Light From a Dead Star [Inactive]

"Pff, A.I.R's drones are scared of toothpaste? Now that's interesting. So, where are we going?" Eden said, looking around. She barely recognized anything in this level of darkness, but she imagined Gavin could see just fine.
Eden rolled her eyes, but followed.

"So, what do you do? You got a job?"

((Sorry i disappeared for a bit, i was having some troubles with minecraft))
Gavin thought for a minute. "Do I? I really just do odds and ends here and there. People normally can't stand me fur more than a few minutes. Well, except Odd Joe. The guy who makes the bird burgers. He's where we're going. Do you know him? He's cool, I like listening to him rant about A.I.R. After he thanks me fur not getting scared and running away and we eat cookies. I think people get scared of him beclaws he's a big guy."

((Haha it's fine. :3))
"Ah, okay. Sorry." Eden continued walking. "So, you ever been to the wastelands? I went once... Not particularly pleasant."
Gavin though for a moment, then shrugged. "I can't remember. A lot if my memories are... blurry, so I cant really remember. Ah! We're here." The neko approached a open bonfire. It was small, but at lease it was still going. He sat on a log next to it and motions for Eden to do the same.
Eden sits down slowly, still tense. She brings the squirrel up, grabs a knife from her hip, and starts to skin it. "I assume you want some?" She said, skillfully sticking the now furless squirrel onto a stick to cook.
"Naw, I didn't help you catch it so I didn't earn it." Gavin pulls three green leaves out of his pocket. They resemble spinach leaves. He uncrumples them and places them on his knees. "This is my dinner."
Eden raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. They sit in silence for a while, the crackle of the fire and occasional squeal or cry in the distance the only sound.
Gavin tosses the leaves into his mouth, and shivers from the bitterness. Looking around he wonders where Odd Joe is and if he baked any cookies. Sighing, he moves his feet back and forth out of boredom.
Eden rubbed her bare arms. Grabbing the squirrel, she started eating, savoring the taste of food. "What was that leaf?" Eden said out of curiosity.
Gavin stared off into the distance. He remembered all the sweets that his twin and him used to eat on the weekends. He remembered the pizza and soda weekends where they would play video games. They would have chips and candy, it was required. They would build pillow forts and make up languages for clubs. "Bitter." Was all that he replied with, though.
Eden took a deep breath, now finished the squirrel. Standing up, she brushed herself off. "Well, I'd better go. Gotta sleep if i don't want to collapse in the morning... Again..." She yawned. "Thanks for the fire and company. See you around, Gavin." And she walked away, jumping onto a roof and disappearing into the night.

Finally finding her way home, Eden practically collapsed into bed, not bothering to take her clothes or shoes off, and fell immediately asleep.

~ ~ ~

A.I.R.H watched, waiting, listening. She checked the statistics of the city, double checked, and then triple checked. Nothing.

She hummed a contented sigh, slowly moving herself to her next task. "3rd squad, report." She said, opening a door. Three government officials walked in, stopped, and bowed. "The lower section of district B, as well as section A are clear..." The man speaking paused. A.I.R.H swooped forward. "What? Why do you hesitate?" The man swallowed. "But... We found a whole group with The Sickness, in section D. They'd been under the radar because of their lower class." A.I.R.H hissed, a terrible grinding of gears, and slammed one of her mechanical hands down. "How could you not notice?! If The Sickness spreads, it would be a catastrophe. The people would panic." She pans backwards, as if thinking. "Round all of them up and send them into the worst part of the slums. If any resist, send them to the wastelands." She decided.

The men bow again.

"As you wish."
Gavin hummed a tune to a long lost song and stared at the sky. Old memory's danced around in his head. There were colorful ones, old ones, new ones, happy ones and sad ones. He gripped his ring and played with is in his hands. "Red and orange and yellow and green~" He mumbled to the tune of his own humming. "And blue and purple and pink if you're lucky~"
The convoys bringing in the Sick came to the slums overnight, with them a contingent of security to maintain. Among them where mobile communication hubs which controlled the logistics and drones in the area. A treasure trove for a hacker like myself and just as difficult to get to one. Getting close to it wasn't easy, i approached quietly using knowledge of the area and, yuck, rubbish tips common to the slum for cover. When close to the hub, not smelling so good, i made sure the coast was clear before finding an access point and plugging in my laptop. I began typing quickly try to bypass the security untill:

"Who there?"A guards voice came from around the corner,

"Sh*t."I cursed, upping my pace before the guard came around.

"Hold."The guard said pointing the weapon at me.

"Eh...just making a local call?"i said jokingly before hitting enter. Nothing happened and the guard looked unamused, i pressed enter again."Come on!"

"Drop the laptop and step away from it"The guard ordered before approaching."You are under arre..."

Then saving grace, the drone i ordered finally arrived crashing into the guard. This gave me chance to run, before the rest of the guards came in hot pursuit.

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Hanna slunk along silently in a dark alley, uncertainly gazing around as if worried about something. Suddenly she threw herself in between a few garbage cans and bags, curling up and ducking down as a small group of older guys walked past, rambling about who knows what. They didn't seem very human, which was another reason Hanna was hiding. She was very unsocial after leaving the city where she had lived, now she didn't even bother to remember why she was in the Slums. The small neko stayed where she was even as the guys were long passed, she didn't want to keep walking. She had no where to go.
Loki stood on the roof of the abandoned building in the slums that he has been staying in for the last few night and as far as he knew no one had made a claim to it. Loki fell to his knees as pain erupted from his back and in a matter of seconds large black wing came from his back. “It feels good to give you guys a stretch.” A smile appeared on his face as he wrapped his wings around his body.
Eden bolted awake, sweating and panicked. Holding her head, she groaned. "Bloody nightmares..." She trailed off, looking confused. "What's that sound?" She got up, walking across the cramped floor to the broken window. Outside, she could faintly hear the sounds of coughing, and Eden's eyes widened.

"The Sickness."

The memories of her family's death rushed back to her again, making her shake. Clutching the windowsill, Eden steadied her breathing, and soon managed to go back to bed, falling into a troubled sleep.
Gavin yawned, still waiting for Joe. He started wondering where he was going to sleep tonight. He slyly slipped onto his belly and crawled into the grass. Although he would never have told the girl that he had met, greens didn't exactly do it for a cat. He missed fish. Gavin started to drool in his memory of the food. He looked, and smelled and listened and bla bla bla, for any signs of delicious life.

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