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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Well it depends on what you guys what to watch" She thought about it, it's only been a month since she's been out of the loop so she could recall a few movies.

"If it's comedy, there is definitely an Adam Sandler movie out right now, if Romance then there probably a chick flick. Action is always out, we could just go to the movies and figure out from there?" she suggested before she began talking too much.

@Moolock @Jasil
Profoundcactus said:
"Well it depends on what you guys what to watch" She thought about it, it's only been a month since she's been out of the loop so she could recall a few movies.
"If it's comedy, there is definitely an Adam Sandler movie out right now, if Romance then there probably a chick flick. Action is always out, we could just go to the movies and figure out from there?" she suggested before she began talking too much.

@Moolock @Jasil
Moolock said:
"Anything but romance," Kira replied a tad too quickly. She shrugged. "Hey, how cool would it be to see if there's a werewolf movie out? See how accurate it is?"
@Jasil @Profoundcactus
"I'd vote for comedy. Sometimes werewolf movies can be a little degrading though." She gave a small laugh
She laughed when Kira said that "Oh there's definetly werewolf movies out" She nodded at Luna's comment "Yeah and most werewolf movies are rather... bad" She stood up from the table, motion for the other girls to get up.

@Moolock @Jasil
Kira finished her tea and left a few quarters on the table before following. "Then action or comedy. I have no preference." She scooped up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, feeling something hard hit her hip. Kira nudged the flap open and upon seeing nothing immediately other than her notebook and cloth canteen-bottle, she shrugged it off and went to go stand behind Marina.

@Jasil @Profoundcactus
Luna got her self up and placed money on the table for their food. "Let's go kiddies, time to see Adam Sandler do something ridiculous." She started leaving the cafe
(I am back.) Silently Faolin looked around as he sighed. He had missed going with Kira. He had grabbed the pictures for his Alpha and had carried them to where Gabriel wanted. Then he walked to Kira's training area. When he got their he began to train he trained continuously not letting up. Jumping he slashed trees and jumped off as he grew aggressive charging the trees as he practiced.
Kira followed behind her, the shoe lace slowly coming undone. By the time she was outside, the tie had fallen out and her hair was once again a massive mass of black curls. "God damnit," she muttered, reaching into her sweater's hood for the tie. "How do you two think I'd look with short hair?"

@Jasil @Profoundcactus
Luna laughed "A lot less like you just came out of the woods."

She opened the driver side door and jumped in
Panting Faolin looked at the slashed trees and the spread chips of wood. He smiled as he looked at his hardly sweating body. He changed human then began his Karate training. He spun and flipped as he did various maneuvers some aerial others on the ground but all difficult and fast.
Kira chuckled getting into the van on the front passenger side. "At least I don't have sticks and mud in it. Then I'd really look like I just came out of the woods."

Moolock said:
Kira chuckled getting into the van on the front passenger side. "At least I don't have sticks and mud in it. Then I'd really look like I just came out of the woods."
"It's worse when you smell like a dog." She smirked and started the car, grinning as she joked around with kira
Silently Faolin looked at the trees as he panted. He needed a shower but their was no showers around here. A bath. He looked around then undressed and bathed quickly then got out dried and changed quickly. He needed a nap he would take Kira on a date later. She was so beautiful. He grinned at the thought of her then he went towards his hammock.
shadowz1995 said:
"Place seems more like a panic room than a cheese and wine cellar." Victor mused, more to himself than to Kate. When the female pushed herself under him to support his weight he didn't lean on her at first. He hated being supported in such a way but he knew he probably wouldn't be able to make it up those steps alone. As they continued, walking up the steps became progressively harder and he began to lean on her a little more with every step.
"It's better up stairs," she argued cheerfully, gently rubbing his back as they ascended the stairs. As he leaned on her she seemed to hardly notice his weight, moving only to make him more comfortable.

"You really did it this time ya know that," she teased, moving his arm over her back she rested her cheek against his lovingly, her own face was still warm from her daring move of kissing him. She rolled her eyes as the flared again, the pink hue coming back to them. What's the big deal, she thought, her lips tight, genuinely puzzled by her bodies reaction to him and how strongly she felt.
(I won't be on very often this weekend. Life aggro is too overpowered.)

The man's eyes were filled with the same cruel enjoyment she had remembered seeing all those years ago. Blue and clear as a mountain sky, it was unbelievable that such beautiful irises could ever belong to that hideous creature.

"You're dead." was all the cougar managed to say. Her throat was dry, making it difficult to speak, and the world spun around her with such consistent ferocity that she thought she would retch.

"No, my sweet. Do you think I could leave ma chère?"

"I killed you."

"Ah you forget, you will always be my little creature." Kneeling down beside the cat, he gave a teasing poke at her brand, causing her to flinch away in disgust. He laughed then, it was hardly any joyous action, in fact it sounded more like some foul mockery of one of the most human emotions.

"It truly is such a shame that you've degraded to such a wretched state. Look at you, killing blindly with no cause, no purpose... a monster. Face it, you need me, you can't contain that bloodlust with nowhere to put it... Hmph, I see you've grown weak too; unable to even get up by yourself anymore."

"Shut up!"
Guin snarled, feeling her anger drowning out the lingering pain of her wounds. "No, you are to blame. This is all your doing."

"Really? I do recall you were the one who killed them all; who descended on the little sweatmeat and choked the life out of..."

An enraged growl escaped between the mountain lion's clenched teeth, causing the crow that had begun pecking her shoulder to give a squawk of alarm. Quick as a snake, the cougar's paw lashed out and descended onto the feathered creature's head. Feathers fluttered in all directions as the creature squirmed uselessly against the claws holding it in place. Its neck snapped easily between her fangs.

The bloodied cat rose from the ground, forcing her weak limbs into submission. Claws scraped the rocks as the great cat shifted back into a human and stalked over to the gurgling mountain stream, her one grey eye as dark as her mood. Daggers of cold shot into her swollen leg, but she didn't so much as allow herself to hiss in pain as the iced waters washed out the wound in a cloud of dark burgundy.

After she had washed the blood off of her skin and cleaned out her wounds, Guinevere returned to the bear cave and retrieved her medical supplies in her bag. She poured what remained of her disinfectant onto the worst of her wounds and swallowed some antibiotics before reapplying stitches to her hind leg.

'I need more disinfectant.' she growled to herself while tucking away her supplies back into her bag.

She would have to walk to town or search for natural substitutes, which might mean an unwelcome meeting with one of the pack members. While she weighed the risks she donned her fur jacket and dark pants, worn from use with a tear in the fabric here and there. Pulling the hood up, she stared out at the setting sun, reflecting over the waters of the distant lake like a beaten plate of copper. She could smell the old scent of the werewolf whose pelt she had taken as a trophy and turned into her jacket, they had been a fierce warrior as well and the last of their pack to be snuffed out.

'These wolves will learn what it is like to be hunted mercilessly.' she brooded in the waning light.

(*music* hello darkness my old friend... I've come to talk to you again...)

You're a rebel, I like you...

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Reptilesandromance said:
"It's better up stairs," she argued cheerfully, gently rubbing his back as they ascended the stairs. As he leaned on her she seemed to hardly notice his weight, moving only to make him more comfortable.
"You really did it this time ya know that," she teased, moving his arm over her back she rested her cheek against his lovingly, her own face was still warm from her daring move of kissing him. She rolled her eyes as the flared again, the pink hue coming back to them. What's the big deal, she thought, her lips tight, genuinely puzzled by her bodies reaction to him and how strongly she felt.
"Yeah I did huh? Sorry Kate. I shouldn't have done it but I needed you to be safe. Again I'm sorry." Victor nudged her apologetically and affectionately. (Sorry busy )
Valissa lay down next to the lake, her eyes reflecting the moonlight, her fur seemed to glow silver. she was thinking. of Andrew. of her Mother and Father- too weak to challenge her tyrannical Aunt for the position of Alpha, how she was too weak to protect Andrew. a low keening whine rose in her chest at the thought- the memory- of Andrew being ripped apart. but she quickly cut it off, and she returned to her prone state, the only sign of her life was the steady rise and fall of her flanks.
Klaus looked over at the little wolf as he apologized to him and smiled. As he looked at the woods split ear he was sad he couldn't fix it for him. When The pup was done talking, Klaus smiled and replied, "Yes my name is Klaus and don't worry about it. I won't be hanging around for long. I have spent too long in one place as it is. After I say fair well to some of your other pack members I will be on my way." Finishing his statement he gave the small wolf a gentle and reassuring pat on the head.

Valissa got up and walked over to Nucch and Klaus. she watched Klaus forlornly, "i wish you wouldn't leave Klaus." She said softly, "Your my only friend here..." she sat down and watched him, "And I cant go with you, I'm not up to full strength and I cant live with out a pack... i think I've already demonstrated that." she spat the last part bitterly, thinking back to how she had fully leaned on Luna and whined pitifully about not wanting to die. she felt she was a disgrace to the strength of Wolf.
Look over at Valissa with a sympathic as she began telling Klaus that she wished he would leave he let out a small sigh as he looked to the stars and replied, " Now now Child, even though I am leaving I won't be gone forever. But it's time for me to continue my travels. I am not good at living a Pack life. I have never had a pack and I feel as though I never will. My sole wish In life is to live free and by my own rules. There is so much of the world for me to see just waiting for me out there. There are Adventures to be had and Stories to be told. Once your fully Healed you are more then welcomed to join me on my travels." Klaus exclaimed as he looked over to Valissa only to see the fear and gulit in her eyes From the situation she was in. Thinking for a minute Klaus set up his pipe and began smoking looking over to the young pup and began speaking, "Want to know something? I was once in your very same situation when I was your age. On my own close to death." @MadameRedWolf
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ShadowCrassodon254 said:
Klaus looked over at the little wolf as he apologized to him and smiled. As he looked at the woods split ear he was sad he couldn't fix it for him. When The pup was done talking, Klaus smiled and replied, "Yes my name is Klaus and don't worry about it. I won't be hanging around for long. I have spent too long in one place as it is. After I say fair well to some of your other pack members I will be on my way." Finishing his statement he gave the small wolf a gentle and reassuring pat on the head.
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa got up and walked over to Nucch and Klaus. she watched Klaus forlornly, "i wish you wouldn't leave Klaus." She said softly, "Your my only friend here..." she sat down and watched him, "And I cant go with you, I'm not up to full strength and I cant live with out a pack... i think I've already demonstrated that." she spat the last part bitterly, thinking back to how she had fully leaned on Luna and whined pitifully about not wanting to die. she felt she was a disgrace to the strength of Wolf.
Feeling the warm pat on the head made nuuch feel somewhat closer to klaus, but he didn't understand why. Noticing a shewolf walking over he got on his guard again until she was closer and heard her speak, noticing then that she, although angry and afraid now, wasnt to pose any threat. He just say back while her and klaus chatted trying not to be a bother. Then he heard klaus talk about how he on the verge of death once. Finding it hard to believe as he lay there so confident, and so carefree. -here i am cant even turn back into a human- he thinks to himself as he just slumps down in small Self pity
shadowz1995 said:
"Yeah I did huh? Sorry Kate. I shouldn't have done it but I needed you to be safe. Again I'm sorry." Victor nudged her apologetically and affectionately. (Sorry busy )
"It's okay, hard to keep me safe when you're legally blind now." She cooed teasingly. They finally reached the top of the stairs but did not pull away from his side, her hold on him only relaxed minorly. The door to the basement they'd just reappeared at was tucked between the kitchen, nothing lavish but certainly enough for her, and the dining room who's only features were a chandelier crafted from impressive racks of antlers from both moose, elk and deer, and a large wooden table with a large Celtic knot carved into it's surface and polished in a rich stain.

The house may not have been large but it was cozy and screamed home, Kate was instantly soothed and lax by just being there.

As they continued they passed a wide window who's curtains were drawn back, a large bramble of wild raspberry bushes in view. She pulled the curtain and closed it gently, not wanting any unexpected visitors or prying eyes. The living room had dark cherry wood flooring that continued into the dining room, but stopped where tile began in the kitchen. Over the center of the floor was a large rug-like tapestry with her family's crest, a clear glass coffee table seemed to frame it in the center of the room. The crest was a black wolf and a Pheonix circling each other around a skull that had been penetrated with a broad sword, a helmet resting on it's hilt showing the pride of war her father was so always infatuated with. In honesty, Victor and him probably would've gotten along great, she thought to herself. The mantle held a few framed photos of Kate and her father, a proud, broad man with no fear and a strong posture, a mighty alpha in his absolute prime. But in the photos there were no pack members, no other wolves, not even a mate. The photo on the far left displayed him holding a small girl that could only have been Kate, her amber eyes even more luminous in her youth, with a bass on a line almost as big as she was. The next was of her father holding a small black pup with massive paws that splayed across his hand, pride exploding out of the grin on his face. The third and final was possibly Kate's favorite photo in the entire world, two wolves sitting next to a large buck but only one of them had a bloody muzzle and it was Kate, her first successful hunt alone. Her father sitting next to her at that age while they were both shifted was priceless. Both coats were black but Kate's held a deep shine that made it seem she never began or ended, her fathers coat was the type you would see coming with the shadows but be too scared to move. He stood over five feet at the shoulder in his powerful form, dwarfing Kate's unmatured stature but he had a glowful pride, his slate blue eyes beaming proudly. There was an identical picture in the hall but instead of wolves next to the kill it was people, a small joke that no one ever caught. The living room was also host to a large sectional sofa and a cozy reclining leather chair with a matching foot stool. On the wall opposing the picture was an entertainment center, a large flat screen at dead center. She brushed a bit of dust off the wood as they passed and headed toward the hallway.
Sometime after the movie Luna drove the girls to the Hardware store "Alrighty Kira, what do you need?"


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