavin lightly kicked his heels on Fairn's ribs, telling her to lie down. The squirrel obeyed. "Sick ones? You mean like a cold? Beclaws those suck. Also, of course you can come! Where do you want to go fur the night? I usually just sleep where ever so anywhere is fine fur me." Gavin eyed the meat, but shook his head no. He didn't want to be a leech. Eating food that others had caught without earning it made him feel bad.
Eden looked confused. "You've never heard of The Sickness? Where have you been the past couple years... Anyway, i don't have much space, but you can sleep at my place if you need." She said, her question directed at both Loki and Gavin.
"Eden, you'll let us poor blokes use your flat?" He put the coyote meat back in to his knapsack and proceed to give her a big bear hug. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!"
"Yeah yeah, your welcome." She said, gingerly waiting for him to let go of her. "But if either of you do anything, no promises you'll leave with all your limbs." She tapped the knife at her side, hoping her massage got across. She almost trusted these ridiculous people for some reason, but not fully. Not yet.

"Gavin? What about you? You have somewhere to sleep?" Eden said, extracting herself from Loki's hug.
Gavin swung his legs to get his pet to start walking. He stayed silent for a while. "I've been blind the last couple of years." He said sadly under his breath. "But what would we do? Snore?" He piped up in a much cheerier tone of voice. "And nope. I never stay in one place to long. I get... uneasy."
Eden nodded. "I understand. I did that for a while too. And i meant if either of you did anything perverted..." She shook her head. "Anyway, you can sleep at my place as well if you want. It's gonna be a bit cramped, but hey. Better than nothing."
Fairn wobbled her way forward. She didn't walk fast, but her fur was incredibly soft. "I'm fine. I'll just drop you two love birds off and be on my way. I wouldn't want to be a bother." Gavin said smiling. "The cold isn't the worst thing and the stars are nice. Well, when you can see them."
Eden rolled her eyes. "Well now you have to come with us, just for that. Come on, i think i might even have a fish from a couple days ago, you want it? And please don't say you don't deserve it, because you didn't help. Think of it as payment for the ride?" She said.
Gavin blushed and looked away. He started giggling. "Did you say fish..?" The neko licked his lips. "Mmmm~ Fish~ Actually, I don't know where you live. Hehe you'll have to tell me."
"Oh I see what you did there..... We have wings, that was clever... You cat person ." Loki jumped on the giant furry pet animal Gavin has ready to go to Eden's flat. "And if she can't find the fish I can always force you to eat coyote meat." He said giving Gavin a Heart warming smile.
Gavin gave Loki a strange look. "First off, what clever thing are you talking about. Second, why could a cat eat a dog. What the heck man no. Also, I am not a 'cat purrson' I am a sophisticated individual who happens to be born with freaky DNA."
Eden shook her head, but smiled slightly. "Alright then. It's that-a-way." She said, pointing off the the left. "'Also, Lovebirds. We have wings. Oh, and by the way, we may or may not have to climb in through the window... The front door has a bit of an attitude..."
"I think someone has a case of the pouts. Do you need me to scratch be hind you ears?" He said as he started to scratch behind his left ear. "Ha ha your fur is so soft.... Just like a teddy bear!" He stated to Gavin and Eden excitedly.
"Oh my gosh what are you doing stop that immediatelyyyyy-" Gavin started purring and slowly fell backwards. His eyes closed and his face showed nothing but bliss. "I hate you." He said smiling.
Eden shook her head at them. "Come on, it's almost 3 in the morning. How do you guys have so much energy?" She tried to keep Gavin from falling off the squirrel.
Loki pulled Gavin in to a position to where he's leaning on Loki as he continues to scratch behind his ear. "Honey can we keep him please! I mean just look how adorable, and well behaved he is." His voice sounded gushing like a kid to Eden.
"Omfg what are you doing?!" Gavin tried to push away, still angrily purring. "And I'm not a pet you spoon! Are we there yet? Pleeeeease are we there?!" His legs and arms started flailing all around desperately trying to escape.
Eden rolled her eyes at "Honey", but didn't say anything, moving up so she could steer the squirrel for Gavin, ducking to avoid his flailing arms. "Oh my god, spoon? I am so using that as an insult... And yeah, were here."

They had made it to her house... Shack... Box? More like a box. Eden slid off the squirrel, giving it a pat on the head, and waited for Gavin and Loki.
Gavin literally threw himself off Fairn. He face planted the ground and got more dirt in his mouth than he would ever be willing to admit. Standing up he brushed himself off. He also called Loki a spoon under his breath.

"Oh. What a lovly shade of moldy death brown you've painted your home." Gavin had originally intended on saying something more positive but the spoon he had just ridden with had clearly messed with his ability to do so.
Loki jumps off the squirrel landing next to Gavin . "Your flat look like a lovely place to live." He told her while pulling out a cold looking thermos. Loki feeling opening it the smell of fresh milk entered the air.
Gavin gave the milk an uneasy glance. "What's a flat?" He asked aloud as he started combing dirt out of his hair. Fairn sat down and made a squirrel sound(the writer of this has no clue what that sounds like). Although it was more like a bellow.

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