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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Dante watch as faolin left to go meet Kira. he thought about what Faolin said about dating and decide he should take Marco out on a date. plus he wouldn't mind spending some quality time with him. he traveled back to his cabin to put away the herbs he gathered and looked around for Marco. when he spotted him, he shyly went over to him. "Hello Marco. how is it going? i was wondering if maybe you like to take a walk with me? Maybe go to the lake and swim or something. it up to you really? We haven't really had the chance to spend time together lately." Dante felt completely out of his element trying to ask macro out for a small walk. @Haus Of Alaska
Inka-Grace smiled in her sleep at the sound of her mother's voice. She pushed her face up against her blanket, snuggling into it. Then, she heard someone leave, and she frowned, wriggling on her back. After a few tired grumbles, she relaxed once more and fell deeper into sleep, her stomach growling with hunger.
Reptilesandromance said:
He put her down but Kate continued to hold him, listening to him contently. She knew of the term mate of course, everyone did, however she wasn't sure she grasped it fully though knowing how immensely important it was she held him for a moment more before taking his large hand gently and pulling him toward the hallway with her.
The hallway too was decorated, but with trophy skins; bears, boars, caribou, reindeer. All were utterly stunning, earning their place in the house. More sparsely placed among them were five doors, three on the right side of the long stretch, two on the left and a sixth door was placed facing them at the very end of the hall.

She brought him to the last door and swung it open, revealing a large master bedroom connected to a luxurious master bath. It held dark mahogany floors and a king sized bed with a black comforter and grey silk sheets, pillows matching. At the foot of it was a wide outspread beautiful rug, her father gettigidettigid it was from the old pack and she always appreciated it. The dresser and three bookshelves as well as a desk were organized around the room and were all made from black stained wood.
Crimson had already peered down this hallway while he was looking around but now that Kate was leading him he was getting a much closer look. As they walked down, there were more trophies decorating the entire stretch of the wooden wonderland. As Kate opened the door, he came the most impressive bedroom he had ever seen. It was absolutely gorgeous and Victor had literally never seen a bed that big before. "That is the biggest bed I have ever seen." He said as he squeezes Kate's hand. His heart was beginning to go a bit a faster now. This was not his first rodeo but there was something about Kate that made him nervous. He wanted her happy. He wanted her pleased. His mind was just filled with her . Despite his injuries, he wanted to show her that he could always preform for her. Whether it be in love, in battle, in hunts, or in bed. The warrior's usually steady voice contained a slight waver to it now, "It's a....very impressive bedroom would be an understatement." He said, his body temperature rising now.
Kira was currently still moving beams of wood and other bags of things from the wagon into the cabin. Her tool kit and backpack rested on the porch with what appeared to be a hammock draped over them, yet to be hung. Also on the porch were boxes of string lights of all colors of lanterns to be set up later. She returned arms empty to the motorcycle to retrieve another bunch of supplies. Soon, the cabin would start to feel cozy and home-like.
Bloo looked at Klaus, "An adventure," He was silent for a some time before saying, "That sounds fun and I have nothing better to do."
The white wolf had been observing the pack for quite some time now. Blood stained his white fur. He stayed in the shadows of a tree,undetected to the other wolves gathered around. The man inside of the beast had been trying to approach the people for a long time now. But the wolf was scared of people,always lurking instead. The two personalities conflicted as the wolf rose his head and howled loudly. What is a wolf without a pack? The voice of the man kept insisting, hunger for family.
shadowz1995 said:
Crimson had already peered down this hallway while he was looking around but now that Kate was leading him he was getting a much closer look. As they walked down, there were more trophies decorating the entire stretch of the wooden wonderland. As Kate opened the door, he came the most impressive bedroom he had ever seen. It was absolutely gorgeous and Victor had literally never seen a bed that big before. "That is the biggest bed I have ever seen." He said as he squeezes Kate's hand. His heart was beginning to go a bit a faster now. This was not his first rodeo but there was something about Kate that made him nervous. He wanted her happy. He wanted her pleased. His mind was just filled with her . Despite his injuries, he wanted to show her that he could always preform for her. Whether it be in love, in battle, in hunts, or in bed. The warrior's usually steady voice contained a slight waver to it now, "It's a....very impressive bedroom would be an understatement." He said, his body temperature rising now.
Kate bit her lip, gazing at the bedroom while she thought about what to say. She felt his nervousness strongly, as if it had been infectious but it only drew her to him in her efforts to make him comfortable as possible.

"It's just as much yours as it is mine," she spoke softly, letting go of his hand only to stand against his side, her arm across his back, "that is if you want it to be."

Her gaze reflected nothing but love and she knew it, but was confused by it. She was ecstatic to feel it but she couldn't have been more anxious about doing something to mess it up and still wasn't sure how he had infected every fiber of her being, she felt as if she was being consumed by it and never in her life did she think she would enjoy any feeling like that, let alone for another wolf.
Luna woke up from her own nap a shot while later. Slowly she crossed the room and collected her daughters one at a time. Luna helped them shift to small pups and then changed herself. This was the easiest way to feed her daughters at once. Making sure they were well settled she layed down.

Her mind drifted and she grew worried. She needed to find a cure for Gabriel, also run a pack, take care of injured wolves, and now to top the list care for two infant daughters all on her own. Her head began to hurt as her worries grew
Kira set down her things as she heard the howl echo. Curious, she morphed into her wolf form and bounded across camp toward the source of the noise, enjoying the feeling of her light-grey fur smoothing in the wind. Amber eyes scanning the area as she drew close, Kira flattened her ears and returned with a softer howl of greeting.

The wolf growled with uncertainty at first,taking a few steps back as he stared at the Amber pack member. He detected the smell of a female,and slowly lowered his ears in acknowledge of her. Eventually the man won,and the wolf turned on his back playfully,showing his belly towards the other wolf.

The form eventually turned to a young male as he stood in front of the Amber wolf.

With a wolffish grin Klaus went up to Bloo and patted him on the back before shouting, "Perfect! This is gunna be fun! Now bear with me but I heard of some caverns In the Forrest not to far from here that had treasures with in. I was actually on my way to explore it before I got jumbled up helping this pack. Let's go Explore it without delay. And don't worry Pal if we run into trouble I always got my trusty hunting knife with me that has more to it then meets the eye." Klaus finished up his statement while patting the Knige he kept at his side. @MuffinRPs
Inka-Grace suckled gently, pressing her paws against her mother's stomach. She gently tried to stand, but slipped. Looking at her mother's tail, she playfully growled and swiped it with her white tipped paws playfully. Inka looked over at her mother, her tail wagging happily.
Bloo smiled. He rarely could venture outside the pack dens back home. He was considered important if his brothers died so his Dad wouldn't let him leave. "OK. Oh and my wolf is small. I never really trained to be strong like my brothers. They were competing for Alpha 24/7 whereas I played the piano and stargazed mostly. I rarely was in my wolf form."

He thought back to his teen years where his brothers were always fighting, his sister caring for pups with his mother and his father running a pack meaning he never spent time with any of them. Bloo was lonely. The irony in that; his name meant sadness.
Luna shook her head at the pups and scooted them closer to her head. It was so strange how their wolves developed so fast, even on the day of their birth.

She used her muzzle and played with her daughters, letting them have fun
Inka-Grace looked up into her mother's eyes and cocked her head to the side. Her ears twitched and then her lips parted, her tongue lolling out. Gently, she licked the side of her mother's muzzle, attempting to clean her. Soon enough, due to playing and being full of milk, she began to get tired and yawned. Her head perked, as did her white tipped ears as she looked at the door. The misty wolf who had nuzzled her didn't seem to be there, and she cried almost inaudibly, looking back at her sister.



@Khanaydas Marie
After finishing to Pack the things he would need for this adventure Klaus showed Bloo a map and began pointing at a red circle he had drawn on it before speaking.

"Look right here on this map. This red circle is where these caverns are located and we are going to headed there. Also don't worry adventures are dictated by how strong you are. Believe me your talents may just come in handy on this journey. Are you ready to head out?"

Luna gave a laugh at her children. She groomed them as they played and gently nipped their tails playfully every once in a while.
Inka-Grace playfully growled at her sister, trying to move to her feet, but she slipped again. With a soft bark, she attempted to nip her sisters tail, until she felt hers being nipped by Luna. She yelped in shock, but soon after began to nip her mother's stomach fur. Inka-Grace's nose twitched and she crawled on her stomach towards the door with a slight growl.
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xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace playfully growled at her sister, trying to move to her feet, but she slipped again. With a soft bark, she attempted to nip her sisters tail, until she felt hers being nipped by Luna. She yelped in shock, but soon after began to nip her mother's stomach fur. Inka-Grace's nose twitched and she crawled on her stomach towards the door with a slight growl.
Gabriel slide through a crack in the door to find Inka-Grace crawling towards the door. He bent down in front of her. "What have we here?" He asked the young pup.
He smiled, "Yeah" Bloo liked Klaus. Klaus was wise and encouraging. He was like that one uncle people have or that distant relative that you could trust with anything. Bloo felt as if he knew the man for a long time even though they had only just met. "This will be fun."
Inka-Grace cocked her head to the side once again. Her white tipped ears pinned against her head as she looked up at Gabriel. Inka's tail wagged contently, and she went to nuzzle the mist, pushing her paws through it a little. When she didn't touch flesh, she whimpered a little in confusion, continuing to try.


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