Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"Anther, what's a hobby you really love? Dream career, more like," Saika asked. "Hmm, a musical instrument seems to fit you," she added, head tilted. Mayako smiled.

"Then you're right!" she said.

"Aah, so you're a musician, Anther?" Saika questioned.
I nodded my head at her, a smile on my face. "Yes I am, I generally sing and I play the guitar. And from the looks of it Mayako can sing pretty good, so I can't take all credit for being good." I looked over at Mayako, a smile upon my face. I squeezed her hand, still playing along with fingers.
"Ah, I can't take credit. You know I'm more into painting and paper maches and things," Mayako grinned, also playing with Anther's fingers. "You have the kind of soothing voice when you sing, Anther," she told him. Saika smiled at them, looking pleased.

"You two make a cute couple," she commented. "I bet they're a lot of people who think so too, huh?" Saika said.
I rolled my eyes a bit, letting a out a little sigh. "Well, yeah I guess. I mostly get it from this girl over here." I nudged Mayako's side a bit, a soft chuckle escaping. I never really thought of it, but I guess there were people that did think that, I never really thought of it though.
((I didn't know you replied to this! DX))

Mayako nudged Anther's side back playfully as well and giggled. "Hmm, I'd say so," she smiled. "There was a time when we took Isamu to the zoo with us," Mayako realized it then blushed remembering when a girl there had misunderstood and thought Isamu was their son. "Ehehe, Isamu was being really cute there and all like usual," she said.
I smiled at the thought of that day, little Isamu was being quite cute, looking at all the animals and giving them names and such. Then I thought back on giving him my gameboy, that was a proud moment for me, and it was a lot of trust to give a little boy, at least for me.
"Oh, Isamu, he's an adorable little one," Saika agreed. "What happened there?" she asked.

"We visited the tiger exhibit, and he got to pet a white tiger cub and also got to see an Orca show. Isamu was happy to see the animals that day," Mayako explained.

"That sounds just like him!" Saika smiled. "He's always loved animals," it was true.

Mayako giggled, remembering another thing. "Oh, and Anther gave Isamu his GameBoy Advance. It was sweet,

((Time skip to when they end their visit?))
After their conversations, Mayako walked toward the main door with Anther by her side. "Bye Auntie Saika, it was great talking with you again," she smiled.

"Drop by any time," her aunt nodded as she stood up from the couch. She then glanced at Anther. "Keep her happy, alright? I know you can," Saika grinned.
I winked at her aunt and gave her a quick thumbs up. "Bet on it." I let out a small tick with my mouth and laughed, feeling glad to have been with her at her house. After that moment my laughter faded and a soft look appeared in my face as I waved goodbye to her aunt, closing the door behind us.
"That was a nice visit, huh?" Mayako smiled gently at Anther. She was glad to still see her aunt in good humor and enthusiasm, she was always like that. "Aunt Saika played such a big part throughout my younger teenager years. Even a little before I moved into her house. She was always supporting me," Mayako said. It wasn't just Saika now either who gave her courage, it was Anther now too.
"Yeah I can see that, glad she treats you well at least." I squeezed our hands a bit, looking down at them and chuckling a bit. "Well, I don't really know what to do now, I'm still sort of in a weird trance. We've had a rather odd sleep pattern lately, you know what I mean?"
Mayako smiled and said, "Hmm yeah, I guess we have. But I like waking up in the mornings with you---even when I'm still sleepy after I'm up." The air was crisp and cold but Anther's hand on her's made it better. "I'm not sure what to do either. Maybe...we could go to a skii resort together or something. I feel like snowboarding,"
I looked up into the sky, thinking on what to do. "Hmm, that's a possibility. But it's getting dark soon, so maybe tomorrow or something. I know, let's go somewhere nicer to eat, we haven't really done that much before, so why not?" I though it seemed like a pretty good idea, at least it was something different and I'm sure she would really mind.
Mayako nodded with a grin. "Sure, we can do that," she answered. The last time they ate out in a restaurant of some kind was the cafe, she remembered. It was a nice place for atmosphere and their parfaits were always good. But Mayako would agree to something different as well. "Which place do you have in mind?" Mayako squeezed his fingers a bit just to play around.
"I don't really know. I haven't really been to super nice restraunts around here so I'm not really familiar, do you know of any places?" I left her squeezing my fingers and I decided to pull her in front of me and put her hands behind her, playing with both of them and laughing a bit as we continued to walk.
Mayako smiled when Anther pulled her in front of her then played with both of her hands. She chuckled. "You're so cute. And now that I think about it, there's a restaurant I have in mind," she said, as she started leading the way. "How does Greek-styled food sound for you?" Mayako asked Anther.
I couldn't help but keep laughing as I was talking with her, messing with her hands was pretty enjoyable. "Hmm, that' sounds interesting. Why not, I can't say I've ever really had any Greek style before. Are there any nice Greek restraunts around, I've never really tried and looked for any before. "
"Well, there's a first time for everything, right?" Mayako smiled. "I think you'll like their food. And trust me, I would know whether or not their dishes are Greek. I've been to the place," she said. Though traveling to different was interesting her parents usually restricted from going certain places.
I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Alright then it is settled. We shall go have Greek for dinner. I hope it's as good as you say, I'm trust you on the one." Stealthy, I moved my hands up a bit and tickled her lower sides, where I knew she was the most ticklish other than her neck.
Mayako jumped when she felt Anther start tickling her again, and she went into a fit of giggles. Mayako tried to move away but the attempt failed. "A-Anther!" she smiled and turned around, trying to keep his hands away from her side by holding them in hers. "You always like doing that, don't you?" Mayako couldn't help but smile even more.
I laughed a bit, ending the torturous tikkle that I was doing to Mayako. "Yeah, I guess I do. I don't really know why but it's fun to do, and I like to hear you stutter and laugh. That's about all I really know. But you like it too."
Mayako let her guard down when Anther stopped ticking her. She smiled at him. "Okay, I do like it, you've got me on that," she twirled around to Anther's side and she hugged his arm. "I think cuddling with you when we go to sleep is one of the bests, though I don't know how to pick a favorite honestly," Mayako said.
"I guess I really can't a favorite either. Let's just say their all the best? I think it's fair enough." I leaned my head over her shoulder and gave her a quick kiss. We arrived back at her apartment, the sun just beginning to set. "Alright, you get yourself ready and I'll get myself dolled up and then we'll meet up in an hour. That sound good to you?"

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