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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace hadn't opened her eyes yet, so was fearful of what was around her. She whimpered slightly, wanting attention. It really was beginning to get warm.
Gabriel began trying to nuzzle his young daughter. "There, there....daddy's here...it's alright....shush.....it's okay....."

For a brief second, he could swear he had materialised. Actual flesh and blood. Feeling the skin of his daughters.

But he must have imagined it.
"No you can't! My pup is the greatest in the world and no one can compete with him, not even you Faolin!" he said with such conviction it was hard to not believe him. "Yeh it very strange to have someone that actually likes me, other then for political reasons. Plus, i never thought i would be into guys but i guess i never really payed attention to my preferences. i dont think i work that hard, i work no more or less then anyone else in this pack, Mr. beta." he then laughed at faolin's comment about dating advise. "it's up to you. im not use to having down time and peacefulness, so i have no idea what to do!"
Smiling Faolin chuckled. He glanced at Dante and smiled. He stated, "Yes well I guess from the start I knew who I wanted and why. It's why I realized Kira was the one for me. Although honestly I do think I could have chosen an easier female but she was well worth all this effort. When you see the real Kira it's worth everything..." He looked at Dante as he stated, "Also about dating you just think of what the other person likes to do and do that. Tell them how you feel about them constantly and you should be fine." Kira pulled up in a truck and Faolin watched her before looking back at Dante as he stated, "I wish you luck."
@loyalwolf @Moolock
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DaManofWar said:
Gabriel began trying to nuzzle his young daughter. "There, there....daddy's here...it's alright....shush.....it's okay....."
For a brief second, he could swear he had materialised. Actual flesh and blood. Feeling the skin of his daughters.

But he must have imagined it.
Inka-Grace calmed down, her eyes shooting open as she looked at him. Her purple eyes scanned his, and she tried to nuzzle him back, her muzzle touching what seemed like flesh, but only for a brief moment.
Klaus let out a a Small laugh then replied, " Packs are nice but i like my own rules. Also if you like Pack safety why would you leave yours?

Klaus pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to the Bloo. "here clean yourself up friend. Seems like you got some emotions eating you on the inside that you should get off your chest." Klaus stated while puffing his pipe.
He took the handkerchief from Klaus and wiped his eyes, "Why does everything I see hear think r talk about come back to Anders? I'm such an idiot. I ran away because I found out the person I loved was already mated. Who does that? Idiots like me. I'm not strong or smart. I'm not my siblings. I'm not my Dad. I'm not my pack. I'm not Anders."
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace calmed down, her eyes shooting open as she looked at him. Her purple eyes scanned his, and she tried to nuzzle him back, her muzzle touching what seemed like flesh, but only for a brief moment.
Gabriel sighed. "Come, Luna. It is time for you three to rest up"

With a warm smile Klaus placed his hand on Bloo's Shoulder and responded, "Listen kid, Don't try to be something your not. learn early that it is your own personal Merits that will forge the person you are to become. and as for your romantic Issues trust me give your Emotional wounds time to heal and you will be able to find Love in places you wouldn't expect. But if you keep lingering on what could have been it will eat up your very soul." As Klaus finished Sharing his thoughts he began looking towards the mountain range beyond the Cabins. @MuffinRPs
An idle mind is a very dangerous thing. It allows for one's conscience to creep up unawares and grow into a monstrous thing that utterly consumes the mind. It allowed one to think, and for this reason alone Guinevere made an effort to keep herself busy.

Shackled down by her healing wounds, Guinevere paced restlessly about her cave and glared down at the surrounding forest. Her wounds were healing well; all had sealed up by now thanks to her enhanced healing and even the swelling of her hind leg had died down, only bothering her if she was bold enough to put too much pressure on it. Soon she would once again be able to venture out into the Wolf-wood and continue her hunt. Yet despite her successes in recovering, Guin was deeply agitated. It infuriated the feline-shifter to know that with every moment she spent here the wolf pack grew in strength.

It was no secret that new wolves were being attracted to the area... almost to an uncanny extent. There was something different about this forest, much like the pack that inhabited it. Perhaps it was no mistake that Guinevere had wandered here, but the cougar was too furious to ponder on the whims of fate.

Another howl joined the clamorous symphony, rising up through the trees and echoing on the rocks and earthen walls of her cave. The one-eyed woman gave a growl of annoyance when she heard it and pulled the fur hood over her ears to muffle the sound. Something important was occurring, she knew that from her experience in hunting the vile creatures, but she couldn't fully understand just what... that skill was limited to her enemies. With a pang of displeasure she also noticed some new voices, a male and two other highly pitched howls that she at first thought were squealing pigs.

The woman's head turned towards the forest then. "It would appear as though the dear wolves have some new members..." she muttered with all of the sweetness of a coiling adder. "Such a shame..."

(mehehheeee... *tents fingers while brooding in a dark room*)
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Bloo finished wiping his eyes. "O-Ok. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I should forget about what has happened and focus on the now." He pulled a half real smile at Klaus.
Inka-Grace's eyes zoomed up above, beyond the blanket she and her sister lay in. The green of the trees made her release a sound of pure content. Then, her gaze shifted to a nearby river, and she half howled, half barked in excitement, throwing her white footed paws along the edge of the blanket. Her mouth was parted in a way in which that seemed she was smiling, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

For a brief second, she yawned, her whole body sickly still until she had finished, and then her body shook. Stretching, she continued to look up at the small gaps at the top of the blanket. The clouds set her in awe, and her large eyes blinked in bliss. She growled softly, trying to hit the clouds with her paws.
Juju said:
An idle mind is a very dangerous thing. It allows for one's conscience to creep up unawares and grow into a monstrous thing that utterly consumes the mind. It allowed one to think, and for this reason alone Guinevere made an effort to keep herself busy.
Shackled down by her healing wounds, Guinevere paced restlessly about her cave and glared down at the surrounding forest. Her wounds were healing well; all had sealed up by now thanks to her enhanced healing and even the swelling of her hind leg had died down, only bothering her if she was bold enough to put too much pressure on it. Soon she would once again be able to venture out into the Wolf-wood and continue her hunt. Yet despite her successes in recovering, Guin was deeply agitated. It infuriated the feline-shifter to know that with every moment she spent here the wolf pack grew in strength.

It was no secret that new wolves were being attracted to the area... almost to an uncanny extent. There was something different about this forest, much like the pack that inhabited it. Perhaps it was no mistake that Guinevere had wandered here, but the cougar was too furious to ponder on the whims of fate.

Another howl joined the clamorous symphony, rising up through the trees and echoing on the rocks and earthen walls of her cave. The one-eyed woman gave a growl of annoyance when she heard it and pulled the fur hood over her ears to muffle the sound. Something important was occurring, she knew that from her experience in hunting the vile creatures, but she couldn't fully understand just what... that skill was limited to her enemies. With a pang of displeasure she also noticed some new voices, a male and two other highly pitched howls that she at first thought were squealing pigs.

The woman's head turned towards the forest then. "It would appear as though the dear wolves have some new members..." she muttered with all of the sweetness of a coiling adder. "Such a shame..."

(mehehheeee... *tents fingers while brooding in a dark room*)
(I fear for Klaus Right now lol)
Luna went inside with Gabriel and layed her daughters on the bed. She carefully helped each one shift. Then changed herself

(Be right back I'm at dinner)
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
(I fear for Klaus Right now lol)
("When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." Add that one to Klaus's wisdom. Or I could have Guin teach him that quote herself... )
"Thats the Spirit Kid! Klaus Exclaimed. He gave Bloo a Harmless jab to the Chest. then he let out a small sigh and looked up at Bloo and stated, " I have been Hanging with the Pack for a good minute, but my body is getting restless. I feel an adventure waiting for me just beyond the Horizon. Seeing new thing. Experiencing new places. there is truly nothing like it. Say Bloo how would you like to join me in an Adventure?"

( OOC: yes i just quoted the hobbit abit at the end.)
Juju said:
("When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." Add that one to Klaus's wisdom. Or I could have Guin teach him that quote herself... )
( Yea he probably should join a Pack but He isnt ready for a commitment like that yet his spirit is too restless and wants to be free)
Inka-Grace balled her hands into fists, kicking her legs around. Her bright purple eyes scanned the cabin, and her dark brows furrowed. She couldn't understand what was happening, why couldn't she smell as well as before? Where did her tail go. Inka pouted, her bottom lip beginning to quiver.

xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace balled her hands into fists, kicking her legs around. Her bright purple eyes scanned the cabin, and her dark brows furrowed. She couldn't understand what was happening, why couldn't she smell as well as before? Where did her tail go. Inka pouted, her bottom lip beginning to quiver.
Luna climbed onto her bed next to her daughters and held them both close to her. She examined them and hummed them a lullaby. "It's alright darlings, you'll get used to it." She smiled at Gabriel
Luna stroked her daughters faces and hummed. Looking at the one in her left arm she mumbled a name "Ella-Rose."

Smiling even more she looked at her daughter on the right "Inka-Grace."
Jasil said:
Luna went inside with Gabriel and layed her daughters on the bed. She carefully helped each one shift. Then changed herself
(Be right back I'm at dinner)
Ella-Rose looked at her mother with excitement the mother daughter bond growing stronger as their purple eyes met. She reached out towards her mothers awaiting to be embraced by the purpled hair beauty.
[QUOTE="Khanaydas Marie]Ella-Rose looked at her mother with excitement the mother daughter bond growing stronger as their purple eyes met. She reached out towards her mothers awaiting to be embraced by the purpled hair beauty.

(Lol I love you)

Luna layed both girls down on the bed and began setting up two cradles by the bed. Once they were done she set Inka-Grace down in one first because she was already asleep.

Luna then turned to pick up Ella-Rose and paused, seeing the child wide awake. She held her a moment longer before she began to rock her gently, trying to pull her to sleep. She sang softly. The girls would be hungry when they woke but for now they would sleep so Luna could set up her things
Ella-Rose felt her eyelids become heavier and heavier as her mother sang to her. Her little infant hands reached up and landed on Luna's cheek. It stayed there until she fell asleep to her mothers voice. @Jasil
Luna gently put Ella down in her crib next to her sisters. Covering both girls with blankets she crawled into her own bed. Her body felt weak from labor and she was purely exhausted. Her voice softly called out to Gabriel "Can you tell Kira I left my van in town? It has all the girls things inside, and the keys are on the dresser." Luna's eyes were heavy and her body ached
Reptilesandromance said:
As he lifted her, Kate's arms wound around his neck, holding him close as if she were afraid he'd slip away. The kiss was not as brief as before, instead of her lips pairing with his and then pulling away, they stayed, momentarily trapping his bottom lip before she reluctantly pulled her face away. She gazed at him lovingly and certainly couldn't be more affectionate if she tried; her hands found their way back to the sides of his face and held him gently.
The male wolf was practically ecstatic as she returned the embrace and the kiss with a fervor that appeared to match his own. He set her down with a pained grunt but absolutely no regrets and nothing but happiness reflected in his eye. "I am yours Kate. I will do my best to be a mate you can be proud of. Starting by not treating you like a princess like you said hahaha. It seems you don't much appreciate it." Victor said with a teasing smile but genuine.
shadowz1995 said:
The male wolf was practically ecstatic as she returned the embrace and the kiss with a fervor that appeared to match his own. He set her down with a pained grunt but absolutely no regrets and nothing but happiness reflected in his eye. "I am yours Kate. I will do my best to be a mate you can be proud of. Starting by not treating you like a princess like you said hahaha. It seems you don't much appreciate it." Victor said with a teasing smile but genuine.
He put her down but Kate continued to hold him, listening to him contently. She knew of the term mate of course, everyone did, however she wasn't sure she grasped it fully though knowing how immensely important it was she held him for a moment more before taking his large hand gently and pulling him toward the hallway with her.

The hallway too was decorated, but with trophy skins; bears, boars, caribou, reindeer. All were utterly stunning, earning their place in the house. More sparsely placed among them were five doors, three on the right side of the long stretch, two on the left and a sixth door was placed facing them at the very end of the hall.

She brought him to the last door and swung it open, revealing a large master bedroom connected to a luxurious master bath. It held dark mahogany floors and a king sized bed with a black comforter and grey silk sheets, pillows matching. At the foot of it was a wide outspread beautiful rug, her father had said it was from the old pack and she always appreciated it. The dresser and three bookshelves as well as a desk were organized around the room and were all made from black stained wood.

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