Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako nodded to the plan. "Can we meet up inside the restaurant?" she asked. "It's not too hard to miss, it's called Cerulean. Cherry Street that's down the road, and then two blocks on the left?" she said. Mayako wanted to meet up at the Cerulean so she wouldn't ruin the surprise for Anther when she dressed up.
I nodded my head as I began to let go of her hand. "Alright, I guess that sounds pretty good." Before I completely let go of her hands I thrust forward and gave her a kiss goodbye. "See you then~" I let go of her hands and looked her in the eyes before I turned around and walked away to my house.
Mayako smiled after receiving the goodbye kiss. "Yeah, I'll see you then," and she went inside the apartment then up to her room. Oreo greeted her with a friendly meow after she slipped off her boots, earmuffs, and jacket. "My cute lil' kitty," she ran her hand down the feline's head then on his back when she passed him. Mayako headed for the bathroom to take a shower.
I unlocked the door and stepped back into my home, stomping my snow encrusted boots on the ground, and taking off my jacket, laying it over the coach. I walked into the bathroom, taking off my cloths and adjusting the shower temperature to just right. I hopped in, but before I did I turned on my ipod speaker in the bathroom ,listening to the music. At a good part in the song I started singing along and flailing my arms, hitting and knocking the metal shelf that held everything. "Oh s***!" I sighed and just continued to with shower.
As Mayako sang Silent Night in her shower, she also used peach shampoo for her hair as she washed it. She got out, drying herself with the towel, then proceeded to dress into the outfit that Mayako thought seemed cute enough. A long sleeved off-the-shoulder blue top with a design of white roses budding between thorny brambles, and a ruffle black skirt that reached to about her knees.

Mayako let her hair quickly dry, and she used a straightener on her brown curls. "All of this world could decide to fall inward, and you would still linger... Something has brought us together, unspoken...fading reality, friendship and wisdom..." she was singing a song that her grandmother used to sing when she was about Mayako's age. Mayako always remembered it. Oreo slipped through the door and rubbed his head against her bare ankles. Mayako laughed during her singing.


After the few moments I was freaking out on breaking the shelf in my shower, I relaxed myself and finished washing my hair through, absorbing it's now silky feeling. I gently turned the water off, feeling the last drops of warm water dripping onto the rug that I stood on, drying myself. I walked back into my room, closing the blinds we looked through earlier that day. I went to the deepest and darkest corner of my closet, finding a nice electric black vest and a short sleeve dark silver shirt. I threw them on gently, snarling at the fact I wasn't going to be able to wear skinny jeans. I instead put on a pair of simple black slacks, slowly getting over the fact. I walked back into the bathroom, taking out my usual eye liner and putting on a thing amount as I usually did. As I was doing this I couldn't help but smile in the miror, thinking of the time we would have.
Mayako finished straightening her hair. She put on a blue pendant necklace and it sat on her collarbone, one with a silver crescent moon around the gem. It was the recent birthday gift from her father. Mayako thought she would wear it today to appreciate her father's consideration on buying such a thing---both of her parents seemed to actually miss her.

Mayako lastly put on a loose white knit beanie hat, and the jacket for when she was outside. She looked in the mirror, smiled, and fixed her hair a little. "Bye, little Oreo," Mayako said, then refilled his food and water bowl. The cat meowed with delight. Mayako exited the apartment building, then headed outside and walked to the Cerulean restaurant.
After a moment of daydreaming in the mirror I shook myself into reality, finishing the eyeliner and shutting off the lights to the bathroom. I tousled with my hair a bit as I walked into the living room to get my shoes on. After putting my shoes on and touching up the rest of my outfit, I was ready to go to the restraunt, going out the door to the location she told me.
Mayako combed her fingers through her now straight hair a little while she waited.

It hadn't been long when Anther showed, she spotted him walking down the street toward her. When he approached Mayako smiled at him. "You look really nice, Anther," she said, and hugged his arm affectionately.
I felt Mayako's warm hug envelope me, making me feel slightly better about dressing up. "I could say the same thing about you. But you look beautiful." I let go of th ehug and grasped her hand. I took a moment to look her over, seeing as she looked very nice, and for some reason I very much so liked her hat.
Mayako felt herself blush, and she squeezed his hand a little playfully as she smiled at Anther. "Thanks! C'mon, let's get ourselves a table, huh?" she walked inside Cerulean with him. They were greeted by the hostess, who smiled friendily.

"Table for two?" she asked.

Mayako nodded. "Yes," she answered.

"Then right this way," the hostess led them both.
With Mayako in hand, we followed the hostess to our table, a simple round table with deep blue tablecloth, and a typical candle in the middle, to be expected of course. Politely, I walked over quickly and pulled out her seat, letting her sit and then pushing it back in, returning to my own seat as well.
Mayako smiled at Anther, and she saw the hostess mouth, 'Awww' when she saw him pull out the chair for Mayako. It kind of reminded her of Aunt Saika would react to them acting like a couple. The hostess handed them their menus and went away. Their waiter or waitress would come soon.

"This is a nice place, huh?" Mayako said. Though she was more of a person who didn't need fancy-looking things to be comfortable, she did like the atmosphere in Cerulean.
I looked around, not being able to help but smile a bit at all the fancy apparel. "Yeah, no kidding huh..." I had never really been in a place like this too many times, my family usually had a personal chef at home to prepare whatever could please us. I picked up my menu and looked at the array of fancy items, many mind boggling and weird.
"This place has awesome food," Mayako looked over the menu, already knowing what to have though looking over other things in case they had new dishes. She hasn't been to this restaurant in a while. The waitress approached their table with a smile. "Hi, how are you doing tonight?"

"Great," Mayako answered cheerfully.

"Good to hear! My name is Joanne, I'm your waitress for tonight. Have you decided on drinks?" she had her notepad in hand.

Mayako replied, "I'll have a Cola."
i looked through the menu for drinks, finding something that would seem rather different and exciting. I peered over the menu and looked over at Mayako. "Say, it's a rather special day. Why not get something along the lines of a bottle of wine, I know you're not much of a drinker, but this is a special occasion wouldn't you say?"
Mayako looked at Anther and grinned. "Yeah, it is. It's a habit ordering for Cola," she answered, then turned to her attention to their waitress, Joanne. "What do you recommend?" she asked her.

"My personal favorite is the Amoreux."

Mayako nodded. "Then I'll have that," she smiled.

Joanne wrote it down. "And what will the gentleman have?"
I pondered at the menu a bit longer before looking back up. "We'll just take a bottle of that, I'll take your word that it's nice." I smiled at her as she bowed and walked away to get our drinks. "Well I hope it's good. Sounds like it at least." I laughed a bit before returning to my menu, looking at all the seemingly unique names that it held.
"I already know what I'm getting," Mayako set down her menu. She looked at Anther as he was still looking over the menu, looking like he was considering his options in a thoughtful manner. Mayako smiled dreamily. "Heh, you look really cute. Well, you always do," she said. She was happy she met Anther and fell in love with him.

Mayako rested her hand under her chin. "Do you know what you're gonna get?"
I had an overly confused look on my face, turning the menu upside down and still reading it. "I might as well read it like this. I don't know what most of these things are. And they don't really say what it is or at least what it is like. What about you, what can you recommend for me." I noticed her dreamy state, I knew she was fantasizing about something.
Mayako looked at Anther, getting out of her dreaming state when he asked her a question. "I recommend the yemista," she said the Greek food name almost as easily as it were her native language. "I got that every time I came here. It's baked stuffed vegetables," Mayako explained. "Really good."
I shrugged my head, a rather optimistic look on my face. "Alright, why not I guess. Can't hurt to see what it's like, and if you say so" I sat my menu down and a soft smile crossed my face. I looked back up to see Mayako, she looked more beautiful then ever. I started to laugh a bit. "I just can't get over it. I just love that hat for some reason."
Mayako smiled, touching the back of the beanie she was wearing. "It's nothing special, really. But I guess I should wear it more often since you like it?" she asked, then giggled. "You've dressed up nicely yourself too, y'know." And Mayako grinned. She really adored that soft smile of Anther's, it gave her comfort like it always did.
"Yeah I guess so, though it's not a sight you'll commonly see, so soak it in while you can" I laughed a bit before resting my head upon my hand, staring at Mayako, getting lost in my daydreams. "This could almost be perfect..."
Mayako smiled at Anther, seeing the dream lost look in his eyes. "Hm? Perfect...?" she repeated, blushing a bit. "Well, with you...this right now feels almost perfect, yes," she nodded. Mayako felt like holding Anther's hand again.

Joanne walked up to them, a bottle of wine being held carefully in her hands. "Here you are. Your drink for tonight," she smiled, and poured some of the Amoreux into their curved glasses.

"Thank you." Mayako said with a brief bow of her head. It was something she sometimes did unknowingly whenever being in a fine restaurant---her parents hammered traditional manners into her head.

"Your welcome. Have you decided on food?"

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