Light From a Dead Star [Inactive]

"Ok. Not working." Eden sat up after her fifth attempt at sleep, failing miserably. Maybe a walk would help... It usually did.

Climbing out the broken window, Eden swung off a tree branch and down to the ground, quickly brushing herself off, and headed away from the still faint coughing. Hopefully, she wouldn't run into anyone with The Sickness.
Gavin crawled around of the ground, watching for any birds, squirrels or lizards. Even though lizards were yucky. He finally cough a whiff of a squirrel. The neko immediately dove into the bushes after the smell. He landed on his face, though. Looking up he saw an abnormally large squirrel. "Oooo how hard did I bang my head?" The sleepy boy made his way over.

After poking it for a while he lay down next to it, using it's tail for a blanket.
Eden walked for a while, rubbing her arms every once in a while from the cold, and was so caught up in her thoughts that she smacked straight into a flickering lamp post. It was a loud enough sound that she'd practically announced her presence to the whole lower part of the slums, which wasn't large, but also wasn't small.
Loki started to hear coughing and quickly awoke from his light slumber "Aw crud.. Looks like I'm evicted." He said to himself as he gathered his belongings. The pain of putting away his wings was slightly less than bringing them out. Loki sprinted off in the opposite detection of the coughing, wanting to avoid The Sickness. He witnessed a girl run straight into a lamp post, 'Is she alright?' Loki thought to himself as he walked over to her. "That looked like it hurt." Loki said to her with a dumb smile on his face offering her a hand to help her up.
Eden looked up, immediately her face flushed with embarrassment. "Uh, yeah... Caught in my thoughts..." She grabbed his outstretched hand, standing up and brushing herself off. "This is the second time i've run into someone tonight... Well, i guess technically i ran into the lamp post." She shrugged. "What are you doing out this late? Not that i blame you. Much quieter, if you like that sort of thing."
Gavin blinked awake. Had he fallen asleep? Why was he awake though... oh! He had heard a bang, yes that was it. Maybe. Standing up, he stretched his back. He patted the squirrels head and smiled. "You seem nice. I shall name you Food! No wait, that just makes me hungry. I'll name you Fairn. That's Scottish fur food! I think." Gavin climbed onto the giant mammal's back. "Giddy up!" He declared as he swung his legs violently. The squirrel sleepally made it's way toward the sound, with Gavin steering of course.
"The Sickness people are coming." and then went on to explain "Also well, as you may know, raccoon come out at night and I need them as bait for coyotes." Loki then had a thought. "Oh hey you must be hungry. You want some three day old coyote." He still had his huge smile as he dug in to his knapsack and pulls out a piece of cooked meat and offered it to her.
Eden eyed the meat, both wanting and not wanting to accept it. "Nah, i ate recently. You keep it. You hunt coyotes?" She said, keeping her ears pricked for the sounds of The Sickness.
"Well I kind of have to sense the vendors don't take to kindly to Fallen." He tore a piece off the meat and started to nibble on it. "So... what's your name?"
Gavin waddled over towards the two people on his squirrel. The squirrel stood approximately seven feet tall. The neko just kinda swayed back and forth. His ears were pricked up, scanning the area.
"Eden... You're a Fallen too?" She looked surprised. "I haven't seen another Fallen since..." She cringed at if at a bad memory. Shaking her head, she looked back to the new guy. "And you are?"
"Yeppers. Want to see my wings." Before she got the chance to answer his question a sharp and familiar pain erupted from his back and in a matter of seconds large black wing came from his back. "Your turn!" he said pointing to her with a friendly smile.
Gavin bounced over to Eden and Loki. He grinned at the familiar face. Gavin decided that clearly the conversation that the two were having needed some Gavin to it. Once he was in talking range (and plain view) he announced "Hi Eden! And who's this? Is he your boyfriend? I didn't know that you had a boyfriend. Oh, and meet Fairn! She's my giant squirrel friend! And she's trained too! Well, I think so at least. Sit girl!" The large fat squirrel sat down. This caused the earth to shake for a second.
Eden rolled her eyes. "I just met him two minute's ago Gavin, so no. Not my boyfriend. Nice squirrel by the way." She turned to the other Fallen. "This is Gavin. You still haven't told me your name?" She said.

((Gonna take a break, but will be back soon. Just gotta get ready for bed. I'll continue on my phone for a while after that though))
Gavin blinked as he watched the two from atop his squirrel. Pleased to have her be approved. Yawning, he turned to the other figure. He rubbed his eyes and smiled. He felt happy for some reason. He too awaited for the response.

((Ooooookay. :3))
"My name is Loki Blackthorn, Cupcake." He said giving Eden a wink. "Now I've showed you mine, how about you show me yours?" he asked his black wings still showing he also motioned the coyote meat to Gavin as if asking if he wanted some.
Hanna slowly ventured out of her hiding spot then nervously scurried down the ally, along a few sidewalks, and soon paused to stare at a small group of people...One seemed to be riding some sort of giant furry beast. The thin neko uncertainly swished her tail then edged around the corner to watch better, though would advert her gaze away if they looked over at her.
Eden looked uncomfortable, but nodded. She rarely had her wings out, so they broke free of her back and she gasped in pain, stumbling slightly.

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Gavin's eyes widened and his tail stood strait up. "Whoa! Hold it what!" The confused neko just stared. "Did it... does that hurt?" He shook his head, not sure what to say. It was thing to see someone with wings and another for the wings to spontaneously pop on there backs.
Eden nodded, standing up unsteadily. "Right, you don't know... I'm a Fallen. Same as this guy." She stuck a thumb at Loki. "And yes, It hurts. More so for me, since I almost never have them out..." She shuffled her feet, looking extremely self conscious.

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"They're so pretty!" Gavin exclaimed, still in slight shock. He leaned forwards on Fairn to see better. "Can you fly too? Oh my gosh can you do a barrel roll?! When you're really high can you see fur miles? Beclaws that would be pretty cool. How long can you stay in flighty fur?" Gavin started bombarding Eden with questions.
"They look beautiful." Loki said marveling at her wings. Loki's wings returned to which they came. "You don't see much Fallen now and days. We are an oddity." His gaze mesmerized as he held a hand out and touched her right wing slowly stroking it.
Eden flinched at his touch, her face turning red. "D-don't touch my wings, they're really sensitive." She said, starting to move away.

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"Like pain sensitive or pleasure sensitive? Like when someone tickles you. Does that count as pleasure?" Gavin giggled at the thought.
"Sorry, you can put them away if you feel uncomfortable." Loki then herd what Gavin said "Are you ticklish?" An evil smile spread across his face as he started to creep towards Eden with mischieful intentions.

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